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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Jody Bertness & Stephanie Wurzer PREVENTING, STOPPING & REVERSING HEART DISEASE & TYPE II DIABETES."— Presentation transcript:



3  Disease is not suppose to be a natural part of aging.  Our bodies aren’t meant to get heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and cancer.  However…  Approximately 610,000 people in America die from heart disease which is 1 out of every 4 deaths. It is our number one killer.  Every year 735,000 Americans have a heart attack.  In America approximately 29.1 million people have diabetes, only 1.25 million of those are type 1 diabetes.  More than 1/3 of Americans are obese.  29 % of Americans have hypertension. These diseases do not have to exist!!! Statistics from Center of Disease Control WESTERN DISEASE



6  Atherosclerosis affects far more than just the heart  If it’s in the cerebral and carotid arteries it causes strokes, hearing loss, visual loss, macular degeneration, and senility.  If its in the arteries providing blood to the kidneys you may develop high blood pressure and kidney disease.  When it is in the penile arteries it causes erectile dysfunction and impotence.  When it affects the arteries in the back there is an increased risk of degenerative and herniated disk disease. ATHEROSCLEROSIS – BEYOND THE HEART

7 Leads to:  Coronary heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure.  Type II diabetes  High total cholesterol, high triglycerides  Liver and gallbladder disease  Sleep apnea and respiratory items  Degeneration of cartilage and osteoarthritis  Infertility  Mental health conditions From: Centers of Disease Control OBESITY

8  Our lifestyles determine the levels of inflammation that occurs in our bodies.  Inflammation affects the lining of our blood vessels and our metabolic functioning.  Chronic inflammation can also lead to insulin resistance, heart and arterial diseases, cancer risks, and other chronic diseases.  Causes of inflammation:  Smoking  Lack of activity  Stress  Obesity  The foods we eat INFLAMMATION

9  Animal fats  Trans fats  High-fat diet  Excessive alcohol  Excessive calorie intake  Low fiber intake  Salt  sugar-sweetened drinks WHAT KIND OF FOODS?

10  Our 60,000 miles of blood vessels is one of the primary locations hit by chronic inflammation.  When our circulation is poor, not enough oxygen is being delivered throughout our bodies which impairs our bodily functions and processes  This increases our risks of disease.  Atherosclerosis is a huge contributor to poor circulation.  Those of us eating a typical American diet can expect that by the age of 45 they will already have 50% blockage of the arteries from plaque buildup. By the age of 70, many will have a 90% blockage.  When most men experience erectile dysfunction they are actually experiencing the results of plaque buildup in their arteries. POOR CIRCULATION

11  Poor circulation is linked to the following conditions:  Macular degeneration  Senility and memory loss  Stroke  Hearing impairment  Coronary artery disease  Hypertension  Kidney disease  Bone health problems  Peripheral neuropathy POOR CIRCULATION

12  Oxidative stress is the principal cause of inflammation, infection, cancer, cardiovascular disorders and aging.  Unhealthy living choices cause higher than normal amounts of free radicals to circulate in our body.  These are unstable molecules that want to bond with and damage healthy molecules.  Antioxidants are what combat these molecules and prevent them from damaging our healthy cells.  Antioxidants are found in plant foods and exercise. OXIDATIVE STRESS



15   Family  No-smoking  Plant based diet  Regular moderate physical activity  Social engagement  Eating legumes THE BLUE ZONES HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=88KNBADZ71K


17  Seventh-day Adventist are a unique study group because they have similar lifestyle practices but a range of dietary choices.  They do not drink alcohol or smoke but range from meat- eaters to semi-vegetarians to total vegetarians(vegans).  Studies on this population have been in over 300 scientific publications.  It was found in the Adventist Health Study 1 that Adventist meat-eaters had 300% more fatal heart disease than those following a completely vegan diet.  The Adventist Health Study 2, which included 97,000 Seventh- day Adventist from the US and Canada discovered those that followed a plant-based diet had the best outcomes in weight, cholesterol, hypertension and diabetes when compared with those that ate animal products ADVENTIST HEALTH STUDY 2



20 CALDWELL B ESSELSTYN, JR. M.D.  Surgeon, clinician and researcher at the Cleveland Clinic for over thirty-five years.  Served as the president of the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons and was the organizer of the first National Conference on the Elimination and Prevention of Heart Disease.  2005 recipient of the Benjamin Spock Award for Compassion in Medicine.  Awarded the Bronze Star as an army surgeon in Vietnam  Olympic Gold Medalist in rowing.

21  In the late 1980’s Dr. Esselstyn started out with a group of 23 of the worst heart patients given up by their doctors to die.  He put them on a plant-based diet with only about 9 to 12% of calories coming from fat. They were also given a low-dose of cholesterol lowering drug.  6 patients dropped out of the program which allowed him to compare them to his study subjects.  Diet was the only thing he asked them to change.  They were not allowed any oils or extra fats except what occurred naturally in plants. Nuts and avocado were also excluded.  Goal was to drop total cholesterol to between 90 and 150mg/dL. HIS RESEARCH

22  Dr. T. Colin Campbell, an expert in biochemistry and nutrition and director of a twenty year project, that involved Cornell University and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine discovered:  That people in rural China did not get heart disease but those that lived in more affluent areas did.  This led to the discovery that people with cholesterol levels between 90 and 150 mg/dL were virtually heart attack proof.  Cholesterol levels under 150mg/dL actually began the reversal process of atherosclerosis. WHY 90 TO 150 MG/DL?

23  This was a fifty year project run by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Boston University and others.  It involved more than 5,200 participants  Nobody in the study that had cholesterol between 90 and 150 ever had a heart attack. FRAMINGHAM HEART STUDY


25  Take the next two days to prepare yourself for the cleanse.  Buy necessary groceries.  Wean yourself off of caffeine.  Buy extra toilet paper. You will be going to the bathroom more than ever before. This is a good thing!  Get the support of friends and family. Have them join you.  Clean the junk food out of your house and remove any temptation – do not do this by eating all of your junk food. Toss it, its junk, hence the name junk food.  If you haven’t already try to get your cholesterol and blood pressure checked so you can have before and after results. 5- DAY TASTE BUD CLEANSE

26  It is very important to drink at least eight to ten 8oz. glasses of water a day.  You will most likely be eating more fiber than you have ever had before and you will need to drink water to help from becoming constipated.  If you are weaning yourself off of caffeine, the water will help you feel more energized and may help with headaches and withdrawal symptoms.  Try to drink 1 to 2 glasses of water with lemon squeezed in it, before your morning breakfast. This will wake up your organs and get your intestinal track moving. WATER

27  You will be invited to a private Facebook page.  This page is for participants to encourage each other and ask me questions.  I will be posting recipes for you to try along with excellent cookbooks and websites.  There will also be informative YouTube videos you can watch on different nutritional subjects or fun and easy exercises.  I hope you will use this as a tool for success!  Any suggestions are welcome. FACEBOOK PAGE

28  Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr., M.D.  The China Study by T. Colin Campbell Ph.D  The Blue Zones by Dan Buettner  The Forks over Knives Plan by Alona Pulde, M.D. and Matthew Lederman, M.D. SUGGESTED BOOKS

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