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Renal Failure and Treatment
Vicky Jefferson, RN, CNN Satellite Dialysis (modified by Kelle Howard, RN, MSN)
Bones can break, muscles can atrophy, glands can loaf, even the brain can go to sleep without immediate danger to survival. But -- should kidneys fail.... neither bone, muscle, nor brain could carry on. Homer Smith, Ph.D.
REVIEW What are nephrons? What are the functions of the kidneys?
Normal creatinine & BUN? Diagnostic tools Nephrons basic functional component of the kindey millions of nephrons in each kidney Can service with 90% loss of nephons without dialysis. 3
Functions of the Kidneys
Regulates ______ & _________ of extracellular fluid Regulates fluid & electrolyte balance thru processes of: glomerular__________, tubular _________, and tubular _____________. Name some of the F & Es regulated by kidneys __________________ Volume & composition filtration, reabsorption, secretion Na, K, HCO3, H, 4/19/2017 4 4
Functions of the Kidneys (cont)
Regulates acid-base balance through HCO3 and H+ *Hormonal functions: (BP control), multisystem effect. Renin Release RAAS= 4/19/2017 5 5
Functions of the Kidneys (cont)
Erythropoietin Release If a patient has chronic renal failure, what condition will occur? WHY??? 4/19/2017 6 6
Functions of the Kidneys (cont)
Activate Vitamin D Necessary to absorb Calcium in the GI tract. If a patient has renal failure, what will happen to the patient’s serum calcium level? __________________ 4/19/2017
Functions of the Kidneys
_______________ ______________
Diagnostic Tools for Assessing Renal Failure
Blood Tests BUN Creatinine K+ PO4 Ca Urinalysis Specific gravity Protein Creatinine clearance
BUN Normal 10-30 mg/dl Nitrogenous waste product of protein metabolism
Unreliable in measurement of renal function
Creatinine A waste product of muscle metabolism
Normal value mg/dl 2 times normal = 50% damage 8 times normal = 75% damage 10 times normal = 90% damage Exception -_______________________ Muscle trauma
Diagnostic Tools Biopsy Ultrasound X-Rays
Chronic Renal Failure Slow progressive renal disorder related to nephron loss, occurring over months to years Culminates in End Stage Renal Disease
Characteristics of Chronic Renal Failure
Cause & onset often unknown Loss of function precedes lab abnormalities Lab abnormalities precede symptoms Symptoms (usually) evolve in orderly sequence Renal size is usually decreased
Causes of Chronic Renal Failure
Diabetes Hypertension Glomerulonephritis Cystic disorders Developmental - Congenital Infectious Disease
Causes of Chronic Renal Failure
Neoplasms Obstructive disorders Autoimmune diseases Hepatorenal failure Scleroderma Amyloidosis Drug toxicity
Glomerular Filtration Rate GFR
24 hour urine for creatinine clearance Most accurate indicator of Renal Function Reflects GFR Formula: urine creatinine X urine volume serum creatinine Can estimate creatinine clearance by: Men: {140 – age} x IBW (kg) 72 x serum creatinine Women: {140 – age} x IBW (kg) 85 x serum creatinine What is a normal GFR?
Stages of Chronic Renal Failure Old System
Reduced Renal Reserve Renal Insufficiency End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
Stages of Chronic Renal Failure NKF Classification System
GFR >/= 90 ml/min despite kidney damage
Stages of Chronic Renal Failure NKF Classification System
Stage 2: Mild reduction (GFR 60 – 89 ml/min) 1. GFR of 60 may represent 50% loss in function. 2. Parathyroid hormones starts to increase.
During Stage 1 - 2 No symptoms Serum creatinine doubles
Up to 50% nephron loss
Stages of Chronic Renal Failure NKF Classification System
Stage 3: Moderate reduction (GFR 30 – 59 ml/min) 1. Calcium absorption decreases 2. Malnutrition onset 3. Anemia 4. Left ventricular hypertrophy
Stages of Chronic Renal Failure NKF Classification System
Stage 4: Severe reduction (GFR 15 – 29 ml/min) 1. Serum triglycerides increase 2. Hyperphosphatemia 3. Metabolic acidosis 4. Hyperkalemia
During Stage 3 - 4 Signs and symptoms worsen if kidneys are stressed
Decreased ability to maintain homeostasis
During stages 3 - 4 75% nephron loss
Decreased: glomerular filtration rate, solute clearance, ability to concentrate urine and hormone secretion Symptoms: elevated BUN & Creatinine, mild azotemia, anemia
Stages of Chronic Renal Failure NKF Classification System
Stage 5: Kidney failure (GFR < 15 ml/min) 1. Azotemia
During Stage 5 End Stage Renal Disease
Residual function < 15% of normal Excretory, regulatory and hormonal functions severely impaired. Metabolic acidosis Marked increase in: BUN, Creatinine, Phosphorous Marked decrease in: Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, Calcium Fluid overload
During Stage 5 Uremic syndrome develops affecting all body systems
can be diminished with early diagnosis & treatment Last stage of progressive CRF Fatal if no treatment
Manifestations of Chronic Uremia
Fig. 47-5
What happens when the kidneys don’t function correctly?
