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Presentation on theme: "TISSUES."— Presentation transcript:


2 TISSUE TYPES Four major tissue types Epithelial tissue
Connective tissue Muscle tissue Nervous tissue

3 EPITHELIAL TISSUE Sheets of cells covering body surfaces or lining body cavities Form boundaries between different environments e.g., Epidermis of skin separates inside and outside of body e.g., Epithelium lining urinary bladder separates underlying cells from urine

4 EPITHELIAL TISSUE Many diverse functions Protection Absorption
Filtration Excretion Secretion Sensory reception

5 EPITHELIAL TISSUE Classification According to shape:
Squamous cells: Flattened like fish scales Cuboidal cells: Cube-shaped Columnar cells: Column-shaped

6 EPITHELIAL TISSUE Classification according to cell arrangement:
Simple : one layer Stratified: more than one layer Simple epithelial Simple squamous: usually forms membranes Simple cuboidal: commonly in glands and their ducts Simple columnar: lines the entire digestive tract Pseudostratified columnar: mainly functions in absorption and secretion

7 EPITHELIAL TISSUE Stratified epithelial Stratified squamous:
most common stratified epithelial Is found in sites that receive a good deal of abuse or friction such as the esophagus, mouth and outer skin Stratified Cuboidal and Columnar: Found mainly in the ducts of large glands


9 CONNECTIVE TISSUE Found everywhere in the body Four main classes
Most widely distributed primary tissue Four main classes Loose connective tissue (Provides a matrix of support and cushing) eg. Adipose tissue Cartilage Bone tissue Blood

10 CONNECTIVE TISSUE Major functions
Binding and support Protection Insulation Transportation Which of these functions are accomplished by bone and cartilage? Fat? Blood?

11 NERVOUS TISSUE Main component of the nervous system
Brain, spinal cord, and nerves Regulates and controls body functions Two main cell types Neurons Generate and conduct nerve impulses Supporting cells Non-conducting cells that support, insulate, and protect neurons

12 MUSCLE TISSUE Highly cellular Well vascularized
Responsible for most types of body movement Possess myofilaments Actin and myosin Three types Skeletal muscle Cardiac muscle Smooth muscle

13 TISSUE REPAIR Injured cells release growth factors
Stimulate cells to divide and migrate Two major tissue repair means: Regeneration Replacement of destroyed tissue with same type of tissue Fibrosis Replacement with fibrous connective tissue (scar tissue) Type of repair dependent upon Type of tissue damaged Severity of injury

14 TISSUE REPAIR The regenerative capacity of different tissues varies widely Some tissues regenerate extremely well e.g., Epithelial, bone, blood-forming tissue Some tissues have a moderate regenerative capacity e.g., Smooth muscle, dense regular connective tissue Some tissues have a weak regenerative capacity e.g., Skeletal muscle, cartilage Some tissues have a virtually no functional regenerative capacity e.g., Cardiac muscle, nervous tissue

15 TISSUE REPAIR In non-regenerative tissue and severe wounds, damaged tissue is replaced by fibrosis Resulting scar tissue is strong, but lacks flexibility, elasticity, and function of normal tissue

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