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1 On the Power of the Randomized Iterate Iftach Haitner, Danny Harnik, Omer Reingold.

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1 1 On the Power of the Randomized Iterate Iftach Haitner, Danny Harnik, Omer Reingold

2 2 Pseudorandom generators. Hardness amplification. The Randomized Iterate [GKL88]

3 3 Pseudorandom Generators (PRG) [BM82, Yao82] Eff. computable function G:{0,1} n ! {0,1} n’ Increases Length ( n’ > n ) Output is computationally indistinguishable from random. G(U n ) w C U n’ Central in cryptography, implies bit-commitment [Naor91], pseudorandom functions [GGM86], pseudorandom permutations [LR88] and … x G(x)

4 4 Def: f:{0,1} n ! {0,1} n is a one-way function (OWF) if 1. Efficiently computable 2. Hard to invert: hard to find an inverse f -1 (f(x)) for a random f(x). If f is also a permutation on {0,1} n, then it is a one-way permutation (OWP). f:{0,1} n ! {0,1} n is regular if all images have the same preimage size for any x 2 {0,1} n it holds that |f -1 (f(x))| =  n. If  n is efficiently-computable then f is known regular. One-way permutations [BM82,Yao82]. Regular one-way functions [GKL88]. Any one-way function [HILL89]. PRG Based on General Hardness Assumptions O(n 8 ) O(n) O(n 3 ) Input Blowup: The input length of the resulting PRG grows compared to the underlying OWF. Central to the security of the construction. denote the input length of the OWF by n

5 5 Example: We trust a OWF to be secure only for 100 bit inputs. [BMY] is insecure for seed < 100 bits. [GKL] is insecure seed < 1,000,000 bits. [HILL] is insecure for seed < 10 16 bits! Goal: Reduce input length blowup. [Holens06] One-way function with exponential hardness ( 2 -Cn for some C>0 ) O(n 5 )

6 6 Our Results Pseudorandom generators from: Regular one-way functions O(n log n) Any one-way function O(n 7 ) One-way function with exponential hardness O(n 2 )

7 7 Def:  -weak one-way functions - No PPT can invert with probability better than 1- . Goal: Strong OWF from weak OWF. General one-way functions [Yao82] O(n 2 /  ). One-way permutations [GILVZ90] O(n). Known regular one-way functions [GILVZ90] between O(n) to O(n 2 ) (depends on the hardness of the function). Regular one-way functions [DI99] O(n) in the public randomness model. Our Result: From weak (unknown) regular OWF O(n log n). Hardness amplification

8 8 The Plan of the Talk Present our construction of PRG from regular one-way functions. Give some highlights on the other two results:  More efficient PRG for any one-way function.  Efficient hardness amplification for regular one-way functions.

9 9 PRG from Regular OWF. Motivation - The BMY generator. The Randomized Iterate. PRG with seed length O(n 2 ). Derandomize the construction to get a PRG with seed length O(n log n).

10 10 The BMY PRG G(x) = Hardcore-predicate of f : given f(x) it is hard to predict b(x). b(x)b(f 1 ( x)) b(f 2 (x))b(f n (x)) … Claim: G is a PRG. x f f(x) ff f 2 (x)f n (x) … f n+1 (x) f OWP f:{0,1} n ! {0,1} n

11 11 One-Way on Iterates: [Levin]: If 8 k it is hard to invert f k Then b(x),b(f(x)),…,b(f m (x)) is pseudorandom. given z = f k (x) it is hard to find y such that f(y) = z

12 12 Applying BMY to any OWF When f is any OWF, inverting f i might be easy (even when f is regular). Example: Easy inputs ff

13 13 f 0 (x) f 0 (x, h ) h 1,...,h n 2H - a family of k- wise independent hash functions from {0,1} n ! {0,1} n s.t. 8 x 1 ,...,  x k and a random h 2H (h(x 1 ),h(x 2 ),...,h(x k )) is uniform over {0,1} nk.  The description of h i is of length O(nk). Idea: use “randomization steps” between the iterations of f to prevent the convergence of the outputs into easy instances. The Randomized Iterate [GKL]: The Randomized Iterate G(x,h) = b(f 0 (x,h)),...,b(f n (x,h)),h 1,...,h n h1h1 f x f f 1 (x, h ) … h2h2 f f 2 (x, h ) h3h3 f h = (h 1,...,h n )

14 14 [GKL] prove it for n -wise independent hash functions. ( O(n 3 ) bits to describe h 1,...,h n ) We simplify the proof. Apply the proof to pairwise independent hash functions, thus we need only O(n 2 ) bits to describe h 1,...,h n. Derandomized the selection of h 1,...,h n using only O(n log n) bits.

