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Mass Spectrometry: Methods & Theory

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1 Mass Spectrometry: Methods & Theory

2 MS Principles Different elements can be uniquely identified by their mass

3 MS Principles Different compounds can be uniquely identified by their mass Butorphanol L-dopa Ethanol N OH HO -CH2- -CH2CH-NH2 COOH HO CH3CH2OH MW = MW = MW = 46.1

4 Mass Spectrometry Analytical method to measure the molecular or atomic weight of samples

5 Mass Spectrometry For small organic molecules the MW can be determined to within 5 ppm or % which is sufficiently accurate to confirm the molecular formula from mass alone For large biomolecules the MW can be determined within an accuracy of 0.01% (i.e. within 5 Da for a 50 kD protein) Recall 1 dalton = 1 atomic mass unit (1 amu)

6 Masses in MS Monoisotopic mass is the mass determined using the masses of the most abundant isotopes Average mass is the abundance weighted mass of all isotopic components

7 Isotopic Distributions
1H = 99.9% C = 98.9% Cl = 68.1% 2H = 0.02% C = 1.1% Cl = 31.9%

8 Isotopic Distributions
1H = 99.9% C = 98.9% Cl = 68.1% 2H = 0.02% C = 1.1% Cl = 31.9% 100 32.1 6.6 2.1 0.06 0.00 m/z

9 Mass Calculation (Glycine)
NH2—CH2—COOH Amino acid R1—NH—CH2—CO—R3 Residue Glycine Amino Acid Mass 5xH + 2xC + 2xO + 1xN = amu Glycine Residue Mass 3xH + 2xC + 1xO + 1xN = amu Monoisotopic Mass 1H = 12C = 14N = 16O =

10 Amino Acid Residue Masses
Monoisotopic Mass Glycine Alanine Serine Proline Valine Threonine Cysteine Isoleucine Leucine Asparagine Aspartic acid Glutamine Lysine Glutamic acid Methionine Histidine Phenylalanine Arginine Tyrosine Tryptophan

11 MS History JJ Thomson built MS prototype to measure m/z of electron, awarded Nobel Prize in 1906 MS concept first put into practice by Francis Aston, a physicist working in Cambridge England in 1919 Designed to measure mass of elements (iso.) Aston Awarded Nobel Prize in 1922 1920s - Electron impact ionization and magnetic sector mass analyzer introduced

12 MS History 1948-52 - Time of Flight (TOF) mass analyzers introduced
Quadrupole ion filters introduced by W. Paul, also invents the ion trap in 1983 (wins 1989 Nobel Prize) Tandem mass spectrometer appears Mass spectrometers are now one of the MOST POWERFUL ANALYTIC TOOLS IN CHEMISTRY

13 MS Principles Find a way to “charge” an atom or molecule (ionization)
Place charged atom or molecule in a magnetic field or subject it to an electric field and measure its speed or radius of curvature relative to its mass-to-charge ratio (mass analyzer) Detect ions using microchannel plate or photomultiplier tube

14 Mass Spec Principles Sample + _ Ionizer Mass Analyzer Detector

15 Typical Mass Spectrometer

16 Typical Mass Spectrum aspirin

17 Typical Mass Spectrum Characterized by sharp, narrow peaks
X-axis position indicates the m/z ratio of a given ion (for singly charged ions this corresponds to the mass of the ion) Height of peak indicates the relative abundance of a given ion (not reliable for quantitation) Peak intensity indicates the ion’s ability to desorb or “fly” (some fly better than others)

18 Resolution & Resolving Power
Width of peak indicates the resolution of the MS instrument The better the resolution or resolving power, the better the instrument and the better the mass accuracy Resolving power is defined as: M is the mass number of the observed mass (DM) is the difference between two masses that can be separated DM M

