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Lesson 2 Participating in fun activities with family members enhances your health. The actions you take regarding one aspect of your health have an effect.

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2 Lesson 2 Participating in fun activities with family members enhances your health. The actions you take regarding one aspect of your health have an effect on the other aspects as well. Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle

3 Lesson 2 In this lesson, you will learn to: Demonstrate how to take responsibility for your health Analyze how influences such as heredity, environment, culture, media, and technology impact health Compare how health messages are delivered through media and technology Lesson Objectives

4 Lesson 2 Elements of the Health Triangle The three elements of health— physical, mental/emotional, and social—are interconnected, like the sides of a triangle. When one side receives too much or too little attention, the whole triangle can become lopsided and unbalanced. Your Health Triangle

5 Lesson 2 Physical Health Your physical health has to do with how well your body functions. Being physically healthy involves: Being physically active on a regular basis. Practicing good hygiene. Getting regular medical and dental checkups. Your Health Triangle

6 Lesson 2 Mental/Emotional Health People with good mental/emotional health are in touch with their feelings and can express them in appropriate ways. People with good mental/emotional health: Enjoy challenges and see mistakes as opportunities to grow and change. They can usually deal with the frustrations of life without being overwhelmed by them. Your Health Triangle

7 Lesson 2 Social Health Your social health involves the way you get along with others. It includes your ability to: Make and keep friends to work and play in cooperative ways. Seek and lend support when necessary. Communicate well and show respect and care for yourself and others. Your Health Triangle

8 Lesson 2 Keeping a Balance Each side of your health triangle is equally important to your health. When you work to keep your physical, mental/emotional, and social health in balance, you are much more likely to function at your highest level. Your Health Triangle

9 Lesson 2 Influences on Your Health There are several important influences on your health: Heredity Environment Media and technology Values Attitude Behavior Influences on Your Health

10 Lesson 2 Heredity You might be familiar with heredity in terms of your physical traits such as eye color, hair color, and height. Heredity influences your general level of health.heredity Beyond your physical health, heredity can also influence personality and basic intellectual abilities and talents. Influences on Your Health

11 Lesson 2 Environment Your environment includes your family, your neighborhood, your school, your job, and your life experiences.environment Influences on Your Health

12 Lesson 2 Environmental Influences Physical EnvironmentSocial EnvironmentCulture Influences on Your Health

13 Lesson 2 Physical Environment Your physical environment influences every aspect of your health. A person who lives in a safe environment is likely to enjoy good physical and mental/emotional health. Environmental factors such as air pollution also affect health. Influences on Your Health

14 Lesson 2 Social Environment Your social environment includes your family and other people with whom you come into contact each day. A supportive social environment made up of family and other adult role models can help a person develop positive values, a commitment to learning, and confidence in future success. Your peers also play an important part in your social environment.peers Influences on Your Health

15 Lesson 2 Culture Your culture gives you a sense of identity.culture The language your family speaks, the foods you enjoy, the traditions you have, and the religion you practice are all part of your cultural environment. Understanding culture can help you know yourself better and be tolerant of others. Influences on Your Health

16 Lesson 2 Attitude The way you view situations—your attitude—greatly affects the choices you make. Try to view challenging situations positively and think in realistic terms. Influences on Your Health

17 Lesson 2 Behavior Your behavior affects not only your physical health but also your mental/emotional and social health. Learning how to resolve conflicts peacefully can have a positive influence on your relationships with others. Influences on Your Health

18 Lesson 2 Media Media includes radio, television, film, newspapers, magazines, books, and the Internet.Media Although the media’s main purpose has been to provide information and entertainment, it also plays a powerful role in shaping public opinion. Influences on Your Health

19 Lesson 2 Technology Advances in medical screenings and treatment for diseases have helped large numbers of people live longer, healthier lives. Advances in technology can have a downside. Technology has replaced many of the physical activities that once were part of daily life. Influences on Your Health

20 Lesson 2 Choose the appropriate option. 1. culture 2. environment 3. media 4. health Q. Radio and television are examples of _________. Quick Review

