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Plate Tectonics Chapter 4.

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1 Plate Tectonics Chapter 4

2 Inside the Earth Section 1

3 The composition of the Earth
The Earth is divided into three layers – the crust, the mantle and the core – based on the compounds that make up each layer.

4 A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements.
The less dense compounds make up the crust and mantle, and the densest compounds make up the core. The layers form because heavier elements are pulled toward the center of the Earth by gravity, and elements of lesser mass are found farther from the center

5 The Crust The outermost layer of Earth is the crust
Is 5 to 100 km thick The thinnest layer of Earth Two types: continental crust and oceanic crust

6 The Mantle The layer of the Earth between the crust and the core is the mantle Is much thicker than the crust and contains most of the Earth’s mass No one has ever visited the mantle; crust is too thick to drill to the mantle. Sometimes the mantle pushes through the Earth’s surface, which allows scientist to study the rock directly

7 Also study the ocean floor for clues about the mantle.
Underwater volcanoes give many clues about the composition of the mantle Is denser than the crust Volcanic vents on the ocean floor, such as this vent off the coast of Hawaii, allow magma to rise up through the crust from the mantle.

8 The Core The layer of Earth that extends from below the mantle to the center of the Earth is the core. Think it is mostly made of iron and contains smaller amounts of nickel but almost no oxygen, silicon, aluminum, or magnesium Make up roughly 1/3 of the Earth’s mass

9 The Physical Structure of the Earth
The Earth is divided into 5 physical layers – the lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, outer core, and inner core.

10 1. Lithosphere – the outermost, rigid layer of the Earth
Made of two parts: the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle Is divided into pieces called tectonic plates

11 2. Asthenosphere – a plastic layer of the mantle which pieces of the lithosphere move
Is made of solid rock that flows very slowly

12 3. Mesosphere – strong lower part of the mantle, found under the asthenosphere
Extends from the bottom of the asthenosphere to the Earth’s core

13 4. Outer Core – the liquid layer of the Earth’s core that lies beneath the mantle and surrounds the inner core

14 5. Inner Core – the solid, dense center of our planet that extends from the bottom of the outer core to the center of the Earth, which is about 6,380 km beneath the surface. (almost thousand miles)

15 Tectonic Plates Tectonic Plates are blocks of lithosphere that consist of the crust and the rigid, outermost part of the mantle. All the tectonic plates have names. Each plate fits together like a puzzle.

16 Can include just oceanic crust, or just continental crust, or a combination of the two.
The plates cover the surface of the asthenosphere, and they touch one another and move around. The lithosphere displaces the asthenosphere. Thick tectonic plates displace more asthenosphere than do thin plates.


18 Mapping the Earth’s Interior
When an earthquake happens, seismic waves are produced. Seismic waves travel at different speeds through the Earth. Their speed depends on the density and composition of material that they pass through. Seismographs are machines that measure the times at which seismic waves arrive at different distances from an earthquake. Scientists can then use these distances and travel times to calculate the density and thickness of each physical layer of the Earth.

19 By measuring changes in the speed of seismic waves that travel through Earth’s interior, seismologists have learned that the Earth is made of different layers

20 Section 2: Restless Continents

21 Wegener’s Continental Drift Hypothesis
In the 1900’s Alfred Wegener wrote about his hypothesis of continental drift. Continental drift is the hypothesis that states that the continents once formed a single landmass, broke up, and drifted to their present locations.

22 Continental drift explains how well the continents fit together, and why fossils of the same plant and animal species are found on continents that are on different sides of the Atlantic Ocean. In addition to fossils, similar types of rock and evidence of the same ancient climatic conditions were found on several continents. Fossils of Mesosaurus, a small, aquatic reptile, and Glossopteris, an ancient plant species, have been found on several continents

23 The Break-up of Pangea Pangaea existed 245 million years ago – when all the continents were joined in a single huge continent. This is where the earliest dinosaurs roamed the earth. Pangaea split into two huge continents – Laurasia and Gondwana – about 180 million years ago. These two continents split again and formed the continents we know today.


25 Sea-Floor Spreading Mid-ocean ridges are underwater mountain chains that run through Earth’s ocean basins. Mid-ocean ridges are places where sea-floor spreading takes place. Sea-floor spreading is the process by which new oceanic lithosphere forms as magma rises toward the surface and solidifies.

26 As tectonic plates move away from each other, the sea floor spreads out and magma fills the gap.
As new crust forms, the older crust gets pushed away from the mid-ocean ridge

27 Evidence for sea floor spreading is the magnetic reversals recorded in the ocean floor.
Throughout history, the north and south magnetic poles have changed places many times. When the Earth’s magnetic poles change places, this change is called a magnetic reversal.

28 That magma contains iron in it which acts like a compass by aligning with the magnetic poles as it hardens, thus recording the direction of the poles over time. As the sea floor spreads away from a mid-ocean ridge, it carries with it a record of magnetic reversals and this record was the final proof that se-floor spreading does in fact occur. Magnetic reversals in oceanic crust are shown as bands of light blue and dark blue oceanic crust. Light blue bands indicate normal polarity, and dark blue bands indicate reverse polarity

29 Section 3: The Theory of Plate Tectonics

30 Plate tectonics is the theory that the Earth’s lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates that move around on top of the asthenosphere.

31 Tectonic Plate Boundaries
A boundary is a place where the plates touch. All tectonic plates share boundaries with other plates.

