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Museum Association of New York We Are MANY. Our Mission and Vision MANY’s vision is to strengthen and connect the museums, and museum professionals of.

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Presentation on theme: "Museum Association of New York We Are MANY. Our Mission and Vision MANY’s vision is to strengthen and connect the museums, and museum professionals of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Museum Association of New York We Are MANY

2 Our Mission and Vision MANY’s vision is to strengthen and connect the museums, and museum professionals of New York State. The Association provides innovative professional development, facilitates resource sharing, fosters professional collaboration, and advocates for the value and impact of New York State’s museums.

3 What do we do? Advocacy for New York Museums Professional Development Annual Conference and Other Events Grants and Awards

4 Advocacy for New York Museums Provide museums and historical societies with... Advocacy, Legislative & Policy Updates NYS Executive Budget Museum Education Act New York State History Commission Bill New York’s Voice in Washington on Culture NYS & Federal Legislative Contact Information Information on other Museum Organizations

5 Professional Development Job Listings Online Courses Online Resources for Museum Planning and Disaster Response Publications + Resources Salary + Benefits Survey eNewsletter Archive Field Report Archive Sample forms for governance, planning, and evaluation Reviews of Collections Management Software

6 Annual Conference and Other Events Museums in Action Conference 2015 “Museums Mean Business” Took Place April 12-14 Corning Museum of Glass Over 400 Participants Record-Breaking Amount of Sponsorship Over-flowed Conference Hotel 2016 Conference To Be Held In Lake Placid

7 Grants and Awards Mini Grants Up to $5,000 Modest Planning and/or Implementation of Projects Board, Audience, Membership, or Program Development Strategic or Long-range planning Staff Training Marketing Museum Education Work with a consultant Travel Grants Up to $1,000 Travel and/or registration fees for... Professional Conferences View Exemplary Exhibits, Collections, Interpretive Programs Conduct Research Training Courses

8 Regional Board Representation MANY board is now organized to have representation from each of the State’s 10 Regional Economic Development Council regions

9 Strategic Partnership Opportunities MANY can help local TPA’s and NYSTIA facilitate relationships with the state’s heritage and museum community. MANY stands ready to partner with NYSTIA to open lines of communications between the museum community and the tourism marketing professionals.

10 Museums as Travel Destinations Nationally: There are approximately 850 million visits each year to American museums, more than the attendance for all major league sporting events and theme parks combined (483 million in 2011). Museums also receive an additional 550 million plus online visits a year just from adults, a number that continues to grow.

11 In determining America’s Best Cities, placed the greatest weight on “leisure amenities [including density of museums], followed by educational metrics and economic metrics…then crime and air quality.”

12 What it Means to the Tourism Market: Seventy-eight percent of all U.S. leisure travelers participate in cultural or heritage activities such as visiting museums. These travelers spend 63 percent more on average than other leisure travelers.

13 What it Means for New York: In Spring of 2015, the Museums Association of New York, in partnership with the NYS Education Department, commissioned a study by the Cultural Data Project (CDP) of the funding, expenditures, staffing, and other data measures to better understand Museums in the State of New York. Data for the study are available for 246 Museums and related organizations in the state. Calculations are based on data for the Most Recent Fiscal Year available for each organization, from FY2011 forward.

14 Museums by Discipline:

15 Employment:

16 Total direct expenditures: $1,798,642,469

17 Attendance

18 Join us! Join Online at www.manyonline Individual Membership Benefits ●E-newsletter. ●Information and referrals by phone and email. ●Individual Discounts on registration fees at annual conference, workshops, and online courses. ●Opportunity to join the Online Discussion Group. ●Purchase the biennial salary and benefits survey at a discount. ●Vote at our annual meeting. Organizational Membership Based on Budget Size Benefits ●Discounts on Museum in Action conference registration fees 20% discount on all publications, position listings and premium publications ●Discounts on products such as: Gaylord archival supplies, OnCell’s mobile tour services (for new OnCell customers only) ●Opportunity to join the MANY Members Google Group ●eConnections - the only publication for the state’s museum community ●A Seat at the Table for advocacy. Organizational members receive frequent advocacy alerts, materials to use in their own advocacy efforts, and a free copy of the Legislative Guide. ●Issues Analysis. MANY regularly canvasses its members on emerging trends and critical issues. We share what you have to say with government officials and the field through white papers, articles and presentations. ●Salary and Benefits Survey. ●Vote at our annual meeting.

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