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Information Session Elena García-Martín LNCO 1313.

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1 Information Session Elena García-Martín LNCO 1313

2 Agenda  Spanish M.A  Class requirements/Road Map  MA exams/Format/Strategies  Student progress  Spanish Ph.D  Supervisory Committee  Class requirements/Language  Exams/Dissertation  Fellowships  Q & A

3 Class requirements Our MA students take a minimum of 10 department courses, including the following core courses listed under CLCS: Required Courses:  I. CLCS 6600: Introduction to Research and Bibliography  II. One (1) of the following Literary Theory and Criticism courses:  CLCS 6760: Literary Theory and Criticism: Antiquity to Early Modern CLCS 6761: Literary Theory and Criticism: Romanticism to Early 20th Century CLCS 6762: Literary Theory and Criticism: Contemporary  III. A minimum of seven (7) courses in your language area  IV. Students with a TAship are also required to take LANG 6410 in the first semester

4 Comprehensive MA Exams  The Comprehensive examinations will not be for the purpose of reviewing course material, but will be concerned with the broader aspects of Spanish and Spanish-American literature.  Students are expected to be able to trace the developments of genres, make connections between movements, apply historical background of literary periods to individual texts, and demonstrate an ability to employ critical, analytical, and interpretive thinking in addressing literature. Correspondingly, it is expected that students be able to make their own critical observations.

5 Format MA exams  All candidates will take a uniform comprehensive examination based on the MA reading lists revised in Spring 2008. Students may bring the following items with them to the exams: a dictionary, scratch paper, and a bland disk or CD-ROM. Students will select 3 areas out of the 6 listed on the official MA Reading List, with the following conditions:  At least one area must represent the period before 1700  At least one area must represent the period after 1700  At least one list must cover Peninsular Literature  At least one list must cover Latin American Literature  Students will inform the Spanish Graduate Advisor in writing of her/his exam areas by October 30th. Once the student has expressed these preferences, no changes will be allowed. Written exams are 3 hours long and proctored over the course of 2 days. Within 1-2 weeks after the written exams an oral defense will complete the MA examination process. All exams will take place in March.

6 Strategies  The MA reading list covers fields that may not have been included in the student’s formal program of study. It is assumed that the candidate will consult:  a standard History of Spain, a History of Latin America  the usual manuals of Spanish literature  critical texts covering the various periods.  Students are also encouraged to read recent and specialized criticism and not to rely exclusively on literary manuals, guides, and histories for background information  Professors who teach courses in the various periods may be consulted for advice in preparation for these examinations.

7 Exam strategy  Print out reading list and start reading a year before exam.  Read complete list, then read it again.  Get a couple of sample questions and write answers. Check with your advisor frequently.  Go back to step #2

8 MA Exit Options: completing your degree  Non-Thesis and Thesis Options: The non- thesis option is preferred. However, the Committee may, after discussing the matter with the student, recommend the thesis-option.  Comprehensive and Final Exam: Each student must pass both a Comprehensive and Final Exam; the form of these exams differs according to the thesis or non-thesis option.

9 Non-Thesis and Thesis Options  Non-Thesis Option: A written Comprehensive Exam and an Oral Final Exam at or near the completion of coursework. The written Comprehensive Exam will be based on the department's reading lists, individualized to cover several areas of a particular student's primary interests (as shown, in part, through courses taken). The oral Final Exam will be an oral defense of the written Comprehensive Exam answers.  Thesis Option: Two oral exams. The first is the Comprehensive Exam which will focus on the student's coursework and thesis proposal; it will be given at or near the completion of coursework. The second is the Final Exam which will be a public oral of the student's completed MA thesis.

10 Student progress   First Year MA/MALP Student Progress & Continuation Report. Every student is assessed by its section in the following areas: 1. 1.Written work (argumentation, use of evidence, use of theory, etc.). 2. 2.Linguistic competency (if applicable). 3. 3.Commitment to the program (attendance, preparation, participation, etc.). 4. 4.Teaching performance (Coordinator’s assessment) 5. 5.Professionalism (appropriateness & demonstration of professional conduct).

11 Spanish Ph.D.  Goals, description  Academic Advising and Supervisory Committee  Course Requirements  Language Proficiency  Preliminary (Comprehensive) Exam  Dissertation and Final Exam

12 Ph.D. in Spanish: goals  The Spanish PhD program offers advanced study in the fields of Latin American and Peninsular literary and cultural studies. PhD students have the opportunity to work closely with the Spanish faculty, which is especially rich in the fields of U.S. Latino and Border Studies, Subaltern Studies (gender, indigenous, postcolonial) and Transatlantic Studies, as well as the genres of theatre, performance and poetry. Throughout the PhD program, students are mentored in establishing career goals and in networking with the wider research community in order to improve employability. Through rigorous coursework, students are taught to work both independently and co-operatively towards expressing original and critical ideas.