19 Resolution in MS

20 Resolution in MS QTOF 783.6

21 Inside a Mass Spectrometer

22 Mass Spectrometer Schematic
Inlet Ion Source Mass Filter Detector Data System High Vacuum System Turbo pumps Diffusion pumps Rough pumps Rotary pumps Sample Plate Target HPLC GC Solids probe MALDI ESI IonSpray FAB LSIMS EI/CI TOF Quadrupole Ion Trap Mag. Sector FTMS Microch plate Electron Mult. Hybrid Detec. PC’s UNIX Mac

23 Different Ionization Methods
Electron Impact (EI - Hard method) small molecules, Daltons, structure Fast Atom Bombardment (FAB – Semi-hard) peptides, sugars, up to 6000 Daltons Electrospray Ionization (ESI - Soft) peptides, proteins, up to 200,000 Daltons Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption (MALDI-Soft) peptides, proteins, DNA, up to 500 kD


25 Electron Impact Ionization
Sample introduced into instrument by heating it until it evaporates Gas phase sample is bombarded with electrons coming from rhenium or tungsten filament (energy = 70 eV) Molecule is “shattered” into fragments (70 eV >> 5 eV bonds) Fragments sent to mass analyzer

26 EI Fragmentation of CH3OH

27 Why You Can’t Use EI For Analyzing Proteins
EI shatters chemical bonds Any given protein contains 20 different amino acids EI would shatter the protein into not only into amino acids but also amino acid sub-fragments and even peptides of 2,3,4… amino acids Result is 10,000’s of different signals from a single protein -- too complex to analyze

28 Soft Ionization Soft ionization techniques keep the molecule of interest fully intact Electro-spray ionization first conceived in 1960’s by Malcolm Dole but put into practice in 1980’s by John Fenn (Yale) MALDI first introduced in 1985 by Franz Hillenkamp and Michael Karas (Frankfurt) Made it possible to analyze large molecules via inexpensive mass analyzers such as quadrupole, ion trap and TOF


30 Soft Ionization Methods
337 nm UV laser Fluid (no salt) + _ cyano-hydroxy cinnamic acid Gold tip needle MALDI ESI

31 Electrospray (Detail)

32 Electrospray (Detail)

33 Electrospray Ionization
Sample dissolved in polar, volatile buffer (no salts) and pumped through a stainless steel capillary ( mm) at a rate of mL/min Strong voltage (3-4 kV) applied at tip along with flow of nebulizing gas causes the sample to “nebulize” or aerosolize Aerosol is directed through regions of higher vacuum until droplets evaporate to near atomic size (still carrying charges)

34 Electrospray Ionization
95%H2O/5%CH3CN 5%H2O/95%CH3CN 100 V 1000 V 3000 V

35 Electrospray Ionization
Can be modified to “nanospray” system with flow < 1 mL/min Very sensitive technique, requires less than a picomole of material Strongly affected by salts & detergents Positive ion mode measures (M + H)+ (add formic acid to solvent) Negative ion mode measures (M - H)- (add ammonia to solvent)

36 Positive or Negative Ion Mode?
If the sample has functional groups that readily accept H+ (such as amide and amino groups found in peptides and proteins) then positive ion detection is used If a sample has functional groups that readily lose a proton (such as carboxylic acids and hydroxyls as found in nucleic acids and sugars) then negative ion detection is used

37 Electrospray Ionization
Samples of MW up to 1200 Da usually produce singly charged ions with observed MW equal to parent mass + H (1.008 Daltons) Larger samples (typically peptides) yield ions with multiple charges (from 2 to 20 +) Multiply charged species form a Gaussian distribution with those having the most charges showing up at lower m/z values

38 Multiply Charged Ions ESI spectrum of HEW Lysozyme MW = 14,305.14

39 Peptide Masses From ESI
Each peak is given by: m/z = (MW + nH+) n m/z = mass-to-charge ratio of each peak on spectrum MW = MW of parent molecule n = number of charges (integer) H+ = mass of hydrogen ion (1.008 Da)

