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Tachycardias or… “slow down, you move too fast”

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1 Tachycardias or… “slow down, you move too fast”
Susan P. Torrey, M.D., FACEP, FAAEM Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine Tufts University School of Medicine Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, Mass

2 Objectives Review diagnostic criteria of tachycardias
Consider the diagnostic grid Answer several interesting questions What’s the scariest atrial fib you’ll ever see? Let’s use adenosine – it’s safe, isn’t it? How DO you know if it’s v. tach? Review more sneaky rhythm strips

3 Rate Rate = 300 ÷ # “big boxes” between R-R
300 – 150 – 100 – 75 – 60 – 50

4 Rate?

5 Rate? 1. Between x 3 = 225

6 Normal conduction

7 Wolff-Parkinson-White
x short PR delta wave increase QRS width

8 Sinus tachycardia normal P before every QRS upright P in lead II
Max. heart rate = 220/minute – age in years

9 Sinus tachycardia Common causes: compensation for shock
- dehydration, hemorrhage, sepsis fever drugs (cocaine) acute pulmonary embolism thyrotoxicosis anxiety - needs to be dx of exclusion


11 19 yo male with multi-drug OD

12 Atrial fibrillation no discernible P waves
- atrial activity is fibrillatory waves (f) - fibrillatory waves – II and V1 ventricular rhythm is irregularly irregular - untreated ventricular rate 100 – 180/min

13 Atrial fibrillation

14 Atrial flutter atrial activity – regular deflections (F waves)
- F waves usually 300/minute rate and regularity of QRS variable - in purest form, multiple of 300

15 Atrial flutter untreated, flutter usually has 2:1 AV block
 regular rhythm at 150/minute

16 Rate of 150… when the rate is 150/minute
 always consider 2:1 atrial flutter


18 Multifocal atrial tachycardia
P waves of varying morphology (≥ 3 foci) - absence of single dominant P wave Variable PP, RR, PR intervals - the other irregularly irregular rhythm Seen with COPD, elderly, seriously ill

19 Supraventricular tachycardia
Regular, narrow tachycardia 2° re-entry AV nodal re-entry vs. AV re-entry (bypass) Onset and termination is abrupt Heart rate /minute Differential: sinus tach, 2:1 flutter, ? a fib

20 Reentry mechanism “fast” pathway rapid conduction time “slow” pathway
long refractory period “slow” pathway slow conduction short refractory

21 SVT

22 Pseudo-S waves with AVNRT
Pseudo-S waves disappear with sinus rhythm

23 another SVT…

24 AV reentry tachycardia?
QRS alternans Prolonged RP interval

25 AV Reentry Tachycardia (WPW?)

26 after cardioversion!

27 Ventricular tachycardia
Abnormal wide QRS Regular rhythm – “dead regular” Rate usually /minute

28 Wide-complex tachycardia
70% of WCT is ventricular tachycardia differential includes… SVT with aberrancy SVT with pre-existing bundle branch block SVT with bypass tract

29 Diagnostic grid - tachycardias
Regular Irregular Narrow Wide

30 Diagnostic grid - tachycardias
Regular Irregular Narrow Sinus tach SVT 2:1 flutter Wide

31 Diagnostic grid - tachycardias
Regular Irregular Narrow Sinus tach SVT 2:1 flutter Atrial fib MAT Wide

32 Diagnostic grid - tachycardias
Regular Irregular Narrow Sinus tach SVT 2:1 flutter Atrial fib MAT Wide V. tach SVT with…

33 Diagnostic grid - tachycardias
Regular Irregular Narrow Sinus tach SVT 2:1 flutter Atrial fib MAT Wide V. tach SVT with… Atrial fib with…

34 Question #1

35 What is the scariest atrial fibrillation you will ever see?
38-year-old man with history of palpitations

36 Or this…

37 Scary atrial fib Atrial fib with… - aberrancy
- pre-existing bundle, or… - bypass tract with Wolff-Parkinson-White ! - changing QRS shape and rapid conduction

38 Atrial fib with WPW most AV node blockers ↑ bypass conduction
must avoid A – B – C – D A – adenosine B – beta-blockers C – calcium-channel blockers D – digoxin treat with electricity or procainamide

39 What about amiodarone? 2005 ACLS – rec: amiodarone
2010 ACLS – returns to procainamide Simonian S Inter Emerg Med 2010 Literature review challenges superiority and safety of amiodarone for atrial fib with WPW Complex drug with effects on Na+, K+, and Ca++ channels, as well as α- and β-blocking effects

