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0 CBA Priorities 0 Community-Based Adaptation Climate change is global, but impacts are regional and local Impacts will affect different communities differently.

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Presentation on theme: "0 CBA Priorities 0 Community-Based Adaptation Climate change is global, but impacts are regional and local Impacts will affect different communities differently."— Presentation transcript:

1 0 CBA Priorities 0 Community-Based Adaptation Climate change is global, but impacts are regional and local Impacts will affect different communities differently based on their specific circumstances …so, solutions must be locally specific CBA is community-driven CBA is the grass-roots component of climate change adaptation CBA will respond to locally specific needs, and develop lessons for global and national stakeholders to further adaptation practice

2 1 CBA Priorities 1 The CBA is a global programme, with pilot countries selected to represent a variety of ecosystems and climate impacts The CBA will be implemented in 10 countries: Bangladesh Bolivia Guatemala Jamaica Kazakhstan Morocco Niger Namibia Samoa Viet Nam

3 2 CBA Priorities 2 Key Characteristics The UNDP-GEF CBA Project is funded by the GEF Strategic Priority on Adaptation Portfolio of 8-20 projects per country Project size: <$50,000US –Projects will require 1:1 co-financing in cash CBA will be a separate portfolio of projects, nested within SGP Jamaica CBA programme period will be 5 years 2008 through 2012 Projects will deliver adaptation benefits, as well as global environmental benefits in a GEF focal areas

4 3 CBA Priorities 3 The SPA is focused on ecosystem resilience The CBA is funded by the GEF Strategic Priority on Adaptation SPA funding is intended to fund the subset of adaptation activities that also generate global environmental benefits / make global environmental benefits resilient to climate change.

5 4 CBA Priorities 4 CBA Projects and the SPA Community-Driven Development Priorities GEB Climate Change Adaptation Priorities CBA  CBA Projects will be community-driven, addressing local development priorities  Like SGP projects, CBA projects will be selected in regions where community development priorities and global environmental objectives overlap…  …and where communities are vulnerable to climate change including variability…  The CBA will operate where GEB and adaptation priorities overlap with community priorities

6 5 CBA Priorities 5 CBA Projects must address climate change risks to ecosystems/communities What are the current pressures on the ecosystem? What are the climate change threats to the ecosystem? Baseline Pressures Landlessness, insecure tenure Soil degradation Inequitable access to water resources Cyclical drought Cyclones Landslides Lack of early warning systems Climate Change Pressures Increasing temperature (impacts on crop phenology, water stress) Increasing erosion (drought/flood) Reduced water quality (drought/flood) Changing seasonal water distribution Salinization Intensifying cyclones Severe flood/drought Novel disasters

7 6 CBA Priorities 6 Tracking Results from CBA Projects UNDP-GEF Adaptation Indicators Tracking Qualitative: The VRA Quantitative: the SGP IAS Community perceptions of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change Quantitative indicators on global environmental benefits realized through community projects

8 7 CBA Priorities 7 The Vulnerability Reduction Assessment The VRA is a question-based approach with the following aims: –To make M&E responsive to community priorities –To make M&E capture community ideas and local knowledge –To capture qualitative information in a manner that records progress and can serve as a planning tool for self-monitoring and the capture of community priorities –To generate qualitative information To guide the evolution of community-based adaptation practice To generate case studies highlighting CBA projects

9 8 CBA Priorities 8 The Impact Assessment System The IAS measures Global Environmental Benefits from community projects Each project will deliver results within this indicator framework, AND ensure that results are resilient in the face of climate change Examples from biodiversity and land degradation focal areas: BiodiversityLand Degradation Number of globally significant species protected by project Hectares of degraded land restored Number of innovations/new technologies developed/applied Hectares of land sustainably managed by project Number of local policies informed in biodiversity focal area Tons of soil erosion prevented Number of national policies informed in biodiversity focal area Number of innovations/new technologies developed/applied Number of local policies informed in land degradation focal area Number of national policies informed in land degradation focal area

10 9 CBA Priorities 9 SGP Jamaica Focus Sectors for focus based on National Adaptation priorities: 1. Coastal Sector:Threats of increased erosion, higher storm surges, coral bleaching, loss of ecosystems 2. Water Resources: Saline intrusion into aquifers, increased droughts/floods 3. Agriculture: Adverse effects on crop yields due to rainfall variations, new disease & pests (increased temps.), increased losses due to more intense severe weather events.

11 10 CBA Priorities 10 Baseline-Additionality Reasoning A number of non-climate, unsustainable practices will compound the impacts of Climate Change: Deforestation of mangroves, sand mining, Near shore construction Unsustainable practices: overuse of insecticides, pesticides, fertilizers, slash and burn agriculture, adverse effects of mining Lack of conservation, over-extraction of ground water CBA projects must address both these baseline impacts (securing global benefits in BD, LD) and then make the benefits resilient to climate change. Cash co-financing to fund baseline issues, CBA funding to finance climate change stresses.

12 11 CBA Priorities 11 Local Priorities and Geographic Focus Projects likely to be sited in areas where global environmental benefits can be secured and are also vulnerable to climate change. Commencement with south coast-Portland Bight Coastal communities, farming areas, biodiversity hotspots to be targeted. Suitably qualified NGOs/CBOs needed for implementation. Areas where co-financing opportunities can be secured, also to affect location of project sites

13 12 CBA Priorities 12 Potential Project Typologies Projects to vary depending on GEF Focal area and targeted adaptation options: Protection of threatened coastal species-Mangrove reforestation, in context of increased erosion and higher temps. Introduction of saline tolerant and drought resistant plant/crop species Improved land Management in context of increased severe weather events-Conserve Biodiversity habitats

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