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QUESTIONS 1 and 2 Questions 1 and 2  There are TWO questions.  You will see the directions and text.  You will hear the directions.  45 seconds.

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2 QUESTIONS 1 and 2

3 Questions 1 and 2

4  There are TWO questions.  You will see the directions and text.  You will hear the directions.  45 seconds to prepare.  45 seconds to read  recorded Questions 1 and 2

5  2 scores:  Pronunciation  Intonation and Stress Questions 1 and 2


7  V vs. W Velma, the violent villain is waiting and watching vigilantly. Wise women don't walk in the woods while wolves wander. Questions 1 and 2

8  R vs. L Really leery, rarely Larry. Red lorry, yellow lorry. A loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule. Questions 1 and 2

9  Th vs. S Three thirsty singers are thinking about saying things that are sensational. They might say that these sentences are not very good, but I think they are great! Thirteen thin and thoughtless men were seeking some thistles in the field. They were very thorough, though they only searched on Thursdays. Questions 1 and 2

10  Sometimes it’s not easy for adults to change the pronunciation of individual sounds, like "l" "r“, “v”, “z”, etc.  It takes a lot of time and practice, and …  it does not always make a big difference in terms of comprehension.  Correct intonation, stress, and rhythm are more critical to comprehension.

11  2 scores:  Pronunciation  Intonation and Stress Questions 1 and 2


13  Questions Statements WH questions YES / NO Who What When Where Why How Are …? Is …? Can …? Do …? Does …? Did …? Uncertain (not sure)

14  Pay attention to punctuation marks.  Comma,  Period.  Question mark?  Go up a little before a fall.  Go down a little before a rise.  Don’t start too high or too low. Start a statement at mid-pitch. Questions 1 and 2

15 Answer: I am going to see a movie …

16  A: Waiter! Waiter! There's a fly in my soup!  B: A fly in your soup? What's it doing there?  A: I have no idea.  B: Well, what do you want me to do about it?  A: I want you to come and get it out.  B: All right. Calm down. I'll be there in a few minutes.

17 total syllables Shapestressed syllable PHOTOGRAPH3#1 PHOTOGRAPHER4#2 PHOTOGRAPHIC4#3 Questions 1 and 2 PHO TO GRAPH We say one syllable more loudly. PHO TO GRAPH ER PHO TO GRAPH IC Listen for the STRESSED syllables, not the weak syllables. Using word stress in your speech can improve your pronunciation and your comprehension.

18  dessert  desSERT  desert  DEsert Questions 1 and 2 BE CAREFUL: Some words have the same spelling but different syllable stress.

19  increase Noun: INcrease "There's an increase in the number of students."  Verb: inCREASE "Numbers are increasing."  present Noun: PREsent "He gave her a present." Verb: preSENT "He's going to present his findings."  More examples More examples Questions 1 and 2

20 1) Stress Each Syllable O 0000 o O ooo oo O oo ooo O o oooo O 2) Where is the correct stress? Questions 1 and 2

21 1) Stress Each Syllable O 0000 o O ooo oo O oo ooo O o oooo O 2) Where is the correct stress?  promotional(HW)  discontinued(HW)  approximately  memorable  accommodation  hospitality  extravaganza  participating  university  international  individual  intonation  pronunciation  vocabulary Questions 1 and 2


23 1) One word, one stress. 2) The stress is always on a vowel.  Other rules Other rules  Video Video Questions 1 and 2 RULE: These are NOT fixed rules. There can be exceptions 예외 / 제외 / 이의.

24  The best way to learn is from experience. Listen carefully to spoken English.  Be familiar with how to use English dictionaries.  Phonetic pronunciation  Word stress Questions 1 and 2

25 Photo--------  If you do not hear a word clearly, you can still understand the word because of the position of the stress.

26 Questions 1 and 2 Stressed = strong / loud Non-stressed = reduced (weaker); dropped  Sometimes, you don’t hear some syllables

27  chocolate CHOC’late  camera CAM’ra  evening EV’ning Questions 1 and 2 Stressed = loud Not stressed = drop

28  Content words  stressed  Function words  non-stressed  Questions 1 and 2

29  Reduce (drop)  Link Questions 1 and 2

30  “… and...”  “… for...”  “… to …”  “… of …” Questions 1 and 2

31  “Let me think about that.”  “He is an actor.”  “Ask him what he wants.”  “Do you want to … ?”  “What do you … ?” Questions 1 and 2

32  Page 90  QUESTION 145 seconds preparation time  Try to – reduce / link  Circle/underline words that are difficult to pronounce.

33 Questions 1 and 2  Page 90  QUESTION 245 seconds preparation time  Try to – reduce / link  VOCABULARY WORDS



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