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Metal Parts and Products Coating. AREA DESIGNATION FOR STATE AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARD OZONE Legend Attainment Non-Attainment Unclassified Mountain.

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Presentation on theme: "Metal Parts and Products Coating. AREA DESIGNATION FOR STATE AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARD OZONE Legend Attainment Non-Attainment Unclassified Mountain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metal Parts and Products Coating

2 AREA DESIGNATION FOR STATE AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARD OZONE Legend Attainment Non-Attainment Unclassified Mountain Counties Lake Tahoe North Coast Lake County Northeast Plateau San Joaquin Valley Great Basin Valleys Southeast Desert San Francisco Bay Area North Central Coast South Coast San Diego South Central Coast Sacramento Valley Ozone Concentration Map

3 Visibility


5 Ozone Causes: Alveolar injury leading to pulmonary inflammation and permanent lung damage Respiratory discomfort to sensitive populations $330 Million in crop damage each year Damage & failure of paints and rubber parts Who Cares?

6 Why Paint? Corrosion protection Restore factory color Change color or make uniform Restore protection to repaired spot Reduce wear

7 Galvanic Corrosion Occurs between dissimilar metals Ion Exchanges

8 What is a Coating? Coatings A thin film of organic material applied to a mechanical device to protect it from corrosion or assault by its environment. Consequently the color, and texture of the surface are also altered.

9 Binders or Resin Solvents, Thinners and Diluents Pigments & Extenders Additives The Four Components of any Coating Coatings 200-9

10 A soluble solid capable of hardening into a thin film Binder Coatings

11 Common Binders/Resins Acetates Latex Acrylics Nitrocellulose Alkyds Polyurethanes Asphaltics Silicone Epoxies Vinyls Coatings

12 Curing Air dry Thermoset/ Thermocure ThermoplasticRadiation Coatings

13 Curing Lacquer - cures by the evaporation of the solvent Enamel - cures by an irreversible chemical reaction involving various components or atmospheric water or oxygen Coatings

14 Solvents, Diluents and Thinners Coatings Liquids added to reduce viscosity, promote flow and permit drying by evaporation

15 Organic Solvent Types Coatings Terpenes pine tree extract Hydrocarbons Aliphatic (mineral spirits) Naphthenic, Aromatic (Toluene & Xylene) Naphthenic, Aromatic (Toluene & Xylene) Oxygenated Alcohols, Esters & Ketones Furans Tetrahydrofuran for polyvinyl chloride Chlorinated Trichloroethane, Methylene chloride

16 Pigments are small, hard particles added for : Coatings 1) mechanical strength 2) UV protection 3) color (see additives)

17 Some Common Pigments Coatings Titanium Dioxide Powdered Metals Zinc Oxide Stainless Steel Flake Antimony Trioxide Bronze, Zinc Aluminum Para Red Aluminum Para Red Carbon Black Iron Oxide Graphite Toluidine Red Black Iron

18 Coatings Extenders are less expensive pigments with poorer hold out Calcium Carbonate Talc (Magnesium Silicate) China Clay (Aluminum Silicate) Calcium Silicate SilicaMica Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) Barytes or Blanc Fixe (Barium Sulfate)

19 Additives Coatings A chemical added for a specific effect on either the wet or dry film. examples: luster enhancer, drying speed, hardness, anti fish eye Normally totals less than 5% of liquid volume

20 Additives Coatings Skinning agents methyl ethyl ketoxime, Wetting agents (for pigment) anionic, cationic and nonionic soya lecithin, anti-foaming(usually water-borne) silicone and non-silicone, coalescing (latex emulsion), thickening (water borne) methyl cellulose, microbicides mercurial & nonmercurial examples: luster enhancer, drying speed, hardness, anti fish eye

21 Water as a Diluent x grams of solids covers area y x grams of solids covers area y solids organic solvents solids water cosolvent solvents Coatings

22 A Coating System Compatability Intercoat Topcoat Substrate: Steel, Plastic or other Primer/sealer/surface 1 to 5 mils each Powder

23 ROG Control Strategies for Coatings Use Reduction Use of Exempt Solvents Use of Exempt Solvents Use of Water-Borne Products Use of Water-Borne Products Increased Solids Contents Increased Solids Contents Increased Transfer Efficiency Increased Transfer Efficiency Retrofit Control Devices Capture and Reuse Capture and Reuse Capture and Destroy Capture and Destroy Coatings

24 1994 Coating Consumption by type Type Million Gallons Percent Water 586 50.9 Hi-Sol 110 9.6 Powder 70 6.0 Radiation Cure 6.4 0.5 Non Comp High VOC 378 32.9 1149.6 100 1149.6 100 Coatings

