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Word Position in Poetry.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Position in Poetry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Position in Poetry

2 Word Position shows relationships between words and ideas.
shows the different structures of poems

3 A couplet is the simplest form of poetry.
Do you see the word "couple" in couplet? A couple is two of something. A couplet is a poem made of two lines of rhyming poetry that usually have the same meter. There are no rules about length or rhythm.

4 A poem written in couplets
Mellow Autumn Autumns rich mellow flavoured air Unmasked, the trees are now bare. Seldom do we hear the birds sing When the Autumn leaves are falling. Smoke trails from the burning leaves Carried on the light cool breeze. The scent of spiced apple days In the suns golden haze. The Pine towering heavenly high Dropping fragrances on passers by. Smell the crisp refreshing air Wind is blowing everywhere. The leaves they scatter without sound Gently cascading to the ground.. A poem written in couplets

5 Word position is important in a Haiku.
In English, Haiku is written in three lines with each line having an exact number of syllables. The first line contains five syllables, line two contains seven syllables, and line three contains five syllables: 3 lines : first line, 5 syllables second line, 7 syllables third line, 5 syllables Silence around us Our watchful eyes hear the world Hands do the talking

6 Word position is important in a Diamante.
A diamante is a seven line poem, shaped like a diamond. square symmetrical, conventional shaping, measuring, balancing boxes, rooms, clocks, halos encircling, circumnavigating, enclosing round, continuous circle

7 Line 1: one word (subject/noun that is contrasting to line 7)
Line 2: two words (adjectives) that describe line 1 Line 3: three words (action verbs) that relate to line 1 Line 4: four words (nouns) first 2 words relate to line 1, last 2 words relate to line 7 Line 5: three words (action verbs) that relate to line 7 Line 6: two words (adjectives) that describe line 7 Line 7: one word( subject/noun that is contrasting to line 1)

8 My Hand Word position is important in a Shape Poem.
A Shape Poem takes on the shape of its subject. My Hand

9 The Plane

10 Eagles Own the Sky

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