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Marriage and Family Life
Sub topics Changes in family life. Key words.
Christianity and sex/relationships. Islam and family sex/relationships. Christianity and Islam - divorce. Christianity and Islam- Family Life. Christianity and Islam on Homosexuality. Christianity and Islam Christianity and Islam on contraception.
1950’s Most young people would not have sex until they were married.
Homosexuality was against the law. Most people would be married by the age of 25. Most people would be married in a church. People would have just one or two sexual partners in a lifetime. Most households would be a nuclear family.
2000’s Average age for marrying has increased (31.8 for men and 29.7 for women). Most people have sex before they get married. More children raised by cohabiting families (11% of all families) Only 34% of marriages took place in a church. More single-parent + reconstituted families as more couples divorce. Homosexuality made legal in 1967 and Civil Partnerships 2004.
Why have attitudes changed?
Contraception made it safer to have sex without becoming pregnant. More extended families as working mums use grandparents to look after children Less people following church teaching on sex and living together Celebrity couples make divorce, cohabitation + homosexuality appear more acceptable now Media shows cohabiting couples & sex outside marriage as normal Divorce & single parent families more acceptable now Divorce is more acceptable, cheaper and women have equal rights and pay to men so don’t have to stay married. Homosexuality made legal and homophobia illegal
Key words Remember these are worth 20% of your exam.
What type of family is this?
Nuclear family? Extended family? Single parent family? Same sex family? Re-constituted family?
What type of family is this?
Nuclear family? Extended family? Single parent family? Same sex family? Re-constituted family?
What type of family is this?
Nuclear family? Extended family? Single parent family? Same sex family? Re-constituted family?
What type of family is this?
Nuclear family? Extended family? Single parent family? Same sex family? Re-constituted family?
Christianity and attitudes to sex and relationships.
Here you go…I got you some SEX!!!
3. Here you go…I got you some SEX!!! SEX Sex is a GIFT from God God made two of each species with the intention that they would reproduce, populate the land, and humans would act as stewards to care for all creations.
= 4. Sex is for procreation.
The purpose of sex is to reproduce and start a family, it was not designed for enjoyment..
1. Marr iage SEX Sex belongs in marriage – Christians believe you should NOT have sex until you are married because sex is for procreation.
Islam and attitudes to sex and relationships.
Islam and adultery Adultery is strongly condemned in Islam and is forbidden in The Qur’an Shari’ah law says that adultery is punishable by death. It breaks the marriage contract. It is likely to harm family relations which Muslims believe are very important.
Sex OUTSIDE marriage... Muslims are advised to avoid circumstances that could potentially result in pre-marital sex. Unmarried couples are warned about spending time alone in isolated places where they would be more likely to act on their feelings. Pre-marital sex is considered a major sin.
Write each quote into the ‘Quote’ section of two teachings on the worksheet.
“...adultery is a shameful deed and an opening road to other evils.” Surah 17:32 “ Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty...” Surah 24:30 Maybe one could added to the modesty column?!?
Divorce- Christianity and Islam
The facts about divorce – True or False?
1. Anyone can have a divorce if they ask for it FALSE. You have to prove that your marriage has “broken down” and only a judge can grant the divorce.
Why might someone want a divorce?
Reasons for Failure? Why might someone want a divorce?
Why??? In your opinion, which of the following should be grounds for divorce? Place them in the diamond 9 and explain why you chose the most and least important reasons. UNREASONABLE BEHAVIOUR ABUSE MENTAL ILLNESS INNABILITY TO HAVE CHILDREN PHYSICAL DISABILITY DESERTION ADULTERY FALL OUT OF LOVE PARTNER COMMITTED A CRIME
“ A man who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against his wife. In the same way, a woman who divorces her husband and marries another man, commits adultery.” (Mark 10:11-12) “…Any man who divorces his wife for any cause other than her unfaithfulness, commits adultery if he marries some other woman.” (Matt 19:9) “…A man will leave his father and mother and unite with his wife, and the two will become one”…”No human being then must separate what God has joined together. (Mark 10:7-9)
Why has the stigma against divorce has gone?
