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“The Great War” “The War to End all Wars”

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1 “The Great War” 1914-1919 “The War to End all Wars”
W O R L D W A R I “The Great War” “The War to End all Wars”



4 Wednesday, March 28, 2012 What is the definition of nationalism?
The unique cultural identity of a people based on a common language, religion and national symbols What country was unified by Otto Von Bismarck in 1870? Germany What is the definition of imperialism? The extension of a nation’s power over other lands What country’s empire included Egypt, South Africa, India, Hong Kong and control of the Suez Canal? Great Britain What were the two major alliances in Europe in 1914? Triple Entente & Triple Alliance

5 “The War to End All Wars.”
World War I List the four M A I N causes of the first World War. Describe the four M A I N causes of the First World War. Give examples of the four M A I N causes of the First World War. Evaluate how these four ingredients – M A I N causes – resulted in ‘The Great War.’ “The War to End All Wars.”

6 Friday, March 30, 2012 List the four MAIN causes of World War I?
Militarism Alliance System Imperialism Nationalism What three countries made up the TRIPLE ALLIANCE? Germany, Austria-Hungary, & Italy What three countries made up the TRIPLE ENTENTE? Great Britain, France & Russia Which alliance was split with countries in both Eastern and Western Europe? Triple Entente Which alliance was in Central and Southern Europe? Triple Alliance

7 World War I Tuesday, April 3, 2012 (I) Who was Franz Ferdinand?
Archduke of Austria-Hungary, heir to the throne Where was he on June 28, 1914? Sarajevo What was the Black Hand? Serbian nationalists What did Gavrillo Princip do on June 28, 1914? He assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand What event did this trigger? World War I

8 N A M I Causes of World War One

9 Militarism Alliances Causes of World War One Imperialism Nationalism
colonies British Empire Markets for overseas trade Nationalism Alliances Militarism Imperialism Causes of World War One Triple Entente Triple Alliance Great Britain Patriotism British Royal Navy Arms race German U-boats Reunification of Germany Germany Austria-Hungary France Russia


11 March to World War I June 28, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary assassinated in Sarajevo by Gavrillo Princip, Serbian nationalist (Black Hand)

12 March to World War I 2. July Austrian government asks Germany for support if Austria had to go to war with Russia because Russia supported Serbia. Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany issues a “blank cheque”- That Germany would support Austria-Hungary July 1914 Austria Hungary Military support for war Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Gerrmany

13 March to World War I 3. July 28, Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia

14 March to World War I 4. July 29, The Russian army is mobilized to help Serbia.

15 March to World War I August 1, 1914. Germany declares war on Russia.
August 3, Germany declares war on France. August 4, Germany declares war on Belgium.

16 March to World War I 8. August 4, Great Britain declares war on Germany. 9. August 6, Austria declared war on Russia. 10. August 12, France and Britain declared war on Austria.

17 E U R O P E IS AT W A R

18 March to World War I The United States. August 19, 1914
Declaration of Neutrality President Woodrow Wilson announced United States official policy toward World War I in 1914 was to remain NEUTRAL

19 Text Interrelationship Conclusion
Wednesday, April 3, 2012 Use the academic strategy of OPTIC to evaluate and analyze the cartoon? Overview Parts Text Interrelationship Conclusion



22 Wednesday, April 3, 2012 … Serbia must die! Use the academic strategy of OPTIC to evaluate and analyze the cartoon? Overview Parts Text Interrelationship Conclusion

23 TEST THIS FRIDAY Tuesday, April 10, 2012 What is a U-boat?
Submarine What ship was sunk by a German U-boat in May of 1915? H.M.S. Lusitania Who was the leader of Germany during World War I? Kaiser Wilhelm II Who was the President of the United States during World War I? Woodrow Wilson What was the official policy of the United States to the war in Europe when it began in 1914? NEUTRALITY TEST THIS FRIDAY

24 Interrelationship Conclusion
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 Use the academic strategy of OPTIC to evaluate and analyze the cartoon? Overview Parts Text Interrelationship Conclusion

25 Parts Text Interrelationship Conclusion Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Use the academic strategy of OPTIC to evaluate and analyze the poster to the left? Overview Parts Text Interrelationship Conclusion

26 TEST THIS FRIDAY Wednesday, April 11, 2012
What countries made up the Central Powers? Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire & Bulgaria What countries made up the Allied Powers? Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy and others What is the use of persuasion to shape public opinion? propaganda How did the war in Europe effect the economy in the United States? The American economy prospered, economic boom. Czar Nicholas II – Russia _____________ - Germany Kaiser Wilhelm II TEST THIS FRIDAY

27 1- Who 2- When 3- Where 4- What 5- Why
Wednesday, April 10, 2012 Use the academic strategy of 5W to evaluate and analyze the photograph? 1- Who When Where What Why

28 What country did Germany encourage to invade the United States?
Tuesday, April 17, 2012 During World War I, which Allied country left the war due to a revolution ? Russia What country did Germany encourage to invade the United States? Mexico Who lead the Bolshevik (communist) Revolution in Russia? Vladimir Lenin What Czar was overthrown during the Bolshevik Revolution? Nicholas II What was communist Russia renamed? USSR - United Soviet Socialist Republic

29 “The Great War” in Europe
The Western Front Germany invade France through Belgium

30 World War I Who are the Central Powers? Who are the Allied Powers?
Germany Austria-Hungary Bulgaria Turkey- The Ottomon Empire Who are the Allied Powers? Great Britain France Russia Italy Portugal Serbia, Greece & Romania Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya & Egypt

31 “The Great War” in Europe Stalemate and Trench Warfare
The Western Front Stalemate and Trench Warfare

32 The “Great War” New Technology

33 The Western Front New fighting and New Weapons
Trenches Tanks Airplanes Machine guns U-boats Poison gas

34 “The Great War” in Europe
Impact of the new weapons Tremendous loss of life and heavy casualties

35 “The Great War” in Europe
The war in the Atlantic Germany U-boats attack ships carrying armaments to the Allied Powers

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