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Academic Year 2014 Spring. MODULE CC3005NI: Advanced Database Systems Academic Year 2014 Spring.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Year 2014 Spring. MODULE CC3005NI: Advanced Database Systems Academic Year 2014 Spring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Year 2014 Spring

2 MODULE CC3005NI: Advanced Database Systems Academic Year 2014 Spring

3 Agenda:  Structure of the Course  Module Leaders  Lecturers and Tutors  Module Aim  Learning Outcomes  Assessment  Expectation from students  Topics covered in Project Planning and Management

4 Structure of the Course:  1 Lecture (1.5 hours/week)  1 Tutorial / Seminar sessions (1 hour/week)  1 Computer lab (1.5 hours/week)  Individual practical work using case study and hands on exercise  Self Study

5 Module Leaders: London Metropolitan University Dr. Fang Fang Cai Islington College, Nepal Mr. Manish Kansakar

6 Module Aim:  Module aims to build upon students’ general understanding of database systems acquired in the prerequisite module.  Module enable students to gain in-depth understanding of various issues pertinent to the development and management of a modern database system.  Module also introduces current database research topics thereby raising students’ clear awareness and understanding of latest development and future trend in database subject area.

7 Module Aim (cont.…):  A substantial practical element is integrated into the module to enable students to design relatively complex database systems using CASE tools (using Oracle designer as an example toolset).

8 Learning Outcome:  Demonstrate a clear understanding of the various key issues which affect database systems and their performance.  Demonstrate an enhanced awareness of some current developments in the database area.  Design and develop a relatively complex database for a given business scenario, with a professional approach to the documentation of the system.

9 Assessment:  To enable the students to demonstrate their achievement on the stated learning outcomes. Specifically:  Students' knowledge and understanding of the theoretical aspects of database management systems together with an enhanced awareness of current development in subject area are assessed by an unseen examination.  Students’ practical proficiency and problem-solving skills on design of database systems are assessed by an individual coursework.

10 Assessment:  To enable the students to demonstrate their achievement on the stated learning outcomes. Specifically:  Coursework:  Design and Implementation-40%  Examination:  2 hour unseen exam-60% * To achieve an overall pass of module, students are required to gain an aggregated pass of examination and coursework.

11 What is expected from you?  Each week's lecture dealing with different topics, so attendance is important.  Attend all Lectures and Tutorial / Seminar sessions / Computer labs  Come in tutorial classes well prepared for class works.  Clear your doubts during tutorials.

12 What is expected from you?  Workshop to learn/use Oracle, gaining a potentially useful skill/knowledge.  Individual practical work using case study and hands on exercise  Download Module Specification, Lecture slides & other materials from FSERVER and LMU Server  Subjects/topics are wide-ranging, so additional wide reading and independent learning & Self Study Self Study is important & highly recommended.

13 Topics:  Module Introduction; Database architecture  Query Optimization  Database Recovery  Database concurrency  Database Security  Distributed Databases and Data Mining  Relational Integrity, Relational Algebra vs SQL  Consolidation The weekly sequence of topics are subject to change.

14 Overview:  Pre-requisite  CC2006NI – Data Modelling and Database Systems  What we have learned  Conceptual Design: ER Modeling  Logical Design: Relational Model, Normalization  Physical design: Create/ Access Database using SQL (DDL/ DML/ DCL)

15 Overview:  What we will learn:  Software to learn/use  Oracle 11g  Oracle Designer, and SQL Plus CC2006 Design/ Build Database C3005: Advanced Database Systems Implementation Maintenance Performance, etc e.g. security recovery concurrency software that handles all access to the database

16 Main References:  Connolly, T. & Begg, C. Database Systems – A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management (5th ed.), Addison Wesley, 2010  Elmasri, R. & Navathe, S. Fundamentals of Database Systems (5th ed.) Addison Wesley, 2007  Date, C. J. An Introduction to Database Systems (8th ed.), Addison­Wesley, 2004  Ramakrishnan, R. & Gehrke, J. Database Management Systems (3rd ed.), McGraw-Hill, 2003

17 Further Reading:  Rob, P., Coronel, C. & Crockett, K. Database Systems, Course Technology, 2008  Lewis, P.M., Bernstein, A. & Kifer, M. Databases and Transaction Processing: An Application-Oriented Approach, Addison-Wesley, 2002  Roiger, R & Geatz, M. Data Mining - A tutorial Based Primer, Addison-Wesley, 2003

18 Further Reading:  Ozsu, M.T. & Valduriez, P. Principles of Distributed Database Systems (2nd ed.), Prentice Hall, 1999  Prigmore, M. An Introduction to Databases with Web Applications. Prentice Hall, 2008

19 Thank you!!! Questions are WELCOME Academic Year 2014 Spring

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