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The Transition from Grade 8 to 9
To the Speaker: (You may want to personalize first page with your name, title and school name ) These information nights are one part of an Exit Program for students and their families. The goal of an exit program is to “help students make successful transitions to the next stage of their life” Ontario Schools (OS), Page 27 Section Orientation and exit programs are an important aspect of a comprehensive Guidance and Career Education program. Students will be engaged in educational planning sessions throughout the year, including preparation and completion of course selections for Grade 9 Parents should know that they may hear or see the term high school and secondary schools being used interchangeably. The Transition from Grade 8 to 9 Guidance, Career & Adolescent Development Megan Wong St. Andrew’s JHS Guidance and Student Services
For more about Education Planning go to:
Goals For The Evening: To inform students how to make a smooth and successful transition from Grade 8 to 9 To assist parents and students in making informed choices for Grade 9 To raise student and parent awareness of the various program pathways available throughout the TDSB For more about Education Planning go to:
Important Sites Guidance and Transitions
Parents will be able to view the current ( ) Choices Book on the website. Course Charts are also available on the website ……this info. is generic from year to year so the date is not critical Please remind parents/families throughout the evening s that they have access to myBlueprint which houses this information
Educational Planning Website will reflect the coming school year
Visual Reminder of what the website looks like and where they can access and review information shared this evening. TABS: Highschool > Guidance > Choices landing page What they will find there: Choices for Nine Powerpoint (this presentation) High School Information Nights Diploma Requirements Other high school related information Link to myBlueprint
6 Online educational & career planning tool
for students and parents My Profile - record goals, extra-curricular activities, co-op/work activities, build plans, discover post-secondary opportunities High School Planner - interactive plan that checks for prerequisites, tracks graduation progress and identifies post-secondary opportunities based on courses selected nation wide. Post-Secondary Planner - find and compare the number opportunities available to students across Canada Learning Styles Inventories – Assist students in being empowered about their learning and advocating for themselves Electronic Individual Pathways Plan (IPP) – Students are required to complete components of an Individual Pathways Plan from Grade 7-12 which includes goal setting and future planning Important: Most students in Grade 8 will complete their course selections (with input from teachers) online in preparation for secondary school Parents will have an opportunity to review and sign off on course selections when they are being completed early in the New Year Students will receive more information and direct teaching as the year progresses. Students and parents will be informed of the process for completing their on-line course selections in the New Year Messages myBlueprint can be accessed from home or school via the web All students grade 7-12 will have an online Individual Pathways Plan designed to keep a record of their learning and experience overtime. This will assist them in making sound choices for their first post-secondary destination myBlueprint offers tutorials and videos to families, students and educators regarding using the program to the fullest Outlines many opportunities for students across all pathways (World of Work, College, Apprenticeships, University, Community Living Profile space : Offers a space for students to keep a log of personal accomplishments (eg. Student awards, work they are particularly proud of, extra curricular involvement, leadership stuff, experiences, volunteer work, school trips, teams, clubs, etc.) This may assist them with education and career/life planning as they will be able to view accomplishments that will help with applications to post secondary / part-time employment/volunteer work
Tutorials and videos on how to best utilize the site are available for parents Access to information to assist with educational planning School specific offerings (Specialization, Elective courses offered , future planning (eg. Specialist High School Major - SHSM) Allows them to navigate many and varied pathways to success Designed for present and future planning (eg. Highschool Planner/Post-Secondary Planner/Occupation Planner)
Format of Presentation
Part A: Promotion, Transfer, and Retention Procedure Part B: Messages for Success Part C: Ontario Secondary Schools Part D: Specific School Information Specialized Programs
Promotion, Transfer and Retention
Part A Promotion, Transfer and Retention
Promotion, Transfer & Retention Procedure (PR 543)
The Toronto District School Board’s Promotion, Transfer & Retention Procedure provides schools with a consistent method for transition of students from elementary school (Grade 8) to secondary school (Grade 9). Read the full procedure at Under Policies, Procedures and Forms and select PR543 Promotion, Transfer, Retention 543 refers to common The procedure is designed to: Move students from Grade 8 – Grade 9 in a consistent way The procedure is multi-faceted All students have a Student Profile Support Form (543a) including achievement, learning styles, etc. When students experience challenges with their learning, interventions and accomodations are put in place to assist students in working toward promotion. Forms are shared with next grade teacher to communicate strategies that have been successful and could be continued for continued success Interested parents are invited to view the full procedure on the TDSB website >policies, procedures and forms>543
Part B Messages for Success
Where do students go after secondary school?