Manifestations of CRF Nervous System
Mood swings Impaired judgment Inability to concentrate and perform simple math functions Tremors, twitching, convulsions Peripheral Neuropathy
Manifestations of CRF Skin
Pale, grayish-bronze color Dry scaly Severe itching Bruise easily Uremic frost
Manifestations of CRF Eyes
Visual blurring Blindness
Manifestations of CRF Fluid - Electrolyte - pH
Volume expansion and fluid overload Metabolic Acidosis Change in urine specific gravity Electrolyte Imbalances Potassium Magnesium Sodium
Manifestations of CRF GI Tract
Uremic fetor Anorexia, nausea, vomiting GI bleeding
Manifestations of CRF Hematologic
Anemia Platelet dysfunction
Manifestations of CRF Musculoskeletal
Muscle cramps Soft tissue calcifications Weakness Related to calcium phosphorous imbalances RENAL OSTEODYSTROPHY
Calcium-Phosphorous Balance
Manifestations of CRF Heart - Lungs
Hypertension Congestive heart failure Pericarditis Pulmonary edema Pleural effusions Atherosclerotic vascular disease* Cardiac dysrhythmias
Manifestations of CRF Endocrine - Metabolic
Erythropoietin production decreased Hypothyroidism Insulin resistance Growth hormone decreased Gonadal dysfunction Parathyroid hormone and Vitamin D3 Hyperlipidemia
Treatment Options Conservative Therapy Hemodialysis
Peritoneal Dialysis Transplant Nothing
Conservative Treatment Goals
Detect & treat potentially reversible causes of renal failure Preserve existing renal function Treat manifestations Prevent complications Provide for comfort Heart failure, dehydration, infection, nephrotoxins, urinary traxt obstructions, glomerulonephritis, renal artery stenosis
Conservative Treatment
Control Hyperkalemia Hypertension Hyperphosphatemia Hyperparthryoidism Hyperglycemia Anemia Dyslipidemia Hypothyroidism Nutrition
Hemodialysis Removal of soluble substances and water from the blood by diffusion through a semi-permeable membrane.
History Early animal experiments began 1913
1st human dialysis 1940’s by Dutch physician Willem Kolff (2 of 17 patients survived) Considered experimental through 1950’s, No intermittent blood access; for acute renal failure only.
History cont’d 1960 Dr. Scribner developed Scribner Shunt
1960’s Machines expensive, scarce, no funding. “Death Panels” panels within community decided who got to dialyze.
Hemodialysis Process Blood removed from patient into the extracorporeal circuit. Diffusion and ultrafiltration take place in the dialyzer. Cleaned blood returned to patient.
Extracorporeal Circuit
How Hemodialysis Works
Vascular Access Arterio-venous shunt (Scribner External Shunt)
Arterio-venous (AV) Fistula PTFE Graft Temporary catheters “Permanent” catheters
Scribner Shunt External- one end into artery, one into vein.
Advantages place at bedside use immediately Disadvantages infection skin erosion accidental separation limits use of extremity
Arterio-venous (AV) Fistula Primary Fistula
Patients own artery and vein surgically anastomosed. Advantages patients own vein longevity low infection and thrombosis rates Disadvantages long time to mature, 1- 6 months “steal” syndrome requires needle sticks
PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) Graft
Synthetic “vessel” anastomosed into an artery and vein. Advantages for people with inadequate vessels can be used in 1-4 weeks prominent vessels Disadvantages clots easily “steal” syndrome more frequent requires needle sticks infection may necessitate removal of graft
Temporary Catheters Dual lumen catheter placed into a central vein-subclavian, jugular or femoral. Advantages immediate use no needle sticks Disadvantages high incidence of infection subclavian vein stenosis poor flow-inadequate dialysis clotting restricts movement
Cuffed Tunneled Catheters
Dual lumen catheter with Dacron cuff surgically tunneled into subclavian, jugular or femoral vein. Advantages immediate use can be used for patients that can have no other permanent access no needle sticks Disadvantages high incidence of infection poor flows result in inadequate dialysis clotting
Care of Vascular Access
NO BP’s, needle sticks to arm with vascular access. This includes finger sticks. Place ID bands on other arm whenever possible. Palpate thrill and listen for bruit. Teach patient nothing constrictive.