40 Peptide Masses From ESI
Charge (n) is unknown, Key is to determine MW Choose any two peaks separated by 1 charge = (MW + nH+) = (MW + [n+1]H+) n [n+1] 2 equations with 2 unknowns - solve for n first n = /130.2 = 10 Substitute 10 into first equation - solve for MW MW = (10x1.008) = 14,305.14

41 ESI Transformation Software can be used to convert these multiplet spectra into single (zero charge) profiles which gives MW directly This makes MS interpretation much easier and it greatly increases signal to noise Two methods are available Transformation (requires prior peak ID) Maximum Entropy (no peak ID required)

42 Maximum Entropy

43 ESI and Protein Structure
ESI spectra are actually quite sensitive to the conformation of the protein Folded, ligated or complexed proteins tend to display non-gaussian peak distributions, with few observable peaks weighted toward higher m/z values Denatured or open form proteins/peptides which ionize easier tend to display many peaks with a classic gaussian distribution

44 ESI and Protein Conformation
Native Azurin Denatured Azurin

45 Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization
337 nm UV laser cyano-hydroxy cinnamic acid MALDI

46 MALDI Sample is ionized by bombarding sample with laser light
Sample is mixed with a UV absorbant matrix (sinapinic acid for proteins, 4-hydroxycinnaminic acid for peptides) Light wavelength matches that of absorbance maximum of matrix so that the matrix transfers some of its energy to the analyte (leads to ion sputtering)

47 MALDI Ionization Matrix + + Absorption of UV radiation by chromophoric matrix and ionization of matrix Dissociation of matrix, phase change to super-compressed gas, charge transfer to analyte molecule Expansion of matrix at supersonic velocity, analyte trapped in expanding matrix plume (explosion/”popping”) + - - Laser - + Analyte + + + - + + - - + - + + + + + +

48 MALDI Unlike ESI, MALDI generates spectra that have just a singly charged ion Positive mode generates ions of M + H Negative mode generates ions of M - H Generally more robust that ESI (tolerates salts and nonvolatile components) Easier to use and maintain, capable of higher throughput Requires 10 mL of 1 pmol/mL sample

49 MALDI Sample Limits Phosphate buffer < 50 mM
Ammonium bicarbonate < 30 mM Tris buffer < 100 mM Guanidine (chloride, sulfate) < 1 M Triton < 0.1% SDS < 0.01% Alkali metal salts < 1 M Glycerol < 1%

50 MALDI = SELDI 337 nm UV laser cyano-hydroxy cinnaminic acid MALDI

51 MALDI/SELDI Spectra Normal Tumor

52 Mass Spectrometer Schematic
Turbo pumps Diffusion pumps Rough pumps Rotary pumps High Vacuum System Inlet Ion Source Mass Filter Detector Data System Sample Plate Target HPLC GC Solids probe MALDI ESI IonSpray FAB LSIMS EI/CI TOF Quadrupole Ion Trap Mag. Sector FTMS Microch plate Electron Mult. Hybrid Detec. PC’s UNIX Mac

53 Different Mass Analyzers
Magnetic Sector Analyzer (MSA) High resolution, exact mass, original MA Quadrupole Analyzer (Q) Low (1 amu) resolution, fast, cheap Time-of-Flight Analyzer (TOF) No upper m/z limit, high throughput Ion Trap Mass Analyzer (QSTAR) Good resolution, all-in-one mass analyzer Ion Cyclotron Resonance (FT-ICR) Highest resolution, exact mass, costly

54 Magnetic Sector Analyzer

55 Mass Spec Equation (Magnet Sector)
B2 r2 = z 2V M = mass of ion B = magnetic field z = charge of ion r = radius of circle V = voltage

56 Quadrupole Mass Analyzer

57 Quadrupole Mass Analyzer
A quadrupole mass filter consists of four parallel metal rods with different charges Two opposite rods have an applied potential of (U+Vcos(wt)) and the other two rods have a potential of -(U+Vcos(wt)) The applied voltages affect the trajectory of ions traveling down the flight path For given dc and ac voltages, only ions of a certain mass-to-charge ratio pass through the quadrupole filter and all other ions are thrown out of their original path


59 Mass Spec Equation (TOF)
2Vt2 = z L2 m = mass of ion L = drift tube length z = charge of ion t = time of travel V = voltage

60 Ion Trap Mass Analyzer Ion traps are ion trapping devices that make use of a three-dimensional quadrupole field to trap and mass-analyze ions invented by Wolfgang Paul (Nobel Prize1989) Offer good mass resolving power, and even MSn capability.