32 There are 3 types of boundaries:

33 1. Convergent – when two tectonic plates collide
What happens depends on the type of crust at the leading edge Three types are continental-continental, continental-oceanic, and oceanic-oceanic boundaries

34 2. Divergent – when two tectonic plates separate
New sea floor forms at divergent boundaries Mid-ocean ridges are the most common type of divergent boundary

35 3. Transform – when two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally
Example is the San Andreas Fault in CA; the place where the Pacific and North American plates are sliding past each other.

36 Possible Causes of Tectonic Plate Motion
Ridge Push – At mid-ocean ridges, the oceanic lithosphere is higher than it is where it sinks into the asthenosphere. Because of ridge push, the oceanic lithosphere slides downhill under the force of gravity. Convection – Hot rock from deep within the Earth rises, but cooler rock near the surface sinks. Convection causes the oceanic lithosphere to move sideways and away from the mid-ocean ridge. Slab Pull – Because oceanic lithosphere is denser than the asthenosphere, the edge of the tectonic plate that contains oceanic lithosphere sinks and pulls the rest of the tectonic plate with it in a process called slab pull.


38 Tracking Tectonic Plate Motion
Tectonic plate movement is so slow and gradual that you can’t see or feel them move – is measured in cm per year! Scientists use GPS (global positioning system) to measure the rate of tectonic plate movement

39 Radio signals are continuously beamed from satellites to GPS ground stations, which record the exact distance between the satellites and the ground station. Over time, these distances change slightly. By recording the time it takes for the GPS ground stations to move a given distance, scientists can measure the speed at which each tectonic plate moves.

40 Section 4: Deforming the Earth’s Crust

41 Stress is the amount of force per unit area on a given material.

42 Deformation The process by which the shape of rock changes because of stress is called deformation. Compression: the type of stress that occurs when an object is squeezed When compression occurs at a convergent boundary, large mountain ranges can form

43 Tension: is stress that occurs when forces act to stretch an object
Occurs at divergent plate boundaries, such as mid-ocean ridges, when two tectonic plates pull away from each other

44 Folding The bending of rock layers because of stress in the Earth’s crust is called folding.

45 3 Types of Fold: Anticlines – upward-arching folds; the most common
Synclines – downward trough like folds Monocline – rock layers are folded so that both ends of the fold are horizontal

46 The large photo shows mountain-sized folds in the Rocky Mountains
The large photo shows mountain-sized folds in the Rocky Mountains. The small photo shows a rock that has folds smaller than a penknife.

47 Faulting The surface along rocks break and slide past each other is called a fault. The blocks of crust on each side of the fault are called fault blocks 2 Walls of a Fault are the footwall and the hanging wall.

48 Types of Faults: Normal Faults – when it moves it causes the hanging wall to move down relative to the footwall; usually occur when tectonic forces cause tension that pulls rocks apart Reverse Faults – when it moves, it causes the hanging wall to move up relative to the footwall; is the reverse of a normal fault. Usually happen when tectonic forces cause compression that pushes rocks together

49 Telling the Difference???
Normal Fault Reverse Fault

50 Strike-slip fault – form when opposing forces cause rock to break and move horizontally
Example is the San Andreas Fault in CA

51 Plate Tectonics and Mountain Building
When tectonic plates collide, land features that start as folds or faults can eventually become large mountain ranges. Mountains exist because tectonic plates are continually moving around and bumping into one another. (Example is the Andes Mountains)

52 The Andes Mountains The Andes Mountains formed on the edge of the South American plate where it converges with the Nazca plate

53 3 Common Types of Mountains:
Folded Mountains The highest mountain ranges in the world Form at convergent boundaries where continents have collided Folded mountains form when rock layers are squeezed together and pushed upward. About 390 million years ago, the Appalachian Mountains formed when the landmasses that are now North America and Africa collided. Other examples are the Alps in central Europe, the rural Mountains in Russia, and the Himalayas in Asia.

54 The Appalachian Mountains were once as tall as the Himalaya Mountains but have been worn down by hundreds of millions of years of weathering and erosion

55 2. Fault-Block Mountains
Form when this tension causes large blocks of the Earth’s crust to drop down relative to other blocks. When sedimentary rock layers are tilted up by faulting, they can produce mountains that have sharp, jagged peaks. Example: the Tetons in western Wyoming

56 When the crust is subjected to tension, the rock can break along a series of normal faults, which creates fault-block mountains

57 The Tetons formed as a result of tectonic forces that stretched the Earth’s crust and caused it to break in a series of normal faults

58 3. Volcanic Mountains Most of the world’s major volcanic mountains are located at convergent boundaries where oceanic crust sinks into the asthenosphere at subduction zones. The rock that is melted in subduction zones forms magma, which rises to the Earth’s surface and erupts to form volcanic mountains. Can also form under the sea, sometimes rising out of the sea to form islands The majority of tectonically active volcanic mountains on the Earth have formed around the tectonically active rim of the Pacific Ocean, known as the Ring of Fire


60 Uplift and Subsidence The rising of regions of Earth’s crust to higher elevations is called uplift (can go through deformation) Can form mountains Rebound – a process where areas rise without deforming; when the crust rebounds is slowly springs back to its previous elevation Uplift often happens when a weight is removed from the crust

61 The sinking of regions of Earth’s crust to lower elevations is known as subsidence (do not undergo much deformation) Occurs because rocks that are hot take up more space than cooler rocks Cooler rocks are more dense Can also occur when the lithosphere becomes stretched in rift zones Rift zones are sets of deep cracks that form between two tectonic plates that are pulling away from each other. As tectonic plates pull apart, stress between the plates causes a series of faults to form along the rift zone.

62 The East African Rift, from Ethiopia to Kenya, is part of a divergent boundary, but you can see how the crust has subsided relative to the blocks at the edge of the rift zone.

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