Most students who enter grade 9, will leave high school in one of 6 ways (listed above) Education and Career/Life planning begins in Kindergarten and continues to Grade 12 The goal of education and career/life planning is to: Assist students in developing knowledge and skills to make informed decisions regarding education and career/life plans Prepare students for their initial post-secondary destination Assist students to be curious about, and reflect on : Who they are What opportunities are available to them Who they want to become What their plan is for achieving their goals and dreams (K-12) Provide learning opportunities and experiences so that they understand themselves and others by: Looking in (understanding themselves..strengths, stretches, styles) Looking out (making connections to the outside world and how these things fit with what they know about themselves) Looking forward (looking toward the future and opportunities available to them) We strive to honour all learners and their destinations and provide the best support we can for students to be successful in all endeavours during and after high school.
The Importance of Credit Accumulation
This is a significant slide to show parents on the importance of starting off well in secondary school What this slide tells us: It is critically important for students to begin their high school journey in the right course types for their learning Evidence shows us that when students are engaged in learning commensurate with their knowledge, skills and learning style (s), they tend to be more academically engaged in their learning By acquiring all 8 credits by the end of Grade 9 (8 credits), they move forward into their secondary career from a position of strength Long term evidence tells us that over the long run, students tend to be in a greater position to graduate from high school You can see this by looking at the chart most carefully……. Students who do not acquire all 8 credits may find themselves in a “risk situation” moving forward. At first glance, we may think it is “only” one credit but if you look at the statistics for students who are down one credit, they run a higher risk of leaving early and not acquiring their high school diploma When a student acquires 14 of 16 credits there is almost a 1 in 3 chance of them leaving high school early Tips for deciding on which Course Type is best suited for your child: Strengths, knowledge, skills, learning style Encourage your child to talk to teachers about strengths Consult myBlueprint for a fuller understanding of Course Types Attend high school information sessions and ask questions relating to course types
Ontario Secondary Schools
Part C Ontario Secondary Schools
Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
Total of 30 course credits (110 hours per credit) – 18 compulsory courses – 12 elective courses (options) 40 hrs. Community Involvement – Begins in summer after Grade 8 * Ontario Literacy Requirement (OSSLT) - Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test Credits Students in Grades 9 and 10 will have 6 compulsory credits prescribed to them. In Grades 9 and 10 , students will choose 2 elective credits each year (NB. Students with learning exceptionalities may be recommended for GLE (GLS where offered for some students) and therefore may only have 1 elective to choose from) In Grades 11 and 12, students will have an opportunity to choose from a variety of elective courses Community Involvement Students may begin community involvement activities as part of graduation requirements in the summer following Grade 8 Community involvement activities for graduation requirement must not be part of any other program for which students receive credit: i.e. pay, badges, certification, etc. Must be completed outside of regular classroom time - before, after school, during lunch period, or on week-ends Parents/guardians encouraged to be involved in monitoring appropriate volunteer activities for their children Students receive Community Involvement Passport at the end of Grade 9 in which to record volunteer experiences and track hours Students will be provided with a listing of activities which meet the criteria for community involvement (at times, they are asked to discuss with their guidance counsellor before beginning) Literacy Test Students will write the Literacy Test in the Grade 10 year. Students who are unsuccessful on the first attempt at the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) may: Attempt test following year OR Enroll in the Literacy Course (credit course) ~ Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy & Program Requirements, 2011
Credit System Once a course is passed, a credit is granted
To pass a course one must achieve a level of 50% or higher Students are expected to take 8 courses a year To graduate from high school a student must earn 30 credits
Course Types in Grades 9 and 10:
• Applied • Academic • Locally Developed Compulsory Credit (LDCC) • Open Key Message Emphasize that all course types , especially in Grade 9, open doors to all destinations the journey will be as different as the unique learners that choose them
Making Your Choices: Choose Success!
