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Reptile Evolution Origin of derivatives.

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Presentation on theme: "Reptile Evolution Origin of derivatives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reptile Evolution Origin of derivatives

2 Ancestral reptile = anapsid , small, legs out to sides.

3 A brief look at Classification
“Old view” = Amphibians give rise to reptiles, reptiles give rise to birds and mammals phyletic patterns.

4 Major radiation into all ways of life; terrestrial, aquatic, aerial.

5 New View of Taxonomy = Cladistics common derived characteristics
Problem with reptiles = heart structure. fossil reptiles that give rise to mammals appear early in reptile history and leave no descendents modern reptiles heart structure is different from mammal structure, so cant derive modern mammals from modern reptiles. so in Cladistics, kick mammal ancestors out of the reptiles (if it looks like a lizard, it is a lizard???)



8 Living anapsids = chelonia, the turtles
Shoulder girdle inside shell, which is ribs and vertebrae!!

9 Skull is anapsid = no hole
But has a notch at back which serves the same purpose, accommodate the jaw muscles.


11 Ichthyosaurs: fully aquatic, but air breathing
Ichthyosaurs: fully aquatic, but air breathing. A reptile equivalent to whales or porpoises. Mostly fish eating.



14 Plesiosaurs; snake neck strung through a turtle body
Plesiosaurs; snake neck strung through a turtle body. Came on land to lay eggs probably.


16 Lepidosaurs: snakes, lizards

17 Start out diapsid (two holes behind the eye
In snakes, one opening, and extra hinges in jaw.

18 Archosaurs = major dinosaur groups
Plus crocodiles, and bird ancestry.

19 A very diverse and complex group
A very diverse and complex group. - die out at Cretaceous boundary = meteor?



22 Pterosaurs = hang glider wings.


24 Archosaurs: wide variety, carnivorous, plant eaters, now known to be social, etc.

25 Allometry: changes in proportion with growth.
Means young often considered different species from adults.






31 Stegosaurus; plate back
Functions:? courtship thermoregulation?

32 Crocodiles; surviving archosaurs, in past many terrestrial.



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