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Bibliography or References A. Definition Bibliography is a list of books or articles that have been used by someone when writing a book or article. Reference.

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Presentation on theme: "Bibliography or References A. Definition Bibliography is a list of books or articles that have been used by someone when writing a book or article. Reference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bibliography or References A. Definition Bibliography is a list of books or articles that have been used by someone when writing a book or article. Reference is a note in a book that tells you where a particular piece of information comes from. B. The Location It usually listed in the end of the article, paper, research report, or the like. C. The Purpose To enable readers to retrieve and use the sources. To ensure that information is accurate and complete.

2 The elements of the bibliography or references a. Author b. Title of the book, article, journal, etc. c. Place or city publication d. Name of publisher e. Year of publication The abbreviation in the references ed : edition Rev. Ed.: revised edition Ed. (Eds.): editor (editors) p. (pp.): page (pages) n. D.: no date vol. : volume Pt.: part No. : number, etc

3 Writing Bibliography or References a. Book Hershey, P., & Blanchard, K. (1972). Management of organizational behavior. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. *arrange the name of the authors alpahabetically. *write the last name, then put comma (,) and write the first latter (initial) of the first name of the author, put a period (.) if the authors are two, we use an ampersand (&) if the authors are eight or more, include the first six authors’ names, then insert three ellipsis points, and add the last author’s name. *put the year of publication in Parantheses (.......). *capitalize only the first word of the title and of the subtitle, if any, and any proper nouns; italize the title. *put colon (:) between city of the publication and the name of publisher

4 b. Journal Article Hershey, P., & Blanchard, K. (1972). How situational leaders think: An American Perspective. Journal of Leadership Issues, 28, 125-132. *the way of arranging the name of the authors is the same as with how to write a reference from a book. *for an article: capitalize only the first word of the title and of the subtitle, if any and any proper nouns; do not italicize the title or place quatation marks around it. *for a journal: give the periodical title in full, in uppercase and lowercase letters. Itilicize the name of the periodical. *after colon, use capital letter only in the first word *write the volume and the page of the journal.

5 Writing the editors in a reference Author, A.A. (2008). Title of chapter. In E.E. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp.xx-xx). Loation:Publisher. *in a reference to an edited book, place the editors’ name in the author position, and enclose the abbreviation Ed. or Eds. In parantheses after the last editor’s name. The period follows the parenthical abbreviation (Eds.). *in a reference to a chapter in edited book, invert the chapter authors’ names as noted above but do not invert book editors’ names *the name of the book editor should be preceded by the word In. Provide initials and surname for all editors (for substantial reference works with a large editorial board, naming the lead editor followed by et al. is acceptable). *for a book with no editor, simply include the word In before the book title.

6 References a. If the author’s last name is used in the sentence, only the year appears in parantheses. Eg. Lack of fiber can cause colitis and cancer of the large intestine (Jones, 1986). b. If you are using the reference format, and you also use a direct quotation. It should follow the following rules: *Introduce the quotation by identifying the author *Put the year of publication and the page number of the quotation in parantheses. Eg. As Nobel prize winner William Smith observed, “Nitrates produce malignant tumors in 100 percent of test animals within six months” (1987:59). References a. If the author’s last name is used in the sentence, only the year appears in parantheses. Eg. Lack of fiber can cause colitis and cancer of the large intestine (Jones, 1986). b. If you are using the reference format, and you also use a direct quotation. It should follow the following rules: *Introduce the quotation by identifying the author *Put the year of publication and the page number of the quotation in parantheses. Eg. As Nobel prize winner William Smith observed, “Nitrates produce malignant tumors in 100 percent of test animals within six months” (1987:59).

7 Conclusion The bibliography or reference is indispensable in writing our research paper. It can determine our research paper accurate and complete or not. We should write the bibliography or references based on the rules of writing bibliography or references. Thus, write the bibliography or references in our research paper wisely.

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