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Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001EMOL EMO L Effective Mathematics Online Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001EMOL EMO L Effective Mathematics Online Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001EMOL EMO L Effective Mathematics Online Learning

2 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Overview Introduction – Scenario of Use Inquiry – What is Effective Math Online learning? Design of EMOL – Learning, Design, and Technology Evaluation of EMOL Reflections and next steps

3 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Critical Need Colleges and Universities need to optimize resources Faculty need new skills to develop online courses Our colleagues at Singapore Polytechnic need to meet this challenge

4 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Mrs. Lee – a successful teacher Challenge –Challenge – Design effective online lessons for her course Solution –Solution – Guided, contextualized, effective training

5 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Objectives Assist Target Users: Math lecturers at Singapore Polytechnic Address Learning Problem: How to design an effective math online lesson?

6 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Context of Use Institution structure Hierarchical Lecturers value good teaching Technical Infrastructure Blackboard platform Fast Ethernet connection Relatively good tech support

7 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Scenario of Use – How does Mrs Lee Learn? Stage 1 Understanding & Planning Stage 1 Understanding & Planning Stage 2 Visualizing & Predicting Stage 2 Visualizing & Predicting Stage 3 Evaluating & Refining Stage 3 Evaluating & Refining Stage 1 Build learners’ profiles Identify needs Learn design approach Identify milestones Stage 2 Design lessons Write storyboard Build prototype Stage 3 Conduct users’ study. Evaluate & refine

8 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Scenario of Use – How does Mrs Lee Learn? Stage 1 Understanding & Planning Stage 1 Understanding & Planning Stage 2 Visualizing & Predicting Stage 2 Visualizing & Predicting Stage 3 Evaluating & Refining Stage 3 Evaluating & Refining

9 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Cognitive Apprenticeship Modeling, coaching, scaffolding, exploration. Situated learning, cooperation community of practice Technology Web-based Blackboard platformWeb-based Blackboard platform Collaborative toolsCollaborative tools Conceptual Framework

10 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 R&D, Approach and Methodology Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

11 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 R&D, Approach and Methodology

12 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 R&D, Approach and Methodology

13 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 R&D, Approach and Methodology Research and survey Designing and evaluating learning activities Discussion and gather feedback

14 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 R&D, Approach and Methodology Design the content of EMOL Write Storyboard Build Prototype

15 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 R&D, Approach and Methodology

16 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Demonstration Key Features: Easy to use guided inquiry 3-stage model, sample lessons, learning activities Contextualized content Design and build own project Cooperation, Community of practice

17 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Evaluation of EMOL Addresses the learning needs Effectiveness of EMOL Use of Technologies – keep it simple Blackboard platform, templates, java applets Collaboration tools (Discussion Board, chat, etc)

18 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Reflections From Singapore Team: Engaging Peer-to-peer cooperation generates ideas The 3-Stage process is natural Stage 2 is least familiar and technically challenging Time consuming

19 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Reflections From Stanford Team: Inquiry-based process is central 3-Stage design model creates an excellent learning dynamic Learning transformed into “teaching” Overly ambitious project goals Insufficient time to iterate design

20 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Iteration – Next Steps Extend timeframe Revise our design process Incorporate feedback into design Conduct learning assessments

21 Effective Math Online LearningLDT 2001 Acknowledgements Thanks: Singapore Team Singapore Technical Support Colleagues at Stanford Our Professors

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