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Inclusion and Support at Stanboroug h School Changes to provision and expectations 2014-15 CompassSEND Access to learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Inclusion and Support at Stanboroug h School Changes to provision and expectations 2014-15 CompassSEND Access to learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inclusion and Support at Stanboroug h School Changes to provision and expectations 2014-15 CompassSEND Access to learning

2 Access to Learning  We need to ensure that all students in the class access learning and make good progress.  As class teachers we need to track the progress of all students and intervene when progress is not being made.

3 Adapted documents: Class Data sheet with an inclusion register and space to record vulnerable groups Lesson Plan with space for assessing student progress and ensuring access to learning strategies are used Mark Sheet with two columns: inclusion register and vulnerable groups

4 Inclusion Register and Vulnerable Groups: INCLUSION REGISTER SEN G&T (National) EAL Behavioural issues (identified by PC/JV) Social Care (looked after children / those under a social care order) VULNERABLE GROUPS Pupil Premium (FSM ever 6) Ethnic Minorities (not White British)

5 Inclusion Profiles Class list SEN, G&T, PP indicator Inclusion Profiles Export into excel Under parental reporting tab

6 New Documents: Provision Wall: How you will support different students with different needs in your lessons. ‘Invisible Differentiation’

7 Example: Examples and other useful resources available on the Learning Puzzle website

8 New Documents: Seating Plan:  Expectation that all staff have a seating plan  Good practice = target grades / current assessment / on / above / below target / G&T / PP etc.

9 G&T Expectations:  All staff will have National students recorded on their data sheet and make reference to these in their provision wall  All staff will ensure they put in place suitable interventions when these students underachieve (with support from subject / curriculum leaders and G&T coordinator)  Good practice is to also include students on your subject specific list

10 The new SEND system at Stanborough School

11 The new SEND Code of Practice  From 1 September 2014, we will be following a new SEND Code of Practice.  This is statutory guidance and includes things we must do and things we should do.

12 Our commitments  a whole-school approach to improving the provision for, and progress of, students with SEND.  ensuring staff receive effective CPD to ensure they have the skills and capacity to meet the needs of students with SEND.  ensuring students and parents are at the heart of decision-making process.  using monitoring and evaluation effectively to evidence the impact of provision on the achievement of students with SEND.

13 Some important points about the new Code It now includes ‘disabilities’ as well as ‘special educational needs’ (SEND). It sets out ‘four broad areas of need’:  Communication and interaction  Cognition and learning  Social, emotional and mental health difficulties  Sensory and/or physical needs It sets out a new system for SEND assessment and provision.

14 New system for making provision  Statements will be replaced with Education Health and Care plans throughout the next four years. Students will be assessed for EHC plans at appropriate transition points, e.g. when they move up a Key Stage.  School Action and School Action Plus will be replaced with a graduated approach and single category called “School Based Support”.  Students will no longer have an IEP (Individual Education Plan). Instead they will have an Inclusion Profile which is available on Behaviour Watch.  TAs/HLTAs will now be called Learning Support Assistants (LSAs).

15 New system for making provision  Teachers will be responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the students in their class, including where students access support from LSAs or specialist staff.  ‘High quality teaching, differentiated for individual students, is the first step in responding to students who have SEN. Additional intervention and support cannot compensate for a lack of good quality teaching.’

16 What the SEN Code of Practice 2014 says:  We must ensure that students have ‘high quality provision to meet the needs of young people with SEN’ and there is a ‘focus on inclusive practice and removing barriers to learning’  ‘High quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised will meet the individual needs of the majority of children and young people.’  Teachers must ‘have high ambitions and set stretching targets’ and ‘track their progress towards them’  ‘Potential areas of difficulty should be identified and addressed at the outset. Lessons should be planned to address potential areas of difficulty and to remove barriers to pupil achievement. In many cases, such planning will mean that students with SEN and disabilities will be able to study the full national curriculum’.  ‘Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the students in their class, including where students access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff’.

17 Main changes for implementation in 2014/2015  The replacement of School Action and School Action Plus with a new ‘graduated approach’ to SEND provision.  An improved decision-making process placing parents and students at the centre.  An expectation that all staff will be responsible and accountable for the progress of their students with SEND.

18 What Stanborough School has done so far  There is a strategic plan in place reflecting the changes and linking to whole- school improvement planning (including Quality First Teaching).  We have agreed a new graduated approach to SEND provision, to replace School Action and School Action Plus.  Time has been allocated for planned SEND CPD for all staff.  We have written a “School Based Report” and have published this report on our website for all stakeholders.  Processes are in place and being further developed for effectively involving students and parents in making decisions.

19 What will happen next?  We will re-review our SEND policy in consultation with the school community, as our provision develops under the new system.  Parents will be involved in a brief meeting about changes we are making now, and changes that will happen soon.  Parents will also receive an information sheet about the changes including their role in decision making.  The SENCo is working with colleagues to manage and allocate funding and support.  Staff will receive details of the training programme.

20 Compass Changes 2014

21 Pathways: Behavioural and Emotional support Compass Building Progress Support: Academic Support Compass Building and L2 SEND: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Compass Building Student and Family Support worker Office next to L1 School Counsellor Compass Building Compass: Support for All

22 Student identified as needing extra support and intervention (through PU updates, observations, exclusions, pastoral concerns, academic concerns, parental concerns etc) Concern and action discussed with curriculum leader / year leader and passed onto SLT line manager Behavioural intervention needed - referral to Pathways Student assinged to Pathways base for individual programme of support Target report created, lesson observations completed, meetings with parents, other intervnetions discussed Student completes target rerpot, reintegration programme created with relevant parties Academic intervention needed - referral to Progress Support (except maths) Student assigned to progress support base for ongoing support or in class/small group support Targets set, work discussed with class teacher, time limit agreed Evaulation completed at end of support, targets met, support ends Specialist one to one academic intervention needed - referral to maths / English tuition Student assigned to maths / English tutor for one to one or small group tuition Targets set, work discussed with class teacher Evaluation completed at end of support, targets met, support ends

23 Time Out Cards for Compass

24 Expectations of staff and students  Students are still the responsibility of the main class teacher  Schemes of work / outlines / resources / plans for the year should be sent to the Progress Support and Pathways email  Class teachers are responsible for providing work and marking it  PUs are the responsibility of the class teacher with input from staff in Compass, where appropriate  For most students, support from Compass is targeted, tracked and time limited

25 Compass: Support for All

26 Inclusion and Support at Stanboroug h School For more information: Ellen Daplyn: Assistant Head Inclusion and Support Lindsay Lakhani: SENCO Judy Winter: Deputy SENCO Tara Baskerville: Gifted and Talented coordinator Sue Rathbone: Progress Support Leader Jenny Bourn: Pathways Leader (Ellen Daplyn until November) John Mazurka: Pathways Teacher

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