15 15 Lemma 1: (Last randomized iteration is hard to invert) Let f be a regular OWF and H be family of pairwise independent hash functions, then no PPT can invert f k given h 1,...,h k. Corollary: Let f be a regular OWF and H be family of pairwise independent hash functions, then G(x, h ) = b(f 0 (x, h )),b(f 1 (x, h )),…,b(f n (x, h )), h is a PRG with seed length O(n 2 ).

16 16 A' Proof of Lemma 1 A f 1 (x,h) h y Pr[f(h(y))= f 1 (x,h)] >  (  = 1/poly) f 1 (x,h) h’ Ã H y A Pr[f(h’(y))= f 1 (x,h)] >  ’ (  ’ =  2 /2) Contradition! A’ inverts f itself!

17 17 Def: The collision-probability of a distribution D, is the probability of choosing the same element twice while drawing two random elements from D. Claim: A inverts (f 1 (x,h),h)  A inverts (f 1 (x,h),h’)  A’ inverts f 1 (x,h). (f 1 (U n,H),H) ¼ (f 1 (U n,H),H’) CP(f 1 (U n,H),H) ¼ CP(f 1 (U n,H),H’) CP(f 1 (U n,H),H) · 2 ¢ CP(f 1 (U n,H),H’) Lemma 2: If CP(f 1 (U n,H),H) < n C. CP(f 1 (U n,H),H’) then: T is noticeable w.r.t. (f 1 (U n,H),H)  T is noticeable w.r.t. (f 1 (U n,H),H’) T = {(z,h) | A inverts (z,h)} f h f Im(f) £H T This is the only place we use the regularity of f ! H and H’ are uniform distributions over H

18 18 fºhfºhf CP(f 1 (U n,H),H) · 1/| H | CP(f 1 (U n,H),H’) = CP(f(U n )/| H |. ( CP(f(U n ) + CP(f(U n )) = 2 ¢ CP(f(U n )/| H |. CP(f 1 (U n,H),H) · 2 ¢ CP(f 1 (U n,H),H’)

19 19 Proving Lemma 2 Claim: Let D be a distribution over a set S s.t. CP(D) < n C. CP(U S ). For every T µ S if Pr x à D [T] ¸  then Pr x à U s [ T ] ¸  2 n -C. Proof: CP(D) ¸  2 ¢ 1/|T| |T| ¸  2 / CP(D) |T| ¸  2 /(n C. CP(U S )) =  2 n -C |S| Pr x à U s [T] ¸  2 n -C. the probability of hitting T twice Once inside T, the probability of hitting the same element twice S = Im(f)  H D = (f 1 (U n,H), H)

20 20 Lemma 1: Let f be a regular OWF and H be family of pairwise independent hash functions, then no PPT can invert f k given h 1,...,h k. Corollary: Let f be a regular OWF and H be family of pairwise independent hash functions, then G(x, h ) = b(f 0 (x, h )),b(f 1 (x, h )),…,b(f n (x, h )), h is a PRG with seed length O(n 2 ).

21 21 Derandomizing the PRG f k (U n,H k ) = f(U n ). CP(f k (U n,H k ),H k ) =  Both properties can be “verified” by an algorithm (branching-program) that uses O(n) space. Can choose h 1,...,h k using a generator that fools bounded-space adversaries  [Nisan92],[INW94] with space bound 2n and error 2 -n. The seed length on the new generator is O(n log n).  Could be O(n) given better bounded-space generators. Collision verifier. input tape: h 1,...,h k. Choose two random elements x 1,x 2 2 {0,1} n. Return “1” iff f k (x 1,h 1,...,h k ) = f k (x 2,h 1,...,h k )

22 22 The Plan of the Talk Present our construction of PRG from regular one-way functions. Give some highlights on the other two results:  More efficient PRG for any one-way function.  Efficient hardness amplification for regular one-way functions.