Potential Complications of Hemodialysis
During dialysis Fluid and electrolyte related hypotension Cardiovascular arrythmias Associated with the extracorporeal circuit exsanguination Neurologic Disequilibrium Syndrome & seizures Musculoskeletal cramping Other fever & sepsis blood born diseases
Potential Complications of Hemodialysis
Between treatments Hypertension/Hypotension Edema Pulmonary edema Hyperkalemia Bleeding Clotting of access
Complications of Hemodialysis cont’d
Long term Metabolic hyperparathyroidism diabetic complications *Cardiovascular CHF AV access failure cardiovascular disease Respiratory pulmonary edema Neuromuscular neuropathy
Complications of Hemodialysis cont’d
Long term cont’d Hematologic anemia GI bleeding Dermatologic calcium phosphorous deposits Rheumatologic amyloid deposits
Complications of Hemodialysis cont’d
Long term cont’d Genitourinary infection sexual dysfunction Psychiatric depression *Infection blood borne pathogens
Dietary Restrictions on Hemodialysis
Fluid restrictions Phosphorous restrictions Potassium restrictions Sodium restrictions Protein to maintain nitrogen balance too high - waste products too low - decreased albumin, increased mortality Calories to maintain or reach ideal weight
Peritoneal Dialysis Removal of soluble substances and water from the blood by diffusion through a semi-permeable membrane that is intracorporeal (inside the body).
Types of Peritoneal Dialysis
CAPD: Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis CCPD: Continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis Aka. APD – Automated Peritoneal Dialysis IPD: Intermittent peritoneal dialysis
CAPD Catheter into peritoneal cavity Exchanges 4 - 5 times per day
Treatment 24 hours; 7 days a week Solution remains in peritoneal cavity except during drain time Independent treatment
Phases of A Peritoneal Dialysis Exchange
Fill: fluid infused into peritoneal cavity Dwell: time fluid remains in peritoneal cavity Drain: time fluid drains from peritoneal cavity
Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis
Infection peritonitis tunnel infections catheter exit site Hypervolemia hypertension pulmonary edema Hypovolemia hypotension Hyperglycemia Malnutrition
Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis cont’d
Obesity Hypokalemia Hernia Cuff erosion Low back pain Hyperlipidemia
Advantages of CAPD Independence for patient No needle sticks
Better blood pressure control Some diabetics add insulin to solution Fewer dietary restrictions protein loses in dialysate generally need increased potassium less fluid restrictions
Peritoneal Catheter Exit Site
Medications Common to Dialysis Patients
Vitamins - water soluble Phosphate binder ---- GIVE WITH MEALS Phoslo (calcium acetate) Renagel (sevelamere hydrochloride) Caltrate (calcium cabonate) Amphojel (aluminum hydroxide) Iron Supplements – don’t give with phosphate binder or calcium Antihypertensives - hold prior to dialysis Calcium may inhibit absorption of iron
Medications Common to Dialysis Patients cont’d
Erythropoietin Calcium Supplements Between meals, not with iron Activated Vitamin D3 aids in calcium absorption Antibiotics hold dose prior to dialysis if it dialyzes out
Medications Many drugs or their metabolites are excreted by the kidney
Dosages many change when used in renal failure patients Dialyzability many removed by dialysis varies between HD and PD
Patient Education Alleviate fear Dialysis process
Fistula/catheter care Diet and fluid restrictions Medication Diabetic teaching
Transplantation Treatment not cure
Kidney Awaiting Transplant
Transplanted Kidney
Advantages Restoration of “normal” renal function
Freedom from dialysis Return to “normal” life Reverses pathophysiological changes related to Renal Failure Less expensive than dialysis after 1st year
Disadvantages Life long medications
Multiple side effects from medication Increased risk of tumor Increased risk of infection Major surgery
Care of the Recipient Major surgery with general anesthesia
Assessment of renal function Assessment of fluid and electrolyte balance Prevention of infection Prevention and management of rejection
Function ATN? (acute tubular necrosis)
50% experience Urine output >100 <500 cc/hr BUN, creatinine, creatinine clearance Fluid Balance Ultrasound Renal scans Renal biopsy
