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Presentation on theme: "Subject/Predicate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject/Predicate

2 Day 1

3 Complete Sentences A complete sentence is a group of words that express a complete thought. Every complete sentence has a subject and a predicate. A sentence fragment is not a complete sentence. It may have a capital and punctuation, but that does not make it a complete sentence!

4 Prepositions In order to find subjects and predicates this week, we need to remember to IGNORE prepositions and prepositional phrases! Prepositions show the relationship between words in a sentence. They always come with other words that go with them, which become the prepositional phrase. The subject and predicate will never be inside the prepositional phrase. Cross out any prepositional phrases before looking for subjects and predicates. Keep your preposition list all year to help you whenever we identify subjects and predicates. A prepositional phrase on its own cannot be a complete sentence. This is probably the most common sentence fragment error that people make.

5 Cross out the Preposition
The coat under the table is red. The cat in the box is sleeping. In the garage, there are tools. The boy inside the store is hungry.

6 Day 2

7 Subjects and Predicates
The subject of a sentence is the person or thing that performs the action. It is the WHO or WHAT of the sentence. The predicate tells what the subject does, has, feels or is.

8 Subjects The complete subject includes all the words that describe the subject. The simple subject is the main word or words in the complete subject. Example: The silly, cute dog was wagging her tail.

9 Predicates The complete predicate includes all the words that tell what the subject does, has, feels or is. The simple predicate is the main word or words in the complete predicate. It is always a verb or a verb phrase Example: The silly, cute dog was wagging her tail.

10 Implied Subjects In imperative sentences, like commands or requests, the subject looks like it is missing. It is what we call the implied subject. It’s not written, but it’s still there. YOU is the subject in these sentences. Examples: Go to the store. Pick up the book, please. Write this down.

11 Practice The boy walked down the street.
He was going to go to the store but wasn’t sure what he wanted to get. He only had $5 in his wallet. He knew he should get his mom a birthday present. However, he really wanted to spend it on junk food. His conscience was gnawing at him. Finally, he decided to spend $4 on his mom and treat himself to something with the other $1.

12 Day 3

13 Compound Subject and Verb
A compound subject contains two or more subjects that share the same verb. They are connected with coordinating conjunctions, like and, or, and nor. A compound verb contains two or more verbs that share the same subject. Using compound subjects and verbs can make your writing less repetitive. Examples: The boy walked to school. The girl walked to school. The boy and girl walked to school. We swam Saturday afternoon. We took naps Saturday afternoon. We swam and took naps Saturday afternoon.

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