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Entry Task 10/03/2012 5.) 6.) 7.). Algebra 1 Section 2.1 Objective: Graph and compare real numbers using a number line.

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Presentation on theme: "Entry Task 10/03/2012 5.) 6.) 7.). Algebra 1 Section 2.1 Objective: Graph and compare real numbers using a number line."— Presentation transcript:

1 Entry Task 10/03/2012 5.) 6.) 7.)

2 Algebra 1 Section 2.1 Objective: Graph and compare real numbers using a number line.

3 Vocabulary Real Number- all numbers except imaginary numbers Real Number- all numbers except imaginary numbers Real Number Line- a horizontal line used to picture real numbers Real Number Line- a horizontal line used to picture real numbers Origin- the point labeled zero on the number line Origin- the point labeled zero on the number line Integers- whole numbers plus the opposite of each whole number and zero Integers- whole numbers plus the opposite of each whole number and zero The opposite of a number is the number that is the same distance from zero on the other side of the number line. The opposite of a number is the number that is the same distance from zero on the other side of the number line. Ex. The opposite of 2.5 is -2.5 Ex. The opposite of 2.5 is -2.5 The absolute value of a number is the distance that number is from zero on the number line. Absolute value of x is notated The absolute value of a number is the distance that number is from zero on the number line. Absolute value of x is notated the absolute value of -2.3 is 2.3 and the absolute value of 4 is 4. the absolute value of -2.3 is 2.3 and the absolute value of 4 is 4.

4 Graphing Real Numbers Graph the numbers 2 and -4 on the number line Graph the numbers 2 and -4 on the number line

5 Opposite of a Number The opposite of a number is the number that is the same distance from zero on the other side of the number line. The opposite of a number is the number that is the same distance from zero on the other side of the number line. Ex. Find the opposite of 2.5 Ex. Find the opposite of 2.5 The opposite of 2.5 is -2.5

6 Absolute Value The absolute value of a number is the distance that number is from zero on the number line. Absolute value of x is notated The absolute value of a number is the distance that number is from zero on the number line. Absolute value of x is notated Find the absolute value of -2.3 and 4. Find the absolute value of -2.3 and 4. The absolute value of -2.3 is 2.3 and the absolute value of 4 is 4.

7 Entry Task 10/04/2011 Get out your notebook. Get out your notebook. You may use: You may use: –A calculator –Your notebook –Your knowledge folder When you are done work on finishing 1.7 and 2.1 When you are done work on finishing 1.7 and 2.1

8 Entry Task 10/09/2012

9 Entry Task 10/06/2011 Describe the domain and range of the function y=2x-4 Describe the domain and range of the function y=2x-4 1.) write the statement as an expression “3 more than the product of 4 and a number n.” write the sentence as an equation or inequality write the sentence as an equation or inequality 2.) “Fourteen plus the product of twelve and a number y is less than or equal to fifty.” 3.) A number x squared plus forty-four is equal to the number x to the fourth power times three.

10 Algebra 1 Section 2.2 and 2.3 Objectives: Add real numbers and subtract real numbers.

11 Properties of Addition write these down and then come up with an example for each Commutative Property- The order in which two numbers are added does not change the sum. i.e. a+b = b+a Commutative Property- The order in which two numbers are added does not change the sum. i.e. a+b = b+a Associative Property- The way you group addition does not change the sum. i.e. (a+b)+c = a+(b+c) Associative Property- The way you group addition does not change the sum. i.e. (a+b)+c = a+(b+c) Identity Property- The sum of a number and 0 is the number. i.e. a+0 = a Identity Property- The sum of a number and 0 is the number. i.e. a+0 = a Inverse Property- the sum of a number and the opposite of the number is 0. i.e. a+(-a) = 0 Inverse Property- the sum of a number and the opposite of the number is 0. i.e. a+(-a) = 0

12 Subtraction Rule To subtract b from a, add the opposite of b to a. i.e. a - b = a + (-b) To subtract b from a, add the opposite of b to a. i.e. a - b = a + (-b) Example: 3 – 5 = 3 + (-5) = -2 Example: 3 – 5 = 3 + (-5) = -2