23 23 PRG from Any OWF Can we apply the randomized iterate to any OWF?  No, security deteriorates with every iteration.  However: Lemma: It is hard to invert f i over a set of density at least 1/i. Does not seem enough for an efficient PRG from any OWF. 2 Cn -hard OWF implies PRG with seed O(n 2 ).

24 24 Pseudo-Entropy Pair (PEP) Def: A pair of a function and a predicate (g,b) is a ( ,  )-PEP if 1. H (b(U n ) | g(U n )) · . 2. b is a (  +  )-hard predicate of g. [HILL] 1. OWF  ( , 1/n )-PEP, where  is unknown. 2. ( , 1/n )-PEP  PRG, where  is known. It is hard to predict b(U n ) given g(U n ) with probability better than 1 – (  +  )/2 b has entropy  b has pseudoentropy  + 

25 25 8 i 2 [n], “guess” that  = i/n and construct G i. G(x 1,...,x n ) = G 1 (x 1 ) © G 2 (x 2 ) ©... © G n (x n ).  First apply standard length extending method [GGM] to each of the G i, so that its output length is n 2 +1. This increases the seed length by a factor of O(n) and increases the complexity by a factor of O(n 3 ). Dealing with Unknown  GG...

26 26 f 1 = f(h(f 0 (x,h))) = f(h(f(x))) Let b’(x,h) = b(f 0 (x,h)) and let g(x,h) = f 1 (x,h),h Lemma: (g,b’) is a (1/2,1/n) -PEP. Using the randomized iterate to construct a (1/2,1/n) -PEP xf0f0 f1f1 fºhfºhf The Goldreich-Levin predicate

27 27 Lemma: 1. If D f (f 0 ) ¸ D f (f 1 ) then f 0 is w.h.p. Information theoretically determined by (f 1,h). * 2. D f (f 0 ) · D f (f 1 ) implies that it is hard to compute f 0 given (f 1,h). Claim: Pr[D f (f 0 ) · D f (f 1 )] = Pr[D f (f 0 ) ¸ D f (f 1 )] ¸ ½ +1/n. “Proof”: D f (f 0 ) and D f (f 1 ) are two i.i.d. over [n]. Therefore, H (b(f(x)) | (f 1 (x,h),h)) · ½. b’ is a ( ½ +1/n )-hard predicate of g. D f (y) = d log|(f -1 (y))| e. f 1 = f(h(f 0 )) = f(h(f(x)))

28 28 Proving that if D f (x 0 ) ¸ D f (x 1 ) then x 0 is w.h.p. determined by ( x 1,h). x1x1 D f (x 1 ) = 100 x0x0 D f (x 0 ) = 200 fºhfºh f x 1 = f(h(x 0 )) = f(h(f(x)))

29 29 The Plan of the Talk Present our construction of PRG from regular one-way functions. Give some highlights on the other two results:  More efficient PRG for any one-way function.  Efficient hardness amplification for regular one-way functions.

30 30 From weak regular to OWF Def: an  -weak one-way function f - No PPT can invert with probability better than 1- . Claim: Any PPT A and polynomial p has a failing-set S A µ Im(f) of weight  /2  Pr y à f(U n ) [A(y) 2 f -1 (y) | y 2 S A ] · 1/p.

31 31 x1x1 f fºh1 fºh1 f’(x 1,x 2,...,x m ) = f(x 1 ), f(x 2 )...,f(x m ) Might be possible to find a different pre-image. From our proof for regular OWF, inverting f m (x,h 1,...,h m ) is hard even when given h 1,...,h m. The description of h 1,...,h m is too long.  Use derandomization to get O(n log n) Hitting every Failing-Set f f m (x,h 1,...,h m ) f fºhm fºhm,h 1,...,h m f fºh2 fºh2 x2x2 xmxm m = O(n/  ) A inverts f’ ! M inverts f On input y 2 Im(f): 8 i 2 [m] (x 1,...,x m ) Ã A(f(U n ),...,y,...,f(U n )) if (f(x i ) == y) retrun x i

32 32 Further issues Linear (O(n)) constructions for the regular OWF PRG and weak-OWF amplification. *through better bounded-space generator? BMY-like PRG for any (for any hardness) OWF? Efficient hardness amplification for any weak OWF.

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