40 rapid atrial fib with wide complex
after cardioversion after ablation of bypass tract

41 Question #2

42 Let’s use adenosine…it’s safe isn’t it?
Adenosine (Adenocard®) an α1 receptor agonist rapid onset and brief duration frequent side-effects: facial flushing, chest pressure, dyspnea

43 SVT conversion with adenosine

44 Adenosine

45 Beware proarrhythmias !
Torsade de pointe Precipitates atrial fib and flutter Protracted bradycardia and asystole 2:1 flutter  1:1 conduction Mallet Emerg Med J 2004

46 SVT at 140 ? Adenosine 6 mg IV 1:1 atrial flutter at 280/minute

47 Adenosine as diagnostic tool
SVT Atrial flutter Sinus tach Ventricular tach converts to sinus reveals flutter waves reveals P waves nothing !

48 pediatric tachycardia
8-month-ago child with hx cardiac surgery as infant; parents say child is “fussy” HR 300/minute Adenosine…

49 Pre-hospital tachycardia

50 Question #3

51 How do you know if it’s V. tach?

52 How do you know if it’s V. tach?
EKG criteria favoring V. Tach AV dissociation

53 AV dissociation

54 How do you know if it’s V. tach?
EKG criteria favoring V. Tach AV dissociation QRS concordance all chest leads (V1-6) predominantly negative

55 QRS concordance

56 How do you know if it’s V. tach?
algorithms Brugada’s four-step algorithm  98% sens / 96% spec Circ 1991 Vereckei’s new “simplified” algorithm Euro Heart J 2007

57 How do you know if it’s V. tach?
clinical predictors association with heart disease or MI  98% positive predictive value Aktar Ann Intern Med 1988

58 It’s v. tach!



61 sneaky rhythms

62 1. 68-year-old woman with COPD complains of palpitations and nausea.
Irregularly irregular  a. fib vs. MAT

63 2. 38-year-old woman complains of palpitations and weight loss.
Regular, narrow  SVT vs sinus tach

64 3. 70-year-old woman with weakness. PMH: Parkinson’s Disease
Regular…but fibrillatory waves?

65 4. 72-year-old man with palpitations, weakness, and chest discomfort.

66 after adenosine… F

67 5. 65-year-old man with palpitations and shortness of breath.

68 wide-complex, irregularly irregular  yikes
after Amiodarone… then spontaneously converted to sinus

69 6. 56-year-old man with lung cancer from oncology clinic with SOB.

70 Irregularly irregular at 185/min
Now 145/minute, and…

71 7. 75-year-old man from nursing home with altered mental status.

72 Appropriate DDD pacer function
– essentially sinus tach

73 8. 65-year-old woman with dyspnea and chest pain.

74 Emergency Department EKG

75 After diltiazem…

76 9. 70-year-old man with palpitations and SOB

77 Close-up of III and aVF

78 After adenosine…oops!

79 10. 65-year-old woman after syncope.

80 After spontaneous conversion

81 Pseudo-S waves of AVNRT

82 11. 70-year-old man with chest pain 90/60, 200, 28, 92%

83 After electrical cardioversion…

84 12. 72-year-old woman “heart racing” EMS gave Amiodarone

85 ED 12-lead – 15 minutes later

86 15 min later…spontaneous conversion

87 In conclusion… Remember, tachycardias are easy…
Narrow or wide complex? Regular or irregular?

88 Diagnostic grid - tachycardias
Regular Irregular Narrow Sinus tach SVT 2:1 flutter Atrial fib MAT Wide V. tach SVT with… Atrial fib with…

89 In conclusion… Remember, tachycardias are easy…
Narrow or wide complex? Regular or irregular? If the rate is around 150 think 2:1 flutter.

90 In conclusion… Remember, tachycardias are easy…
Narrow or wide complex? Regular or irregular? If the rate is around 150  think 2:1 flutter. Use Adenosine, but respect it.

91 In conclusion… Remember, tachycardias are easy…
Narrow or wide complex? Regular or irregular? If the rate is around 150  think 2:1 flutter. Use Adenosine, but respect it. Rapid wide-complex atrial fib  think WPW… Avoid A – B – C – D (and amiodarone)

92 In conclusion… Remember, tachycardias are easy…
Narrow or wide complex? Regular or irregular? If the rate is around 150  think 2:1 flutter. Use Adenosine, but respect it. Rapid wide-complex atrial fib  think WPW… Treat wide-complex tachycardia per ACLS

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