Fluid & Electrolyte Balance
Accurate I & O CRITICAL TO AVOID DEHYDRATION Output normal - >100 <500 cc/hr, could be 1-2 L/hr Potential for volume overload/deficit Daily weights Postassium (K+)___________ Sodium (Na) _____________ Blood sugrar _____________
Prevention of Infection
Major complication of transplantation due to immunosuppression HANDWASHING Crowds, Kids Patient Education
Rejection Hyperacute - preformed antibodies to donor antigen
function ceases within 24 hours Rx = removal Accelerated - same as hyperacute but slower, 1st week to month
Rejection cont’d Acute - generally after 1st 10 days to end of 2nd month 50% experience must differentiate between rejection and cyclosporine toxicity Rx = steroids, monoclonal (OKT3), or polyclonal (HTG) antibodies
Rejection cont’d Chronic - gradual process of graft dysfunction
Repeated rejection episodes that have not been completely resolved with treatment 4 months to years after transplant Rx = return to dialysis or re-transplantation
Immunosuppressant Drugs
Prednisone prevents infiltration of T lymphocytes Side effects cushingnoid changes avascular necrosis GI disturbances diabetes infection risk of tumor
Immunosuppressant Drugs cont’d
Azathioprine (Imuran) Prevents rapid growing lymphocytes Side Effects bone marrow toxicity hepatotoxicity hair loss infection risk of tumor
Immunosuppressant Drugs cont’d
Cyclosporin Interferes with production of interleukin 2 which is necessary for growth and activation of T lymphocytes. Side Effects Nephrotoxicity HTN Hepatotoxicity Gingival hyperplasia Infection
Immunosuppressant Drugs cont’d
Cytoxan - in place of Imuran less toxic FK x more potent than Cyclosporin Prograf Cellcept
Immunosuppressant Drugs cont’d
OKT3 - monoclonal antibody used to treat rejection or induce immunosuppression decreases CD3 cells within 1 hour Side effects anaphylaxis fever/chills pulmonary edema risk of infection tumors 1st dose reaction expected & wanted, pre-treat with Benadryl, Tylenol, Solumedrol
Immunosuppressant Drugs cont’d
Atgam - polyclonal antibody used to treat rejection or induce immunosuppression decreased number of T lymphocytes Side effects anaphylaxis fever chills leukopenia thrombocytopenia risk of infection tumor
Patient Education Signs of infection Prevention of infection
Signs of rejection decreased urine output increased weight gain tenderness over kidney fever > 100 degrees F Medications time, dose, side effects
Exclusion for Transplant
Exclusion for Transplant not limited too Active vasculitis; or Life threatening extrarenal congenital abnormalities; or Untreated coagulation disorder; or Ongoing alcohol or drug abuse; or Age over 70 years with severe co-morbidities; or Severe neurological or mental impairment, in persons without adequate social support, such that the person is unable to adhere to the regimen necessary to preserve the transplant.
Exclusion for Transplant
Exclusion for Transplant not limited too Active vasculitis; or Life threatening extrarenal congenital abnormalities; or Untreated coagulation disorder; or Ongoing alcohol or drug abuse; or Age over 70 years with severe co-morbidities; or Severe neurological or mental impairment, in persons without adequate social support, such that the person is unable to adhere to the regimen necessary to preserve the transplant.
Official Criteria for Deceased Donors
Usually irreversible brain injury MVA, gunshot wounds, hemorrhage, anoxic brain injury from MI Must have effective cardiac function Must be supported by ventilator to preserve organs Age 2-70 No IV drug use, HTN, DM, Malignancies, Sepsis, disease Permission from legal next of kin & pronoucement of death made by MD
Official Criteria for Living Donors
Psychiatric evaluation Anesthesia evaluation Medical Evaluation Free from diseases listed under deceased donor criteria Kidney function evaluated Crossmatches done at time of evaluation and 1 week prior to procedure Radiological evaluation
Nurses Role in Event of Potential Donation
Notify TOSA of possible organ donation Identify possible donors Make referral in timely manner Do not discuss organ donation with family Offer support to families after referral is made & donation coordinator has met with family
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