Divorce is relatively quick and inexpensive Divorce doesn’t have the negative stigma it used to People are less religious and do not feel so bound to their marriage vows People are less willing to put up with bad treatment from their partners
Islam – How a divorce is done
A man has to tell his wife that he wants a divorce three times over three months The couple can divorce and re-marry after the three month period is up The husband has to carry on looking after his wife until she marries again, even after they are divorced
Islam – What a divorce is allowed for
You can get a divorce if the husband won’t give any money to the wife You can get a divorce if the husband is away for a long time or is put in prison
Islam – What does the Qur’an say?
The Qur’an says that divorce is not a good thing The Qur’an says that you can’t throw your wife out of your house, even if you want a divorce!
Christianity, Islam and Family life
Example One At baptism we promise to bring our children up in a loving Christian family
Example Two At Sunday School we learn about how to get on with each other and follow Christian teachings on the family
At a church school children are educated in a Christian environment
Example Three At a church school children are educated in a Christian environment
We can all worship as a family at this family service and at Christmas or Easter
Example Four
And Haram means not allowed
Mother Halal means allowed As a mother, my job is to teach my children about what is haram and what is halal And Haram means not allowed
As a father, it is my responsibility to take my sons to the Mosque
Imam It is my job as an Imam to offer advice on matters of marriage and family life
The Madrasah One of the responsibilities a parent has is to send their children to the Madrasah. This is a Islamic ‘School’ Children go to the Madrasah on an evening after completely their state school day. They will learn how to read the Qu’ran as well as the meanings in the Qu’ran. They will also be able to have extra classes such as English and maths.
Christianity and Homosexuality
Homosexuality is a grave sin and according to Shariah Law punishable by death in Islam. It is never excepted.
New Testament - Men committed indecent acts with other men and received the due penalty for their perversion. New Testament Jude 1:7- Depicts Cities that are burnt to the ground because it’s Christian inhabitants are thought to be involved in greed and homosexual acts. Therefore God uses them as a deterrent by destroying all that live there,
Roman Catholic/ Pope view
They advise that if you have these feelings to remain celibate (avoid sexual relationships) Roman Catholics think homosexual sex is a sin because the Bible says it is wrong. Do – memory test (shade in right answers)
Church of England Some say it is it is unnatural, abnormal and a sin.
The Church of England is divided over the issue of homosexuality. Others accept homosexuality because these relationships can be stable, loving, long-term relationships and Jesus taught the LOVE mattered the most. Some say it is it is unnatural, abnormal and a sin. Do – memory test (shade in right answers)
Islam and Christianity on Contraception.
Religion and contraception
Christianity Protestants Think contraception is because... 1. 2. 3. Both partners must Acceptable Sex allows a married couple to show love It controls family size It keeps the couple safe Agree to using contraception
Religion and contraception
Christianity Roman Catholics Purpose of sex is Artificial contraception is because... They allow To REPRODUCE Wrong! sex is a gift from God, given in order that they reproduce and populate the earth The Rhythm Method It is NATURAL
Religion and contraception
Islam Most Muslims... Think contraception is if: 1. 2. 3. Muhammad... Acceptable The woman’s health is at risk. If a possible child may have a disability If they cannot afford a child Did not forbid the use of contraception
Religion and contraception
Islam Some Muslims... Think contraception is because... And…. Wrong! Allah has a plan for everyone so it is wrong to interfere to prevent the birth of a child They think that contraceptive techniques lead to a rise in promiscuity (sleeping around freely)
Christians should never use contraception? D Part 6 Marks
Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why some of its followers accept divorce and others do not. C Part 8 marks
Explain why most Christians are against sex outside of marriage
Explain why most Christians are against sex outside of marriage. C Part 8 Marks. All religious people should allow divorce. D Part 6 Marks
Explain why some Christians accept homosexuality and others don’t
Explain why some Christians accept homosexuality and others don’t. C Part 8 Marks. A religious family is a happy family. D Part Question. 6 marks.
Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why most of its followers do not accept sex outside of marriage. C Part 78 Marks. Contraception should be accepted by all religious people. D Part 6 Marks.
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