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The Gambia – Eco Tourism

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Presentation on theme: "The Gambia – Eco Tourism"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Gambia – Eco Tourism
Name 2 economic reasons for the growth of tourism Name 2 social reasons for the growth of tourism Name 2 negative economic impacts of tourism Name 2 negative environmental impacts of tourism Name 2 negative social impacts of tourism

2 Draw down the principles of ecotourism diagram pg 301

3 What do you think Footsteps does to be a sustainable eco tourism resort? What doesn’t it do?


5 Ecotourism- Footsteps the Gambia
Write a definition of ecotourism around the outside of the foot. Divide up the sole of your foot into Economic, Social and Environmental effects of Ecotourism. Use the information on page 302,303 to add key points Draw a sketch map of where Footsteps is and where the Gambia is On each of the toes, write a key FACT about ecotourism.

6 Describe and explain how the environment of an ecotourist destination, that you have studied, has been protected (6 marks) jan 2012 In Gambia, Footsteps, an eco tourist destination near the River and the coast and Banjul (cap City). Fresh water pools- this will help protect the envi b/c not using harmful chemicals and the reeds beds are helping clean the pool- it is the only 1 in w af Huts are made from local mat- env b/c reduces deforestation, materials have a smaller distance to travel, harmful materials not used…. Solar and wind power- 100% own energy – envi b/c cuts down propaine gas, not release GHG, makes them sus

7 Homework- revise for your test on THURSDAY and research about Footsteps in The Gambia to get more information about how it is sustainable

8 Ecotourism- Footsteps the Gambia

9 The Gambia- Eco tourism case study
Draw a map of The Gambia Write down the negative effects of tourism in The Gambia under economic, social and environmental For each of the 7 points on page 123 explain what that means for tourism in Gambia E.g. ‘They travel from the airport to the hotel in a coach bought from France- this means that money from manufacturing and processing the coach goes to France not the Gambia. Answer question 5

10 The Gambia- Eco tourism pg 301
Draw down the principles of ecotourism diagram Footsteps case study: What different ways is footsteps environmentally friendly? How is footsteps more socially sustainable? How does the money go directly to locals? Describe and explain how the environment of an ecotourist destination, that you have studied, has been protected (6 marks) Remember you must have KEY FACTS!! How many people does it employ? How much profit does it give to local communities? What is the name of the local town?

11 The Gambia – Eco Tourism
Name 2 positive economic impacts of tourism Name 2 positive environmental impacts of tourism Name 2 positive social impacts of tourism

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