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Measurements &Testing (1)a CSE 323a 1. Grading Scheme 50Semester work 50Lab exam 50Final exam 150Total Course webpage

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Presentation on theme: "Measurements &Testing (1)a CSE 323a 1. Grading Scheme 50Semester work 50Lab exam 50Final exam 150Total Course webpage"— Presentation transcript:

1 Measurements &Testing (1)a CSE 323a 1

2 Grading Scheme 50Semester work 50Lab exam 50Final exam 150Total Course webpage 2

3 1.Alan S. Morris, Measurement and Instrumentation Principles, Elsevier, 2001. 2.William Dunn, Introduction to Instrumentation, Sensors, and Process Control, Artech House, 2006. 3.William Bolton, Instrumentation and Control Systems, Elsevier, 2004. 4.Curtis Johnson, Process control instrumentation technology, Prentice-Hall, 6th edition, 2000. References: 3

4 Topics to be covered: TopicReference Basic electrical components (RLC)Dunn, Ch. 3 FiltersDunn, Ch. 3 Bridges Dunn, Ch. 3 Signal conditioningDunn, Ch. 4 & Johnson, Ch. 2 Digital multi-meter & OscilloscopeMorris Ch.7 Measurement system characteristicsBolton Ch. 1, Morris Statistical analysis of measurement errorsBolton, Appendix A, Morris Curve fitting using linear regressionMorris, Ch. 11 4

5 Lecture 1: RLC 5

6 Are the three basic passive elements used in electrical circuits. Let us have a look at some useful slides from the course 6.091 offered at the Department of Electrical and Computer Science, MIT, available at: ng-and-computer-science/ 6 Resistors, Capacitors, and Inductors

7 Resistors 7

8 Used as loads in electrical circuits. Resistor parameter: resistance, tolerance, and power rating. Standard values: 10 12 15 18 20 22 27 33 39 47 56 68 82. Common tolerances: ±5%, ±1%. Resistor are color coded. 8

9 4-band Resistor Color Coding 9

10 4-band, 5-band, 6-band Resistor Color Coding 10

11 Capacitors Used as dc blocking devices, in level shifting, integrating, differentiating, filters, and delay circuits. 11

12 Capacitors Capacitors range from 1 pF (10 -12 ) to 100,000 µF (10 -1 ). Typically, capacitors larger than 1 µF are polarized. All capacitors have maximum voltage ratings. 12

13 Capacitors Standard values: 10 12 15 18 20 22 27 33 39 47 56 68 82 Examples: 100pf, 180pf, 270pf, …, 1μF, 2.2μF, 4.7 μF, … 13

14 How to read puff capacitor codes? Example: Capacitor marking: 104 = 10 x 10 4 pF = 10 5 x 10 -12 F = 10 -7 F = 0.1μF 14

15 Inductors 15 Inductors vary from a few µH (etched on a pcb) to Henries.

16 Inductors Used as current limiting devices. Found in relays, audio to electrical conversions, electromagnetic devices, light dimmers, and tuned circuits. They are also the basis for transformers and motors. 16

17 3.2 Circuits with R, L, and C 3.2.1 Voltage Step Input 17

18 When the current in the resistor is maximum, the voltage across it is maximum, given by E = IR. i.e. the voltage is said to be in phase with the current. For the capacitor, the voltage is zero when the current is maximum, and the voltage is a maximum when the current is zero. In this case, the voltage lags the current, or there is a phase shift between the voltage and the current of 90°. The voltage across the capacitor builds up exponentially, at a rate determined by the values of R and C. 18

19 Step input to RL circuit 19

20 The voltage and current in the resistor are in phase. However, in the inductor, the voltage leads the current by of 90°. The voltage across the resistor increases exponentially, at a rate determined by the value of L and R. 20

21 Time constant In RC circuit, the voltage across the capacitor, while charging, is given by: where E is the source voltage. and while discharging, is given by: 21

22 Time constant It is the time taken by the response to reach 63.2% of its full change. The time constant of RC circuit is given by RC, while for RL circuit, it is L/R. Practically, the response will complete its full change in 4 to 5 time constants. 22

23 Time constant Applies not only to electrical circuits, but also to sensor outputs when there is a change in the measured variable. The output signal from the sensor changes exponentially, so that there is a delay before the sensor output reaches its final value. 23

24 3.2.3 Sine-wave inputs E is the supply voltage, V R, V L, V C are voltage across resistor, inductor, capacitor. Assuming that the circuit is capacitive. 24

25 In series RLC circuit, the same current will flow through all three devices. When an ac sine wave is applied to RLC circuits, the same phase shift between voltage and current occurs as when a step voltage is applied: I R and V R are in phase; I C leads V C by 90°; I L lags V L by 90°; That is, V C and V L are 180° out of phase; and V C and V L are 90° out of phase with V R 25

26 Vector addition Since the voltages and currents in capacitors and inductors are not in phase, they have impedance and not resistance. Impedance and resistance cannot be directly added. However, they can be combined using vectors. 26

27 The impedance (Z) of the ac circuit, as seen by the input is given by: Where The current flowing in the circuit can be obtained from Ohm’s Law, as follows: 27

28 Example What is the current flowing in the series RLC if R = 27 kΩ, C = 2.2 nF, L = 33 mH, E = 20V and the input frequency = 35 kHz? 28

29 Resonance 29

30 When the input frequency is below the resonant frequency X C > X L, the circuit is capacitive. Above the resonant frequency X C < X L, the circuit is inductive. Plotting the input current against the input frequency shows a peak at the resonant frequency as shown: 30

31 What is the resonant frequency of the series RLC if R = 27 kΩ, C = 2.2 nF, and L = 33 mH? What is the current at this frequency? The current can be obtained as (at resonance Z = R) Example 31

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