Critical to make choices that will allow students the greatest chance for success. All pathways are available to students from their starting point. The most critical thing is to have students placed where they have the greatest opportunity for success. Review previous reports, speak with your child’s teacher for recommendations, ask questions at the secondary information evenings. NB. It is a good idea to try to access examples that resonate with the audience Ex. Driving Metaphor I am driving my car to a particular destination. I may take the 401 thinking it will be the most direct route I may decide to take Highway 7 because I like the scenery …… may take me more time but it is more my style. Taking the 401 doesn’t necessarily get me from point A to point B as I may encounter traffic, or construction leading me on a different pathway. Decisions made in Grade 9 will not preclude students from reaching their destination but the pathway may look a little different each individual. LDCC courses for example are specifically designed to fill in the gaps of learning. This may assist in helping students meet goals which might not be otherwise met if they do not meet with success and are discouraged.
What is an Open Course? Learning expectations are the same for all students Designed to prepare students for further study and to enrich general education in a subject Can be counted as compulsory or elective credits Grade 9 Open Courses Include: Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Drama, Dance) Business Guidance (Learning Strategies) Exploring Technologies Physical Education A common set of expectations for all Open courses compliment all pathways They are not considered “destination” based
Locally Developed Compulsory Credits
Making Your Choice Locally Developed Compulsory Credits For students with gaps in knowledge and skills in the specific discipline Ideal for students who need support with the curriculum content in Grade 9 Students who require two or more Locally Developed Compulsory Credit Courses or who require significant modification to their program will be assisted in investigating programs/schools that provide a full array of supports and services to meet their unique needs
Academic and Applied Course Types Academic Course Types
Cover the core content and have an emphasis on the theoretical aspects of the content Applied Course Types Cover the core content and have an emphasis on practical applications Both academic and applied courses cover essential concepts Academic courses focus on theoretical and conceptual learning Applied courses focus on the concrete application of concepts and has a greater emphasis on practical learning strategies
Making Your Choice Grade 9 Science Academic Applied
Formulate scientific questions related to reproduction Gather, record, and analyze qualitative and quantitative data using an appropriate format Plan ways to model and/or simulate an answer to questions asked about the motion of celestial objects Identify a current problem or concern relating to reproduction Organize and record information gathered Formulate scientific questions about a problem or issue in space exploration The action words give a sense of the kinds of skills that will be largely required in a particular course type The words come directly from the ministry documents Coming out of Grade 8: Students may have varied ability to “identify” “organize” “formulate” , etc. Leave grade 8 with varied learning styles Applied and Academic course types allow students to choose the course type that best suits their learning styles and needs Emphasize: Students may choose the course type that suits their learning style and needs for each subject. Sometimes, parents/guardians believe that it is all or nothing
Making Your Choice Grade 9 English Academic Applied
Analyze information, ideas, and elements to make inferences Locate and evaluate information and ideas from sources Select narrative style and appropriate Level of language to suit the form, audience and purpose of the work Describe information, ideas, opinions and themes Locate and record information and ideas from sources Identify the specific audience for each piece of writing English using the contents of one unit of the course profile Applied - pay attention to words like "listening, speaking, checklists, oral reports, more small group dynamics"; they write a scene and role play, use of a picture analysis chart looking at visual clues; looks at personal narrative – describe, explain, summarize Academic looks at research, debates, writing script, role, place, story; writes an essay, opinions more higher level third party perspective looking from the outside -- evaluate, analyze…..more abstract
Work Habits Sample Academic Applied
Works independently in a focused manner Synthesis skills – uses prior knowledge and experience to assist with solving problems Completes homework consistently and thoroughly Applied Works in a focused manner (not always independently) Applies new learning to tasks (may need reminding of previous knowledge) May need assistance to organize and complete homework Locally Developed Works in a focused manner with prompting Applies new learning to tasks that have been directly modeled in the lesson May begin homework in class with direction and take home to complete Just a guide to help with decision making. Not all students will fit this criteria. These are simply sample behaviours We are aware that students may show differing skills and abilities in different subject areas Students may take a combination of applied, academic and locally developed compulsory credit courses depending on their learning styles and needs in each subject **Encourage parents to talk to teachers, at parent interviews or in a separate communication, about the work habits the teacher is noticing and where there might be room for improvement.
