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Presentation on theme: "MARKETING STRATEGY O.C. FERRELL • MICHAEL D. HARTLINE"— Presentation transcript:

8 Pricing Strategy

2 The Role of Pricing in Marketing Strategy (1 of 2)
The Seller’s Perspective on Pricing Four key issues: (1) Costs (2) Demand (3) Customer value (4) Competitors’ prices The Buyer’s Perspective on Pricing Two key issues: (1) Perceived value (2) Price sensitivity

3 The Role of Pricing in Marketing Strategy (2 of 2)
A Shift in the Balance of Power Buyer’s market Large number of sellers in the market Many substitutes for the product Economy is weak Seller’s market Products are in short supply High demand Economy is strong The Relationship Between Price and Revenue Myth #1: When business is good, a price cut will increase market share. Myth #2: When business is bad, a price cut will stimulate sales.

4 Major Determinants of Pricing Strategy
Pricing Objectives Supply and Demand The Firm’s Cost Structure Competition and Industry Structure Four basic competitive market structures: Pure Competition Monopolistic Competition Oligopoly Monopoly Stage of the Product Life Cycle Other Elements of the Marketing Mix

5 Regulated Utilities as Monopolies

6 Description of Common Pricing Objectives
Exhibit 8.1

7 Pricing Strategy Over the Product Life Cycle
Exhibit 8.2

8 Price Elasticity of Demand (1 of 2)
Formula for calculating price elasticity: Situations That Increase Price Sensitivity Availability of product substitutes Higher total expenditure Noticeable differences Easy price comparison

9 Price Elasticity of Demand
Exhibit 8.3

10 Price Elasticity of Demand (2 of 2)
Situations That Decrease Price Sensitivity Real or perceived necessities Lack of product substitutes Complementary products Product differentiation Perceived product benefits Situational influences Price Elasticity and Yield Management Allows simultaneous control of capacity and demand Control capacity by limiting available capacity at certain price points Control demand through price changes and overbooking capacity

11 Yield Management for a Hypothetical Model
Exhibit 8.4

12 Discussion Question Discuss the variety of situational factors that could come into play and impact elasticity in the purchase of each of the following products: a) sporting event or concert tickets, b) staple goods such as milk, eggs, or bread, c) an electric razor, d) eye surgery to improve vision.

13 Pricing Strategies (1 of 2)
Base Pricing Strategies Price Skimming Penetration Pricing Prestige Pricing Value-Based Pricing (EDLP) Competitive Matching Non-Price Strategies Adjusting Prices in Consumer Markets Promotional Discounting Reference Pricing Odd-Even Pricing Price Bundling

14 Marketing Strategy in Action
Chrysler’s price skimming strategy for the Pacifica model has not been successful in attracting customers. Why do you think the $40,000 price tag has not been successful for the Pacifica? What do you think Chrysler should do in rethinking its pricing strategy for this model?

15 Price Bundling

16 Pricing Strategies (2 of 2)
Adjusting Prices in Business Markets Pricing techniques unique to business markets: Trade discounts Discounts and allowances Geographic pricing Transfer pricing Barter and countertrade Price discrimination

17 Fixed vs. Negotiated Pricing
Three pricing levels in a negotiated price situation: (1) Opening position (2) Aspiration price (3) Limit Guidelines for making concessions: Avoid being the first side to make a concession Start with modest concessions and make them smaller as you proceed Avoid making concessions early in the negotiation Do not give up anything without something in return

18 Discussion Question If you were trying to sell your used car through the newspaper, what factors would determine how you might set your opening position, your aspiration price, and your limit during the negotiation process?

19 Major Online Auction Strategies
Exhibit 8.5

20 Legal and Ethical Issues in Pricing
Price Discrimination Price Fixing Predatory Pricing Deceptive Pricing

21 Discussion Question One of the key decisions that managers often make is to change prices that have been set inappropriately. What issues should be considered in deciding whether it is the price that is wrong, or whether the problem lies in another element of the marketing mix?

22 Role of Pricing Segments markets Defines products
Creates customer incentives Sends signals to competitors Determines success or failure

23 To enter crowded field, use penetration strategy:
E.g. Sears Discover card with its low price no membership fee

24 How to Set Price Establish marketing objectives
Survival, maximum current profit, maximum current revenue, maximum sales growth, maximum market skimming or product-quality leadership Determine the elasticity of demand More inelastic the demand, the higher the company can set the price

25 How to Set Price 1. Establish marketing objectives
Determine the elasticity of demand Estimate the costs depending on production level, marketing strategies, etc. Examine competitors’ prices as basis for positioning it own price Select pricing method Markup Target return Perceived-value Value Going-rate Sealed-bid 6. Determine final price

26 Setting Final Price Conforms to company pricing policies
OK with distributors and dealers In sync with sales force, competitors, suppliers, and government

27 Adapting the Price (To various conditions in Marketplace)
Geographical Conditions Price Discounts & Allowances Cash discounts, quantity discounts, trade discounts, seasonal discounts, allowances, trade-ins Promotional Pricing Loss-leader - to stimulate traffic Special event pricing – to draw customers Cash rebates – to encourage purchase within a specified time period Low-interest financing – to facilitate purchase Longer payment terms – for lower monthly payments Warranties and service contracts – added value Psychological discounting – set an artificially high initial price

28 Adapting the Price Discriminatory Pricing Product-line pricing
Optional feature pricing Captive product pricing – main products that require ancillary products Two-part pricing – fixed fee plus variable fee based on usage

29 Adapting the Price Discriminatory Pricing
Customer segment pricing – different prices for different groups Product-form pricing – different versions priced differently Image pricing Location pricing- same product priced differently at different locations Time Pricing – same product priced differently at different locations

30 Pricing Decisions Summary
Consider Costs – break-even analysis Demand - elasticity Competition

31 Pricing Objectives Survival – short term used to combat overcapacity, intense competition or changing consumer wants Maximum current profit – set prices to obtain highest profit, cash flow or return on investment given demand and costs; may encounter competitive or legal reaction Maximum market share (market penetration) = higher sales volume will lead to lower unit costs Market highly price sensitive Production & distribution costs fall with accumulated production experience Low price discourages competition

32 Pricing Objectives Maximum market skimming –set prices high to skim the market Sufficient number of buyers have a high current demand Unit costs of producing a small volume are not so high that they cancel advantage charging what traffic will bear High initial price does not attract more competitors to the market High price communicates image of a superior product Product-quality leadership – Offer top quality, innovation at premium prices

33 Price less elastic or inelastic if…
There are few or no substitutes or competitors Buyers do not readily notice the higher price Buyers are slow to change their buying habits & search for lower prices Buyers think the higher prices are justifies by quality differences

34 Will price discrimination work?
Market segmentable with different intensities of demand? Can members in lower price segment resell product to higher price segment? Can competitors undersell firm in the higher-price segment? Does the cost of segment the market exceed the extra revenue derived from price discrimination??? Does the practice breed customer resentment? Is form of price discrimination legal (selling below cost)??


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