61 Ion Trap Mass Analyzer

62 FT-Ion Cyclotron Analzyer

63 FT-ICR Uses powerful magnet (5-10 Tesla) to create miniature cyclotron
Originally developed in Canada (UBC) by A.G. Marshal in 1974 FT approach allows many ion masses to be determined simultaneously (efficient) Has higher mass resolution than any other MS analyzer available Will revolutionize proteomics studies

64 Mass Spectrometer Schematic
Turbo pumps Diffusion pumps Rough pumps Rotary pumps High Vacuum System Inlet Ion Source Mass Filter Detector Data System Sample Plate Target HPLC GC Solids probe MALDI ESI IonSpray FAB LSIMS EI/CI TOF Quadrupole Ion Trap Mag. Sector FTMS Microch plate Electron Mult. Hybrid Detec. PC’s UNIX Mac

65 MS Detectors Early detectors used photographic film
Today’s detectors (ion channel and electron multipliers) produce electronic signals via 2o electronic emission when struck by an ion Timing mechanisms integrate these signals with scanning voltages to allow the instrument to report which m/z has struck the detector Need constant and regular calibration

66 Mass Detectors Electron Multiplier (Dynode)

67 Different Types of MS ESI-QTOF MALDI-QTOF
Electrospray ionization source + quadrupole mass filter + time-of-flight mass analyzer MALDI-QTOF Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization + quadrupole + time-of-flight mass analyzer

68 Different Types of MS GC-MS - Gas Chromatography MS
separates volatile compounds in gas column and ID’s by mass LC-MS - Liquid Chromatography MS separates delicate compounds in HPLC column and ID’s by mass MS-MS - Tandem Mass Spectrometry separates compound fragments by magnetic field and ID’s by mass

69 Tandem Mass Spectrometer

70 Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Purpose is to fragment ions from parent ion to provide structural information about a molecule Also allows separation and identification of compounds in complex mixtures Uses two or more mass analyzers/filters separated by a collision cell filled with Argon or Xenon Collision cell is where selected ions are sent for further fragmentation

71 Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Different MS-MS configurations Quadrupole-quadrupole (low energy) Magnetic sector-quadrupole (high) Quadrupole-time-of-flight (low energy) Time-of-flight-time-of-flight (low energy) Fragmentation experiments may also be performed on single analyzer instruments such as ion trap instruments and TOF instruments equipped with post-source decay

72 Different MS-MS Modes Product or Daughter Ion Scanning
first analyzer selects ion for further fragmentation most often used for peptide sequencing Precursor or Parent Ion Scanning no first filtering, used for glycosylation studies Neutral Loss Scanning selects for ions of one chemical type (COOH, OH) Selected/Multiple Reaction Monitoring selects for known, well characterized ions only

73 MS-MS & Proteomics

74 Proteomics Applications
Protein sample identification/confirmation Protein sample purity determination Detection of post-translational modifications Detection of amino acid substitutions Determination of disulfide bonds (# & status) De novo peptide sequencing Mass fingerprint identification of proteins Monitoring protein folding (H/D exchange) Monitoring protein-ligand complexes/struct.

75 Conclusions Mass spectrometers exist in many different configurations to allow different problems to be solved All mass spectrometers have a common architecture and relatively similar operating principles Understanding the applications and limitations of MS in proteomics will help in understanding and meeting the bioinformatics needs in proteomics

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