13 Using a number line to add or subtract To add a positive number move right on the number line To add a positive number move right on the number line To add a negative number move left. To add a negative number move left. To subtract turn the expression into an addtion expression. To subtract turn the expression into an addtion expression. Find -2 + 5 using a number line Find -2 + 5 using a number line -2 + 5 = 3

14 Another Example find the difference: 4 - 3 find the difference: 4 - 3 First turn it into an addition problem: 4 + (-3) Then use the number line to do the addition

15 Home Fun Worksheet 2.2 and worksheet 2.3 Worksheet 2.2 and worksheet 2.3

16 Quiz Retake Get out your math notebook Get out your math notebook Get out your knowledge folder Get out your knowledge folder Make sure there is at lease 1 foot between you and your neighbor. Make sure there is at lease 1 foot between you and your neighbor. Make sure you have a pencil, calculator and eraser to take the quiz. Make sure you have a pencil, calculator and eraser to take the quiz.

17 Home Fun Worksheet 2.2 and worksheet 2.3 Worksheet 2.2 and worksheet 2.3 If finished do real numbers worksheet If finished do real numbers worksheet

18 Entry Task 10/10/2011

19 Objective: Multiply real numbers Section 2.5

20 Multiplication Patterns Negative times a Negative is positive Negative times a Negative is positive Positive times Positive is positive Positive times Positive is positive Positive times Negative is negative Positive times Negative is negative Negative times Positive is negative Negative times Positive is negative

21 Multiplication Properties Multiplication is Associative and Commutative (see definitions in last section). Multiplication is Associative and Commutative (see definitions in last section). The Multiplicative Identity is 1, so anything times 1 is that number back The Multiplicative Identity is 1, so anything times 1 is that number back Property of Zero: the product of any number and zero is zero Property of Zero: the product of any number and zero is zero

22 Examples (16)(-x) = -16x (16)(-x) = -16x (4)(v)(v)(v)(-v) = -4v 4 (4)(v)(v)(v)(-v) = -4v 4 (-8)(n) 4 (-n) 3 = 8n 7 (-8)(n) 4 (-n) 3 = 8n 7

23 Homework Worksheet 2.5 Worksheet 2.5

24 Chapter 1 test Get out your math notebook Get out your math notebook Get out your knowledge folder Get out your knowledge folder Make sure there is at lease 1 foot between you and your neighbor. Make sure there is at lease 1 foot between you and your neighbor. Make sure you have a pencil, calculator and eraser to take the quiz. Make sure you have a pencil, calculator and eraser to take the quiz.

25 Entry Task 10/13/2011

26 Distributive Property The distributive property is a way to multiply numbers even when there are parenthesis and we can’t do the stuff inside. It is as follows. The distributive property is a way to multiply numbers even when there are parenthesis and we can’t do the stuff inside. It is as follows. a(c+b)= a(c)+a(b) Or a(c-b)= a(c)-a(b) For example: 2(4-x) = 2(4)-2(x)= 8-2x

27 Home Fun 2.6 practice B 2.6 practice B

28 Entry Task 10/22/2012

29 Vocabulary Reciprocal- The product of a number and its reciprocal is 1 Reciprocal- The product of a number and its reciprocal is 1 Example: Example: so is the reciprocal of 3 so is the reciprocal of 3 To divide a number a by a nonzero number b, multiply the reciprocal of b To divide a number a by a nonzero number b, multiply the reciprocal of b

30 Examples 5.) 5.)

31 Entry Task 10/18/2011 If you are retaking the Chapter 1 test: Get out your math notebook Get out your math notebook Get out your knowledge folder Get out your knowledge folder Make sure there is at lease 1 foot between you and your neighbor. Make sure there is at lease 1 foot between you and your neighbor. Make sure you have a pencil, calculator and eraser to take the quiz. Make sure you have a pencil, calculator and eraser to take the quiz. If you received an A then you may do anything you want that is a quiet activity.

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