13 ACADEMIC ADVISING AND SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE During the first semester of graduate work, the Director of Graduate Studies, in conjunction with the Spanish Section Coordinator, will be the student's academic advisor. At the beginning of this semester, the student is to consult with and get the written approval of both, which will be placed in the student's department file, for all course work to be taken during that semester. By March 1 of the student's first year (if matriculated in the Fall), the student will form a 5-member Supervisory Committee, in consultation with the DGS. At least one member of this Committee must be from outside the department of Languages and Literature. From then on, the Chair of the Supervisory Committee will be the student's advisor in planning her/his academic program, the examination, and in the direction the Ph.D. dissertation.

14 Course Requirements   Students must take a minimum of 10 courses beyond the M.A. degree, including: 1. 1.One additional core course under CLCS chosen from CLCS 6760, 6761, or 6762, Literary Theory and Criticism of CLCS Trends 2. 2.A minimum of eight additional SPAN courses 3. 3.One additional course listed under Spanish or Comparative literary and cultural Studies (chosen from CLCS 6620 through 7900 but excluding 6880, 6970, and 6980). Some of these courses may be replaced by allied field courses, depending on the student's special interests and the Supervisory Committee's approval

15 Course Requirements (cont.) 1. 1.IV. Ph.D. Students who are also TFs (Teaching Fellows) must attend a week-long teacher-training session immediately before each Fall Semester. TFs must also take Lang 6410 (Fall) if they were not enrolled in this or a similar course while studying for the MA. 2. 2.V. A minimum of 14 semester hours of thesis research (7970)

16 Language Proficiency   Students must prove "Standard Proficiency" in two languages other than English and Spanish, or "Advanced Proficiency" in one language other than English and Spanish. Completion of the MA Language Proficiency requirement will satisfy part of this language requirement.

17 Preliminary (Comprehensive) Ph.D. Exam   This examination tests the student's mastery of the major and the two supporting fields. It must be taken after course requirements.   The written part of the examination consists of questions given to the student one week prior to the actual writing of the examination. There may be one or two questions required from each field of studies. Questions will require: exegesis of primary works, extensive dialogue with key critical issues and interpretations, the comparison of works (genres, periods, etc.), applied literary theory, and so forth.   The oral portion will be scheduled approximately a week after the written exam. The oral exam allows examiners to expand on areas of doubt from the written exams and to probe areas not included in the written exams

18 Exam results   The candidate will receive a grade of pass or fail in each area. Failure in the major area will automatically mean failure for the entire examination. A deficiency in one supporting field may be removed by passing a written examination in that field at the time of a subsequently scheduled Preliminary Examination. Failing both supporting fields means that the entire examination must be repeated.

19 Dissertation and Final Exam   After the Qualifying Exam, the candidate will submit a written dissertation proposal to her/his Committee for its approval. Upon completion of the dissertation and preliminary approval by the Committee, the candidate will make a public oral defense of the dissertation, which constitutes the "Final Exam." The purpose of the Final Exam is to demonstrate the student's ability to expound upon and defend the "thesis" of her/his dissertation.   The dissertation and the Qualifying/Final Exams' questions and answers will be in the language(s) agreed upon by the student and the Committee (normally English and/or Spanish)

20 Fellowships  sist.php#fellowships sist.php#fellowships sist.php#fellowships

21 Fellowships:  Teaching, Research and Graduate Assistantships Teaching, Research and Graduate Assistantships Teaching, Research and Graduate Assistantships  Fellowship & Scholarship Award Information Fellowship & Scholarship Award Information Fellowship & Scholarship Award Information  Marriner S. Eccles Graduate Fellowship Marriner S. Eccles Graduate Fellowship Marriner S. Eccles Graduate Fellowship  Graduate Research Fellowship Graduate Research Fellowship Graduate Research Fellowship  Steffensen Cannon Scholarship Steffensen Cannon Scholarship Steffensen Cannon Scholarship  University Teaching Assistantships University Teaching Assistantships University Teaching Assistantships  Additional Fellowship Information Additional Fellowship Information Additional Fellowship Information

22 University Teaching Assistantships ($15,000 plus tuition*).   For full-time graduate teaching assistants (first- year graduate students are not eligible). Departments may use the University Teaching Assistants in a variety of ways to enhance undergraduate teaching and graduate student development. *Award will qualify the student for the university's tuition benefit program, provided all other tuition benefit program criteria are met (including term limits). 12-15 awards given annually. Due: *February 2, 2010 announce_10.pdf * announce_10.pdf