25 Exempt Solvents Vary by District Have a Variety of Human Health Effects Including Anesthesia and Intoxication Stratospheric Ozone Depletion Sometimes Incompatible with Aluminum or Water Coatings 200-12

26 Waterborne Pro and Con reduced air emissions increased water and HAP emissions reduced fire hazard pretournament more critical low cure temps drying time controlled more by easy clean up weather than by additives higher air pressure means lower TE rust proof equipment required Coatings 200-11

27 Cosolvent aka coupling agent a solvent that causes two immiscible liquids to mix may comprise up to 30% of the liquid in a waterborne coating Coatings

28 For information on Waterborne solutions: Waterweb:http:/ or call or call (602) 948-3555 (602) 948-3555 Coatings

29 High Solids Pro and Con reduced air emissions increased viscosity reduced storage & handling stability Coatings

30 Thermoplastic or thermoset No on-site color mixing Faraday cage Electrostatic application required 200-12 Powder Coatings Coatings

31 Common MP&P Coatings Prefab Arch. 275 g/l 420 Metallics 350 g/l 420 Masks &Lubs 800 g/l 800 baked air dry VOC Contents of

32 Coating steps and points of sanding/depainting sanding/depainting surface clean and prep surface clean and prep primer & topcoat application primer & topcoat application flash off/drying flash off/drying cure cure touch up touch up equipment clean up 200-2 Process emission

33 Points of VOC Emission Storage Application Cleanup Mixing Drying & Prep. 90% of VOC Emission

34 Application Techniques Dip Flow Roll Spray Airless Air HVLP/Electrostatic } } Electrodeposition Autodeposition

35 Process Autodeposition no electrical current used; waterborne; an acid bath releases iron cations from steel that react with negatively charged latex polymer to precipitate coating solids onto surface aka autophoresis

36 Electrodeposition aka Electrophoresis Coating solids and part are given opposite charges. Coating particles are drawn magnetically to part. similar to Electroplating Process

37 Listed Hazardous Materials found in Coatings Benzene Lead 1,3-Butadiene Methylene Chloride Carbon tetrachloride Perchloroethlene Chromium VI Toluene Ethylene dibromide Trichloroethylene Ethylene dichloride Vinyl chloride Glycol ethers Xylene 700-2,3 Plating

38 How it Works A direct current is passed through a Chromic acid bath causing positive chromium and hydrogen ions to migrate to the cathode and negative oxygen ions to migrate to the anode. Plating

39 Percent of Cr 6 Consumed by type Percent Type Normal Thickness 60% Hard plate - tools, crankshafts 10-300 microns 30 %Decorative - plumbing, auto parts0.25 microns 10%Anodizing - Al and Mg parts none 700-3 Plating

40 TAC exposure The bubbles breaking the surface of the acid bath emit Cr 6 vapors and aerosol. Plating

41 Control Strategies 1. Increase the surface tension of the acid bath 2. Add a layer of foam or ping pong balls 3. Substitute Cr 3 for Cr 6 4. Capture and reuse 700-4 Plating

42 With mist inhibitors

43 Note : mist inhibitor is disturbedaroundelectrodes Plating

44 700-4 Cr 6 Control Mist Eliminators 1. a mesh pad that captures emissions by inertial impaction emissions by inertial impaction 2. a series of chevroned baffles

45 Mesh pad scrubber Cr 6 Control

46 700-4 Cr 6 Control Rule Requirements 1. 95% control 2. record keeping 3. permit conditions which might include: periodic source test include: periodic source test specified pressure drop across the control device and instrumentation specified pressure drop across the control device and instrumentation amp-hour meter and records amp-hour meter and records

47 ROG Control Strategies for Coatings Use Reduction Use of Exempt Solvents Use of Exempt Solvents Use of Water-Borne Products Use of Water-Borne Products Increased Solids Contents Increased Solids Contents Increased Transfer Efficiency Increased Transfer Efficiency Retrofit Control Devices Capture and Reuse Capture and Reuse Capture and Destroy Capture and Destroy Control

48 Transfer Efficiency (T.E.) the ratio of the amount of solids adhering, to the amount of solids applied 200-17

49 Airless Air Atomized High Volume, Low Electrostatic Pressure Air-Assisted Turbobell Spray Application Process

50 Wing Port Spray Gun Air path

51 Spray fan pattern is compressed by air from the spray cap wing ports.

52 020%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% HVLP Airless Electrostatic Air - Assisted Airless Electrostatic Air Electrostatic Air - Assisted Airless Airless Spray 65% Percent Transfer Efficiency Air Spray