English Language Learners
ESL/ELD • Prepare students for success in English and other courses • ESL/ELD credits count as compulsory English credits (to a maximum of 3 credits) • Students will be placed in Level A, B, C, D or E • Can move to Academic/Applied/LDCC courses when appropriate Often there are increased supports at the secondary level for English Language Learners who have been in the country for 3 years or less Representatives from our English Language Learner Centres (good words for parents as they are actually Newcomer Reception Centres but parents don’t often see themselves as “new” after a period of time) will offer assistance in making sure that students are in the appropriate sections for their language acquisition and learning needs We work closely with English Language Learner Centres to ensure that students needs are best being addressed
Making Your Choice Grades 9 and 10 Applied Academic Locally Developed
Open Grades 11 and 12 College University Workplace Mixed Both academic and applied courses cover essential concepts Academic courses focus on theoretical and conceptual learning and learning strategies where the teacher may talk a lot and show a lot Applied courses focus on the concrete application of concepts and teaching strategies reflect this ….. NB. Be explicit about the focus of the evening to be about this transition to Grade 9. Further details about destination courses may be covered at the high school evenings and they may wish to ask “future” questions at those evenings Mixed courses are courses that can sometimes be used as counting toward College or University programs. They are a hybrid of college and university destination courses Notes and Reflection: This slide often generates a lot of interest and creates a buzz in the room. Grade 11 and 12 subjects are “Destination” based, but 9 and 10 are not considered destination based. You may get asked about the most “direct” route for a student to get into University That could be academic in grade 9 and 10 and University in Grade 11 & 12 The big “caution” is this…….the most “direct” path won’t always guarantee entrance into a program of choice at College or University. Reminder: Universit y and College programs generally, have minimum entry marks. For example: General Arts in several universities require a minimum of 80%. That is the minimum mark for eligibility. In some Math and Science programs, depending on the University, the minimum mark for eligibility is sometimes as high as 87% There are many pathways that will lead to post secondary education and it is critical that the best pathway is the one that will see the student achieve and accumulate credits. Student readiness is the key .
Changing Course Type After Grade 9:
Gr. 9 Academic Gr. 10 Academic Gr. 9 Applied Gr. 10 Applied Gr. 9 LDCC Gr. 10 LDCC Key Message: Doors are not closed to students in Grade 9 by choosing a particular course type. Example: There are always two people in the same occupation took different pathways to get there When a student plans to switch pathways after Grade 9 there are possibilities. This move would be made in consultation with the secondary guidance counsellor, student, and parents. Students may move from applied to academic and academic to applied (Grade 9 to Grade 10) depending on success and preparedness for changing course types – except in Math (next slide) A move from LDCC to either applied or academic can occur but may involve one or two more steps. These changes in course types are looked at individually to ensure student success. (except Mathematics)
Changing Course Type After Grade 9:
Gr. 9 Academic Gr. 10 Academic T Gr. 9 Applied Gr. 10 Applied Gr. 9 LDCC Gr. 10 LDCC The math transfer course enables students to achieve the expectations not covered in grade 9 applied math but required for entry into grade 10 academic math. There is only one transfer course – grade 9 applied math to grade 10 academic math. The math transfer courses counts as a 0.5 credit and is usually achieved through summer school Transfer courses count as a 0.5 credit. Gr. 9 Applied to Gr. 10 Academic Mathematics (Transfer Course worth 0.5 credit)
Semestered Schools • Students take 8 courses in 2 blocks of time: courses from September to January 4 courses from February to June • All 4 courses taken daily Semestered Schools Students will earn 4 credits per semester total of 8 credits per year if all courses are successfully completed Students concentrate on only 4 subjects at a time Typical Day Most periods are minutes long Lunch is minutes depending on the school
Non-Semestered Schools
• 8 courses taken throughout the school year • Courses taken every other day Non-Semestered Schools 8 courses are taken throughout the entire year and are in three terms 4 courses one day and the other 4 the next….alternating days…typically Day 1 and 3 same subjects and Day 2 and 4 the other 4 subjects Typical Day Most periods are minutes long Lunch is minutes depending on the school
Optional Attendance Timelines
Part D Optional Attendance Timelines TDSB
Choices: Planning Guides
Choices for Nine Delivered each fall Choices: Secondary Schools Course Selection & Planning Guide Arrives each January during the Course Selection Process Every year, grade 8 students will be given a Choices for Nine brochure. These brochures are available in late October/early November and are to be used as a resource for both students and parents. Much of the information we share at this evening is included in the brochure. These will likely be delivered to schools about the 3rd week in October. Parents should check in with their child to assist with planning for the high school evenings. Students and parents will be able to see which secondary schools offer special programs, secondary school information evening dates, and descriptions of academic, applied, open, and LDCC course types.
