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Measuring the weather. Weather and Climate How do you measure the weather?

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring the weather. Weather and Climate How do you measure the weather?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring the weather

2 Weather and Climate How do you measure the weather?

3 Lesson Information Screen By the end of this lesson, I would like you to be able to name and explain how each of the pieces of equipment used to measure the weather shown below work: How do you measure the weather? anemometer barometer thermometer Stevenson screen wind vane Beaufort scale rain gauge sunshine measurer maximum and minimum thermometer anemometer and wind vane Barometer Wet and Dry Bulb Thermometer

4 Rainfall Fact The greatest amount of rain recorded worldwide in 24 hours was in La Reunion in the Indian Ocean, when 1825mm fell between 7 th and 8 th January 1966.

5 How much sunshine?

6 How a sunshine recorder works

7 Skill: Analysing Results Mon. Tue. Wed. Use the sunshine cards below to write a sunshine report for each day

8 The Beaufort Scale Can you write the descriptions for the Beaufort Scale? Two examples have been done for you. smoke rises vertically trees uprooted

9 The Beaufort Scale Beaufort Scale EffectsSpeed (kph) 0Smoke rises vertically0 1Smoke drifts1-5 2Wind felt on face, leaves rustle6-11 3Leaves and small twigs move12-20 4Small branches move21-30 5Small trees sway31-40 6Large branches sway, umbrella used with difficulty41-50 7Whole trees sway51-60 8Twigs break off trees, hard to walk into wind61-74 9Chimney pots and slates blow off75-87 10Trees uprooted85-100 11Rarely occurs inland101-115 12Disastrous, widespread damage115+

10 How fast is the wind? An anemometer is an instrument used to measure how fast the wind is flowing.

11 Barometer Air pressure is the weight (force) of the air above pressing down on the Earth. It is measured using a Barometer. There are two main types of Barometer: Mercury Aneroid The unit of measurement for air pressure is kilopascals (kPa) or inches of mercury.

12 Aneroid Barometer An aneroid barometer works by having a sealed box that can change shape. As the air pushes down on the box, it changes shape and moves the needle accordingly.

13 Questions on Pressure and Altitude 1.What is the atmospheric pressure at sea level? 2.At what altitude is the pressure 800 millibars? 3.At what altitude is the pressure 50% of that at sea level? 4.The capital city of Ethiopia, Addis Abeba, is amongst the highest in the World. It is 2300m (7725ft) above sea level. What is the air pressure at this level? 5.Roberto answered a question in class. He said that the air pressure at 3000m was about 30% of that at sea level. Can you explain his mistake? 6.Write a sentence that sums up the relationship between the variables altitude and pressure (Hint – try to use an er… er…. sentence).

14 Maximum and Minimum Thermometer A maximum and minimum thermometer is a temperature measuring device that is designed to show the highest and lowest temperatures reached. It works by having a thermometer that has been turned into a U-Tube shape. At either end of the mercury is a small marker. This is pushed higher or lower up the tube by the contents of the tube.

15 Maximum and Minimum Thermometer The key science to remember when looking at how this works is that when things are warmer, they expand. When the temperature is cold, the oil of creosote will contract and draw the liquid mercury up this side of the tube. This pushes the minimum marker upwards. When the temperature is warm, the oil expands and pushes the marker up this side of the tube. It stays at the maximum.

16 Wet and Dry Bulb Thermometer Measures humidity Consists of two thermometers mounted side by side. One measures the temperature of the air. The other thermometer is covered with a sleeve of wetted cloth. Spinning the thermometer around causes the water to evaporate and the bulb is cooled. The drier the air, the greater the drop in temperature. The readings of the two thermometers are compared with published tables.

17 Stevenson Screen A Stevenson Screen is used to house a maximum and minimum thermometer. It is designed to prevent the thermometers from giving a false reading. Why is it painted white? Why is it on stilts? Why does it have slats on the side? White is the best colour to reflect heat off of the box. Being on stilts stops heat entering the box by conduction from the ground. The slats on the side of the box allow the wind to flow through the box as this will give the correct air temperature.

18 Lesson Information Screen By the end of this lesson, I would like you to be able to name and explain how each of the pieces of equipment used to measure the weather shown below work: How do you measure the weather? anemometer barometer thermometer Stevenson screen wind vane Beaufort scale rain gauge sunshine measurer maximum and minimum thermometer anemometer and wind vane Barometer Wet and Dry Bulb thermometer

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