53 High Volume/Low Pressure Coatings Application 200-21

54 Since the early 1990’s complying equipment is manufactured with an embossed “HVLP” label (not seen here) Control

55 HVLP PrimerConventional Air Spray Gun Caps- note wing port size

56 Control Old style hot air turbines

57 Control Spray cap pressure gauge is specific to the make and model of gun

58 Electrostatic spray gun note charging electrode

59 Transfer Efficiency Parameters Spray equipment Paint pressure and air pressure at nozzle Ambient temperature and humidity Air flow rate in spray booth Painters training and experience Coating chemistry Shape of part Process

60 Control Alternative: Rather than Meet Any of the ROC Limits a Source May: Collect at Least 90 Percent by Weight of Emissions Collect at Least 90 Percent by Weight of Emissions And Transport to a Central Device that Reduces Emissions at Lease 95 Percent (Total Control = 85%) And Transport to a Central Device that Reduces Emissions at Lease 95 Percent (Total Control = 85%)

61 ROG Control Strategies for Coatings Use Reduction Use of Exempt Solvents Use of Exempt Solvents Use of Water-Borne Products Use of Water-Borne Products Increased Solids Contents Increased Solids Contents Increased Transfer Efficiency Increased Transfer Efficiency Retrofit Control Devices Capture and Reuse Capture and Reuse Capture and Destroy Capture and Destroy Control

62 Booth Design Air Flow Particulate Collection DowndraftWater Wash Sidedraft Dry filter Hood Control 200-29





67 Incineration Direct Flame Catalytic Carbon Adsorption Condensation Absorption Control Equipment Control

68 Thermal Oxidation Destroys VOC with the three T's of combustion: TimeTemperatureTurbulence Achieves 75-99% reduction in the emissions entering the device emissions entering the device Control

69 Direct Flame vs. Catalytic Capital costs operating cost (auxiliary fuel) operating temperature Control

70 Reversible Catalyst Inhibitors HalogensSulfurZinc Control

71 Slow Catalyst Poisons IronTinSilicon Control

72 Fast Acting Catalyst Poisons PhosphorousLeadArsenicAntimonyMercuryBismuth Control

73 Catalysts are Subject to: Thermal Aging - Heat Cycles Cause the Metal to Recrystallize in an Ineffective Form Burnout - Excessive Heat "Boils" the Metal off the Substrate Gumming - Surface Area is Covered by Heavy Organics From Paint or Fuel Oil Control

74 Check Incinerators for: Auxiliary Fuel Flow Gas Flow from Booth to Stack Outlet Temp. Higher than Inlet Temp. Inlet VOC Concentration Higher than Outlet VOC Concentration Bypass Stack Emissions Control

75 Control Carbon Adsorption Electromagnetically attracts VOC onto activated carbon Achieves 40 to 65% reduction



78 Inspection The Paperwork for a VOC Inspection

79 Inspection Operator Must Maintain Daily: All data necessary to determine compliance

80 Inspection Determine the VOC Content of Coatings in storage & being applied Ask for Product specification sheet or Material Safety Data Sheet Take a sample for laboratory analysis

81 Inspection The Product Label may include: 1) Id number or name 2) Mixing instructions 3) VOC content as applied 4) Weight percent water 5) Solvent names & densities

82 Inspections Ask for Mixing Records A log should be available at the mixing station, spray booth or paint foreman's desk

83 Inspection Compare materials in the log to materials on the shelves Sign and date this log

84 Inspection The Physical Inspection

85 Applicable Rules Nuisance Visible Emissions General Organic Solvent Permit Fugitive Dust Inspection

86 Points of VOC Emission Storage Application Cleanup Mixing Drying & Prep. 90% of VOC Emission

87 Inspection The Seven Points of Any Inspection CaptureTransport Air Mover Instrumentation Control Equipment SubsystemStack

88 Permit Conditions

89 Mixing

90 Look for secondary operations. Inspections DegreasingSandblasting Space Heating

91 How can the inspector improve compliance rates?

92 Specify operating conditions for control equipment and installation of a measuring device Permit should specify renegotiation of permit when the volume of coating exceeds X (to limit unreported growth) Permit negotiations Recommendations/Engineering

93 Void a particular exemption Specify higher than required transfer efficiency Permit negotiation Possible Permit Conditions:

94 Federal Executive Order 12088 & Prohibition of Specification " You want me to do WHAT?!!!"

95 l The Final Word on Successful Inspecting Patience, Repetition, Consistency

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