21 Lesson 2 A. 3. Media Radio and television are examples of media. Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer

22 Lesson 2 Q. How has technology affected the health status of individuals, families, communities, and the world? 1.By creating advances in medical screenings and treatment for diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and AIDS 2. By creating advances in measuring the pollutants in the air we breathe 3. By providing information that inspires the passage of laws to restrict pollution 4. All of the above Quick Review

23 Lesson 2 Click Next to attempt another question. A. 4. All of the above Technology has impacted the health status of individuals, families, communities, and the world by creating advances in medical screenings and treatment of diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and AIDS; and by creating advances in the measurement of the pollutants in the air we breathe while inspiring laws to restrict the pollution of our land and water. Quick Review - Answer

24 Lesson 2 Q. Culture refers to the collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group. Quick Review Choose the appropriate option. True False

25 Lesson 2 Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer A. True. Culture refers to the collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group.

26 Lesson 2 Quick Review Q. Media refers only to television, radio, and newspapers. Choose the appropriate option. True False

27 Lesson 2 A. False. Media can refer to more than just television, radio, and newspapers. It also includes magazines, books, and the Internet. Quick Review - Answer Click Next to attempt another question.

28 Lesson 2 Quick Review Q. Only two sides of your health triangle—mental/emotional and social—are affected by your personal behavior. Choose the appropriate option. True False

29 Lesson 2 A. False. All three sides of your health triangle are affected by your personal behavior. Quick Review - Answer Click Next to attempt another question.

30 Lesson 2 End of Lesson 2 Click Home to view the Main menu.

31 Lesson 2 A. Correct! Radio and television are examples of media. Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer

32 Lesson 2 You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer. Quick Review - Answer

33 Lesson 2 Heredity You might be familiar with heredity in terms of your physical traits such as eye color, hair color, and height. Heredity influences your general level of health.heredity Beyond your physical health, heredity can also influence personality and basic intellectual abilities and talents. Influences on Your Health Heredity refers to all the traits that are biologically passed from parents to their children.

34 Lesson 2 Environment Your environment includes your family, your neighborhood, your school, your job, and your life experiences.environment Influences on Your Health Your environment is the sum of your surroundings.

35 Lesson 2 Your social environment includes your family and other people with whom you come into contact each day. A supportive social environment made up of family and other adult role models can help a person develop positive values, a commitment to learning, and confidence in future success. Your peers also play an important part in your social environment.peers Social Environment Influences on Your Health Peers are people of the similar age who share similar interests.

36 Lesson 2 Culture Your culture gives you a sense of identity.culture The language your family speaks, the foods you enjoy, the traditions you have, and the religion you practice are all part of your cultural environment. Understanding culture can help you know yourself better and be tolerant of others. Influences on Your Health Culture refers to the collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group.

37 Lesson 2 Media includes radio, television, film, newspapers, magazines, books, and the Internet.Media Although the media’s main purpose has been to provide information and entertainment, it also plays a powerful role in shaping public opinion. Media Influences on Your Health Media refers to the various methods of communicating information.

38 Lesson 2 A. Correct! Technology has impacted the health status of individuals, families, communities, and the world by creating advances in medical screenings and treatment of diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and AIDS; and by creating advances in the measurement of the pollutants in the air we breathe while inspiring laws to restrict the pollution of our land and water. Quick Review - Answer Click Next to attempt another question.

39 Lesson 2 You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer. Quick Review - Answer

40 Lesson 2 A. Correct! Culture refers to the collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group. Quick Review - Answer Click Next to attempt another question.

41 Lesson 2 You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer. Quick Review - Answer

42 Lesson 2 A. Correct! Media can refer to more than just television, radio, and newspapers. It also includes magazines, books, and the Internet. Quick Review - Answer Click Next to attempt another question.

43 Lesson 2 You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer. Quick Review - Answer

44 Lesson 2 Quick Review - Answer A. Correct! All three sides of your health triangle are affected by your personal behavior. Click Next to attempt another question.

45 Lesson 2 You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer. Quick Review - Answer

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