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Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Management Structures in Travel and Tourism BTEC Travel and Tourism.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Management Structures in Travel and Tourism BTEC Travel and Tourism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Management Structures in Travel and Tourism BTEC Travel and Tourism

2 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Business functions Human resources Sales and marketing Operations Customer service Finance and accounts Administration and IT

3 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Human resources Recruitment and selection Staff retention Motivation Discipline Training and development Health and safety

4 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Sales and marketing Sales strategies Pricing decisions Promotion activities Market research Sales team Product or service development

5 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Operations Buying stocks Planning travel operations Monitoring costs Future business planning Efficiency

6 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Customer service Dealing with customer enquiries Advising customers Monitoring service delivery Dealing with customer complaints After-sales service

7 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Finance and accounts Cash flow: monitoring costs and revenues Preparing accounts Raising finance for investment Communication with other areas of firm

8 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Administration and IT Internal business communications Clerical work Telephone systems Reservations database Company Web site Email system

9 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Management control Authority – the right to make decisions and perform tasks Span of control – the number of people for whom a supervisor/manager is responsible Chain of command – how the layers of authority are organised in a firm

10 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Management control 2 Hierarchy – who is responsible for whom Empowerment – responsibility to make decisions is given to all Delegation – authority passed from a superior to a subordinate

11 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Ways to structure a business By function: arranging the business according to what each section or department does By product or activity: organising according to the different products made By area: geographical or regional structure

12 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Ways to structure a business 2 By customer: where different customer groups have different needs By process: where products have to go through stages as they are made What are the advantages/disadvantages of different types of business structure?

13 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Pros and cons of different structures This depends on the business type, size and structure used Let’s look at a functional structure:

14 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Functional structure Advantages Specialisation – each department focuses on its own work Accountability – someone’s responsible for the section Clarity – know your and others’ roles Disadvantages Closed communication could lead to lack of focus Departments can become resistant to change Coordination may take too long Gap between top and bottom

15 Copyright 2005 – Biz/ed Management structures Now go to the Activity for more……

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