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Training and training need analysis
Introduction Training Is essential and is a very big industry
Enhances productivity of individuals Enables development of competencies in line with organizational objectives Allows communication of organizational goals Enhances career progression and self development
Definition TRAINING Provision aimed at creating intentional learning processes To bring about semi permanent change in individuals –Knowledge, attitudes. Skills and habits (KASH)—behaviors With an intention To enhance performance on the job d/d education –is more in general knowledge; training teaches a specific task or function
Stages Training and development Need analysis Pre training Design
Delivery On training Transfer Post training Evaluation
Training need analysis
TNA Determine organizational training needs Whether organizational needs, objectives and problems can be addressed by training? Influences overall effectiveness of training Is used to specify key features of implementation and evaluation
Training need analysis
TNA Is a three step process Organizational analysis—identify needs Task analysis- content of training Person analysis- who to be trained Need analysis must cover all three steps Research shows Impact maximum on learning if organizational analysis done Impact maximum on behavioral outcomes if task analysis done
Training need analysis
Work and research mostly done Task analysis Consists of cognitive tasks Cognitive capacities and cues -how and when to apply them and behavioral tasks Identify competencies needed for jobs Competencies are cluster of interrelated knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and others which are important for successful job performance Done for individual and teams
Training need analysis
TNA Organizational level and person level analysis—neglected Look at diversity and cross cultural training at requirements Also must look at Concurrent needs and Future needs Look to identify specific and generic skills Therefore requires a data base of competencies-collect data on organization, task and person characteristics
Training need analysis
TNA What needs to be identified at a generic level Knowledge-facts about objects, relationships, rules, procedures, plans, goals and self knowledge Observable skills –cognitive, psychomotor, physical, interpersonal, expressive and self management Problem solving skills-heuristics, means –ends analysis, pattern matching, meta-cognition, transfers Attitudes and beliefs– self efficacy, racial, cultural, sexist, commitment
Methodologies Groups of methods used in training
Information presentation Modeling- demonstration Information presentation and learner response—case method Systematic response generation—contextualizing the training Simulation On the job training
Training needs analysis
Process of TNA Organizational analysis Determines appropriateness of training-linked to orgn. Goals, strategies, resources First needs an understanding of the organizational environment— technical, others Measures work environment characteristics- nature of support and emphasis on training
Training needs analysis
Task analysis Identify observable tasks performed and knowledge and skills required to do it-job analysis Do it by Job incumbents –develop lists of tasks performed Assessors –grouping tasks into clusters based on similarity Managers – generating KSA for each cluster of tasks Surveys to validate these Task, task cluster and KSA’s Use multiple assessors and multiple surveys
Training needs analysis
Task analysis At individual and team level Cognitive task analysis Goals, decisions and judgments made on the job-use elicitation techniques-look at thought processes Team task analysis Simultaneous assessment of task and coordination requirements Lists out the objectives for training programmes—specify what a trainee will be able to do at the end of training programme
Training need analysis
Person analysis whether training is necessary so that employees can perform tasks effectively Identify reasons for poor performance-training and non training needs Who requires training Look at employee records Elicit self responses Whether trainees are ready for training Audit of basic skills, abilities and motivations of potential trainees—helps reorient training programmes Assess language skills
Training needs analysis
TNA—Organization –task-person model should be proactive Done on a continuous basis Helps allocate training resources Human performance intervention model Is a problem solving exercise—identify root cause and plan intervention
Training needs analysis
Assessment centers Is a skills evaluation process Used in Selection and placement Employee skill development Career development Organizational succession planning Good assessment centre can Good job preview Help design training programmes Identify potential successors
Assessment centers Essential elements Job analysis-
critical, relevant and observable performance elements and competency categories Behavioral classification Dimensions, skills, competencies, abilities Multiple assessments-techniques Assessment techniques Allow behaviors revealing critical competencies to be observed Simulations –demonstrates observable behavior
Assessment centres Essential elements
Assessors Multiple assessors-not immediate supervisors-diversity enabled Assessor training Demonstrate competence in role Recording behavior Document through notes Reports- based on notes Data integration –pooling of all observations Is a multi day affair and done in groups Assessors are higher level managers, experts, psychologists
Skills Beliefs Performance Actions THANKS ANY QUESTIONS
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