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 Most adjectives use the following superlative form:  1. find the base inimicus, inimica, inimicum inimic--- (drop the –a or -is to get the base) 

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Presentation on theme: " Most adjectives use the following superlative form:  1. find the base inimicus, inimica, inimicum inimic--- (drop the –a or -is to get the base) "— Presentation transcript:


2  Most adjectives use the following superlative form:  1. find the base inimicus, inimica, inimicum inimic--- (drop the –a or -is to get the base)  2. add -issim- to the base of the adjective inimicissim---  3. add 1-2 nd declension endings to the –issim- inimicissimos pueros  4. when you add the endings they must agree with the noun in gender, number and case

3 She is a very irritating girl Est puella molestissima molestus, molesta, molestum drop the a molest--- add the issim--- Make the ending agree with puella molestissima

4 I was fighting with a very strong soldier. Cum fortissimo milite pugnabam fortis, forte get the base by dropping the –is fort --- add -issim- fortissim- make the ending agree with milite fortisssimo

5  What declension endings are used for ALL superlative forms? 1 st and 2 nd  What determines the case, number and gender of the ending for the adjective ? The noun it modifies.  Do superlative forms always match the noun they modify?  NO

6  There are three ways to translate a superlative  most…  very…  ----est

7  a very friendly dog (acc. singular) canis, canis; amicus, amica, amicum  a most irritating woman (dat. sing.) molestus, molesta, molestum; femina, feminae  the happiest days (acc. pl.) laetus, laeta, laetum; dies, diei (this noun is masc.)

8  canem amicissimum  feminae molestissimae  laetissimos dies

9  When you put quam next to the superlative adjective it indicates the highest degree possible.  Translate the adjective using the phrase as------as possible  When you do this you no longer use most, very or ---est

10  quam laetissima sum I am as happy as possible

11  Only adjectives that end in –er in the masculine, singular follow these steps. Words like acer, acris; miser, misera, miserum  Take the word that ends in –er acer  Do NOT drop anything acer  Add –rim- acerrim--  Use 1 st -2 nd decl endings accerrimos milites

12  acerrimos milites = very fierce soldiers  pulcherrimam urbem = the most beautiful city  miserrimus servus = very miserable slave

13  Notice that for these adjectives you do NOT get the base of the adjective  You always use the word that ends in -er

14  The most miserable soldiers – nom. pl.  A very beautiful woman - acc. sing.  The swiftest horse - dat. sing.

15  milites miserrimos  feminam pulcherrimam  equo celerrimo

16  There are six words that form the superlative in their own way.  The six words are:  difficilis  facilis  dissimilis  similis  humilis  gracilis

17  Find the base  Add –lim-  Use 1 st -2 nd decl endings  A most difficult day – accusative singular  difficillimum diem  difficil - the base  difficillim – the base + lim—  difficillimum – the base + lim + ending which agrees with diem

18 Most Adjectives 1. Find the base 2. Add issim— 3. Add 1 st – 2 nd decl endings Adjectives ending in –er 1. Use the word ending in –er 2. Add -rim— 3. Add 1 st -2 nd decl endings Six Special Words 1. Find base 2. Add –lim- 3. Add 1 st – 2 nd decl endings

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