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By: Gillian Constantino, 12.7.11 What is world population?  The world population is the total number of human beings living on earth.  The U.S. Census.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Gillian Constantino, 12.7.11 What is world population?  The world population is the total number of human beings living on earth.  The U.S. Census."— Presentation transcript:


2 By: Gillian Constantino, 12.7.11

3 What is world population?  The world population is the total number of human beings living on earth.  The U.S. Census bureau predicts that by 2050 the world population will be around 7.5 to 10.5 billion.  Death by illness, natural disasters, and accidents have a great impact on how populations increase and decrease.  Deaths per year: 57 million

4 WORLD POPULATION DATA U.S. Census Bureau Year, tPopulation (in Billions) 2001, t = 16.17 2002, t = 26.25 2003, t = 36.32 2004, t = 46.40 2005, t = 56.48 2006, t = 66.55 2007, t = 76.63 2008, t = 86.71 2009, t = 96.79

5 World Population Assuming that the data is linear, Our function is as follows: f(x)=.0772x+6.0919 The linear correlation is strong with coefficient r =.99989

6 World Population Assuming that the data is exponential, our function will be as follows: with correlation coefficient r =.99989

7 World Population However if we were to assume that the world population grows logistically then we must consider the world population beyond 100 years before obtaining the logistic growth pattern of the given graph. Assuming that this is true, the function would be given by:

8 Facts of U.S population  The United States is the third most populous country in the world.  California and Texas are the most populous states in the U.S  New York City is the most populated city of the U.S, with Los Angeles being the second.

9 U.S population U.S. Census Bureau Year, tPopulation (in Millions) 1900, t = 076.212 1910, t = 1092.228 1920, t = 20106.022 1930, t = 30123.203 1940, t = 40132.165 1950, t = 50151.326 1960, t = 60179.323 1970, t = 70203.302 1980, t = 80226.542 1990, t = 90248.710 2000, t = 100281.422

10 U.S population Assuming that the population grows linearly, then function is as follows: f(x) = 2.019x + 64.546 The data has a strong linear relationship as illustrated with a Correlation coefficient given by r =.9907.

11 U.S population Assuming that the populations grows exponentially, the function is given by: f(x)= 80.563e 0.0128x The graph shows a strong correlation with r =.9975

12 U.S population Many demographers assume that the U.S. population will continue to grow but in a logistic manner as the graph indicates. The logistic function is give by:

13 Conclusion In conclusion, while the given set of data shows strong linear and exponential correlations, it is assumes that the U.S. population will grow in a logistic manner.

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