The Year Ahead Your Grade 8 Year at a Glance
Information Nights at the High Schools
• Program and school specific information is shared • Dates and Times of High School Information Nights are listed in the Choices for Nine brochure and posted on the TDSB website Parents are strongly encouraged to attend the home high school information evening along with others they are considering for optional attendance. Benefits of attending these evenings: Get a feel for where your child will be spending the next 4 years Ask questions relating to academic support and extra-curricular programs Speak personally with teachers and administrators (Caution them about what they have “seen” or “heard” or what they “perceive” to be the reality of the school culture) Being in the building, listening to the speakers, and talking with teachers will allow them to formulate personal thoughts on the fit for their child Visiting the school is one part that helps student and their families make informed decisions about their child’s high school career High school information nights will be listed in the Choices For Nine brochure and on the website
Dates and Times on Website
There is a great deal of information for Grade 9 and beyond under the High School tab on the TDSB website Specifically, for this transition to Grade 9 Under Going to High School: Information Nights will be listed Under Guidance : Choices Information will be available.
Click on “Find your School”
Key Messages First entry point is to encourage families to send their students to their home high school. The home school based on the student’s residential address. There are a myriad of ways in which academic and extra-curricular interests can be met at their home high school All TDSB schools strive to offer a wide range of academic and extra-curricular programming designed to meet student needs, interests and passions Optional Attendance to Specialized Schools or Programs is for students who have a passion in an area of specialty. Click on “Find your School”
Find Your School Find your school by selecting how you want to search.
Parents can type in the home address to find the home high school by typing in their address. This is likely the quickest and easiest way
Optional Attendance
• Students are encouraged to attend the secondary school that serves their residential address • Use an Optional Attendance Application Form when applying to a school other than your home school • Forms available at Grade 8 school • Specific information regarding Optional Attendance Procedures will follow in early January All students should complete a Course Selection Form or consider a plan in myBlueprint for their designated home high school. Underline the OA Policy and Procedure, students may apply to: 2 “regular” that means schools that offer the same type of programming as they would find at their home high school (without specialization) 2 specialized schools or programs (outlined on the website and in the Choices for Nine Brochure) Applying to a Specialized School Program should be the main focus when applying for optional attendance. Specialized school programs are really designed for those who are passionate about the specialization Parents/guardians must carefully follow timelines for optional attendance application which will be provided Considerations when applying for OA should include: distance, travel time, and travel expense Students and their families are strongly encouraged to attend the secondary school information sessions to which they have an interest, aptitude, etc. Applying to a Regular program Students who are accepted in a school under optional attendance are expected to remain in that school until high school graduation Some schools, because they are enrolled over capacity, do not accept students for optional attendance and are deemed “closed” schools In mid January updated fact sheets (Open/Closed Schools, Optional Attendance) will be provided for parents and Optional Attendance applications will be available from the Elementary School
Specific Dates February
January 30, Optional Attendance applications due to secondary schools – delivered by student/parent/guardian February 13, Secondary schools will inform Optional Attendance applicants by this date Mid to late February 2015 – Course Selection sheets completed and returned to elementary teacher/counsellor February 27, All course selection sheets due to secondary schools – delivered by Elementary Counsellor Only ONE course selection sheet per student is submitted for ONE secondary school by the elementary school counsellor January List of “Closed” and “Limited” schools made available (this late as facilities has to do projections and we must wait until they are firm) Optional Attendance applications available from elementary schools Distribution of Course Selection Sheets and/or myBluerprint CS begins Parents/guardians encourage to consult the Choices for Nine brochure and the Choices book for information. Parents/guardians encouraged to be involved in their child’s educational planning through ongoing consultation with teachers and counsellors. Also, reviewing myBlueprint will also be helpful as the course types for Grade 9 and beyond are described there NB for Teacher/Counsellors Feel free to make the date for students to return completed course selection sheets / myBlueprint to you. As you are in a number of schools, you will need to make it manageable so that you may have the course selection sheets submitted electronically to the secondary schools.
Information Nights at Specialized Schools
• To investigate specialized schools or programs, contact the specific school for admission requirements • Requirements may include auditions, tests, interviews, etc. • Check deadline dates for application Students and families: are encouraged to the specific school’s info nights for further information should be informed and reminded of the secondary school info nights (TDSB Website/blog/announcements/school website/newsletter, etc) Nights will be listed in the Choices For Nine booklet Specialized programs and schools may have different due dates re: application requirements so parents should consult the school website and attend information
Where are specialized schools/programs?
Check the Choices for Nine legend
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