23 Marriner S. Eccles Graduate Fellowship ($15,000 plus tuition).  For U.S. citizens who are full-time graduate students pursuing research in banking, business, education, finance, humanities, law, social sciences, and its impact on relationships among politics, public policy and the economy; renewable for one year. 5 to 7 awards given annually. Due: January 25, 2010.  Marriner S. Eccles 2010 Announcement Marriner S. Eccles 2010 Announcement Marriner S. Eccles 2010 Announcement  Marriner S. Eccles 2010 Procedures and Application Marriner S. Eccles 2010 Procedures and Application Marriner S. Eccles 2010 Procedures and Application

24 Graduate Research Fellowship ($15,000 plus tuition*).  For full-time graduate students who are conducting research or creative projects and who are pursuing the terminal graduate degree in their departments. All qualifying examinations must be successfully passed prior to the beginning of the academic year of the award; non-renewable. *Award will qualify the student for the university’s tuition benefit program, provided all other tuition benefit program criteria are met (including term limits). 12-15 awards given annually. Due: January 15, 2010.  Graduate Research Fellowship 2010 Announcement and Procedures Graduate Research Fellowship 2010 Announcement and Procedures Graduate Research Fellowship 2010 Announcement and Procedures  Graduate Research Fellowship 2010 Application Graduate Research Fellowship 2010 Application Graduate Research Fellowship 2010 Application

25 Steffensen Cannon Scholarship ($10,000: UG, $15,000: G). For graduate and undergraduate students in the Colleges of Education and Humanities as well as for direct descendants of Ellen Christina Steffensen Cannon. Also for secondary education (particular in mathematics and science) and early childhood education students who will be in the teacher certification program in the Graduate School of Education by the beginning of the academic year of the award; award includes tuition for graduate students only; renewable one year. 12-15 awards given annually. Due: February 13, 2010.

26 Additional Fellowship Information     

27 Languages and Literature Scholarships   geId=1590&term=graduate

28 Warren D. Fishburn Jr. Scholarship for Modern Languages   Open to all full-time (defined as 12 credit hours) resident, junior, senior or graduate students who have attended the University of Utah for at least one year and have declared a major in one of the following modern foreign languages: French, German, Russian, or Spanish.   Eligibility: Recipient must maintain the language major and hold no other scholarships. One year full resident tuition and fees.   Deadline: February 17, 2010

29 The Charles Patrick Halliday Scholarship for Benevolence   The Charles Patrick Halliday Scholarship for Benevolence has been established in the Department of Languages & Literature to provide scholarships for students who demonstrate financial need and are pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in a foreign language..   Graduate Award $2,500 award, renewable for a second year ($5,000 total). May be used in conjunction with a graduate fellowship. Eligibility Open to all full-time resident undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Utah who have declared a major in a Foreign Language.   Deadline: February 15, 2008

30 "Celebrate Diversity" Mini-Grant The Diversity office in the Graduate School will help support those activities that value the various contributions of traditionally underrepresented students in Higher Education through a limited number of $1000 grants.   Who Can Submit Proposals?   University of Utah, faculty, staff and/or registered student organizations are welcome to submit proposals.   Deadline: All proposals must be received in the Graduate School office by 5:00 pm thirty (30) days before the event.   trial run for paper presentations

31 Graduate Student Travel Assistance   Applications must be received in the Graduate School prior to travel dates. Requests are considered up to a maximum of $400 and must be supported with a dollar-for-dollar match from university funds.   One award only will be made during each fiscal year (July 1-June 30) to any graduate student.   trial run for paper presentations

32 Resources: Conferences CFP American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese   conferences conferences PMLA

33 MALP  MALP students take courses in L&L and Linguistics  Foundation Courses  1. LANG 6410 2. CLCS 6600  Second Language Teaching  Second Language Teaching  1. LING 6812 2. Linguistics 6818: L2 Testing. 3. Linguistics 6816: Instructional Design  Four Area Courses in Languages and Literature  Four Area Courses in Languages and Literature  One Elective  One Elective

34 MALP Road Map  Semester 1:  LANG 6410, CLCS 6600, 1 Area course  Semester 2:  LING 6812, LING 6818, 1 area course, 3 rd language.  Select exam committee.  Read for exam  Semester 3:  2 area courses, 3 rd language  Semester 4:  LING 6816, 1 elective

35 MALP exam  3 areas: SLA, Methodology, Elective  Committee members represent each of the three areas.  Written exams over two days cover three areas.  Follow-up oral exam a week later.

36 MALP exam strategy  Print out reading list and start reading a year before exam.  Read complete list, then read it again.  Get a couple of sample questions and write answers. Check with your advisor frequently.  Go back to step #2

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