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1 Chilliwack Community McCreary Data 2013. 2 2013 CCAHS INFORMATION Background Physical health Mental health Substance use Bullying, violence, abuse and.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Chilliwack Community McCreary Data 2013. 2 2013 CCAHS INFORMATION Background Physical health Mental health Substance use Bullying, violence, abuse and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Chilliwack Community McCreary Data 2013

2 2 2013 CCAHS INFORMATION Background Physical health Mental health Substance use Bullying, violence, abuse and discrimination School, work and leisure Protective factors


4 4 Family Background Aboriginal13% African3% European72% East Asian8% South Asian2% Southeast Asian2% West AsianNR Latin American, South American, Central American4% Australian, Pacific Islander2% Other3% Don't know13% Note: Youth could choose more than one response Province – Aboriginal 10%, European Descent 53% Fraser East – Aboriginal 11%, European Descent 57%

5 5 Home Life


7 7 Physical Activity/Sports 1 in 10 has zero days of at least 60 minutes of activities.

8 8 Health Status 83% of youth had seen a dentist in the past year. 12% of youth needed medical help in the past year. 48% of youth indicated that health conditions or disabilities limits activities.

9 9 Health Conditions & Disabilities 30% of students had at least one health condition or disability ( Students could mark all responses that applied) 16% of the youth self reported that they struggled with a mental health or emotional condition. 12% of the students needed medical help in the past year, but did not get it

10 10 Sleep 9 or more hours = 20% 2% of youth went to bed hungry often or always due to insufficient food at home.

11 11 Nutrition-Breakfast About 2 out of 10 students never eat breakfast on school days.

12 12 Nutrition-Breakfast Get breakfast at school 4% Don't have time72% Get breakfast on the way to school6% No food at home to eat5% Nothing I like to eat at home16% Not hungry in the morning45% Feel sick when I eat breakfast26% Trying to control my weight13% Pack breakfast and take it to school 8% Note: 54% of youth do not eat breakfast at home. Note: Students could mark all responses that applied. Reasons for not eating breakfast at home (among those who don't eat breakfast at home)

13 13 Injuries and Injury Prevention 25% of youth were injured seriously enough to require medical attention Most of the injuries occurred playing or training for sports/recreational activities 18% of the youth had one or more concussions 35% always wore a helmet when riding a bike 70% always wore a helmet snowboarding/skiing Among those injured Among those who did the activity

14 14 Body Weight & Body Image

15 15 Body Image:Purged About 1 out of 10 students purged after eating

16 16 Sexual Behaviour About 2 out of 10 students have engaged in sexual activities


18 18 Mental Health 5% self assess as poor!! Approximately 25% felt limited calm and peace!!

19 19 Mental Health 40% self assessed that they felt happy only little or some of the time Approximately 1 in 5 seriously considered suicide in 2012

20 20 Mental Health Reasons for not getting emotional or mental health services Reasons For Not Getting Emotional Or Mental health Services (Among Those Who felt They Needed Them)

21 21 Mental Health

22 22 Mental Health Almost 1 in 10 attempted suicide in 2012 1 in 5 seriously cut or injured themselves in 2012

23 23 Mental Health 70% had someone in the family they trusted 34% had someone who they trusted outside the family


25 25 Tobacco Use 25% had ever tried smoking Among those: 10% first smoked at 12 years old or younger 18% first smoked at 15 years old or older 6% were less than 9 years old

26 26 Alcohol Use About 1 out of 10 students tried alcohol when they were 12 or under.

27 27 Alcohol Use About 4 out of 10 students have had alcohol – legal drinking age in BC is 19 65% first drank before turning 15 years old 26% had five or more drinks in a short period of time at least once in the past month 37% of youth indicated that they had 1 or 2 days of alcohol in the past month

28 28 Marijuana Use About 2 out of 10 students tried Marijuana when they were 12 or under.

29 29 Substance Use 0 times 1 or more times Prescription pills without doctor's consent 88% 12% Cocaine98%2% Hallucinogens97%3% Ecstasy/MDMA95%5% Mushrooms94%6% Inhalants99%1% Amphetamines98%2% Crystal meth99%1% Heroin99%1% Ketamine, GHB99%1% Steroids without a doctor's prescriptionNR Number of times ever used the following drugs

30 30 Substance Use Consequences of drinking or using drugs in past year Note: 40% of youth used alcohol or other drugs in past year. Note: Students could mark all responses that applied. Note: Students could mark all responses that applied.

31 31 Substance Use Reason for using alcohol or other drugs last time (among those who used alcohol or drugs) Reason for using alcohol or other drugs last time (among those who used alcohol or drugs) Note: Students could mark all responses that applied. Note: Students could mark all responses that applied.


33 33 Bullying In the past year: 42% of students were teased to the point where they felt bad or extremely uncomfortable 38% were socially excluded 8% were physically attacked or assaulted

34 34 Cyber Bullying 18% of students were cyberbullied in past year 6% cyberbullied someone in past year 14% reported meeting someone online who made them feel unsafe

35 35 Discrimination In The Past Year, been Discriminated Against Due To... NO YES Your ethnicity93%7% Your sexual orientation95%5% Your gender/sex94%6% Your disability97%3% Your physical appearance76%24% The amount of money you or your family have95%5% Your age89%11% People seeing you as different85%15%

36 36 Physical & Sexual Abuse: 6% have been forced into a sexual activity by another student (2% by an adult). 6% have been forced into a sexual activity by another student (2% by an adult).


38 38 School Plans

39 39 School Safety

40 40 Work

41 41 School Connectedness These factors point to a sense of belonging at school.


43 43 Established Protective Factors  School connectedness  Positive family relationships  Caring adults outside the family  Someone to turn to for help

44 44 Established Protective Factors  Peer relationships  Good nutrition  Feeling engaged and valued  Stable home

45 45 Established Protective Factors  9 or more hours of sleep  Neighbourhood safety  Community connectedness  Cultural connectedness

46 Most students reported their overall and mental health as good or excellent The majority of students felt good about themselves, had things they were good at, and had an adult in their community that cared about them Promoting protective factors have and can continue to play a key role in improving outcomes for students

47 47 QUESTIONS? Reflect:

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