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Immigration Remedies for Trafficking Victims By Laura Dawkins, USCIS Sabrina Solomon, FIAC Kavitha Sreeharsha, Legal Momentum.

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Presentation on theme: "Immigration Remedies for Trafficking Victims By Laura Dawkins, USCIS Sabrina Solomon, FIAC Kavitha Sreeharsha, Legal Momentum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immigration Remedies for Trafficking Victims By Laura Dawkins, USCIS Sabrina Solomon, FIAC Kavitha Sreeharsha, Legal Momentum

2 Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:  Begin to identify individuals who may qualify for T or U visa relief  Learn effective strategies for collaboration with law enforcement and other systems to assist victims in obtaining T or U relief

3 Small Group Exercise  Identify factors indicating trafficking  What other information would be helpful to know?  Are any of the scenarios better T or U visa cases?  What are the differences in the requirements and process?

4 Differences Between Ts and Us  Certification  Certifying agencies  Physical Presence Requirement  Benefits

5 What does helpful include?  A victim calls 911 but there is no law enforcement follow-up  Law enforcement lacks the resources to follow up on a complaint  Prosecutors decide not to prosecute the case  Prosecutors prosecute a different crime  There is a plea bargain and/or no need for the victim to testify  The Defendant is not convicted

6 U visa collaboration  Recruiting people to the table  Setting clear goals  Mechanisms for accomplishing the goals

7 Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:  Begin to identify individuals who may qualify for T or U visa relief  Learn effective strategies for collaboration with law enforcement and other systems to assist victims in obtaining T or U relief

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