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Thesis Proposal VARUN GUPTA 1. Thesis Proposal VARUN GUPTA 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Thesis Proposal VARUN GUPTA 1. Thesis Proposal VARUN GUPTA 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thesis Proposal VARUN GUPTA 1

2 Thesis Proposal VARUN GUPTA 2

3 Thesis Proposal VARUN GUPTA 3

4 Supercomputers Data center pods Cloud computing Multi-core chips Array-of-Wimpy-Nodes 4 + high compute capacity + incremental growth + fault-tolerance + efficient resource utilization + energy efficiency + high parallelism

5 5 Backend servers Frontend dispatcher/router Design Choice 1: Which server to send a job to? Design Choice 2: Scheduling policy for backend servers? Design Choice 3: When to turn servers on/off for efficiency? Design Choice 4: How many servers to buy? Of what capacity?

6 6 Backend servers Frontend dispatcher/router Design Choice 1: Dispatching policy Design Choice 2: Scheduling policy Design Choice 3: Dynamic capacity scaling Design Choice 4: Provisioning

7 Thesis Goal Stochastic modeling and analysis to answer the questions faced by server farm designers/managers Long history of stochastic modeling and analysis Erlang (1909): Operator provisioning in telephone exchanges Inventory/production management Call center staffing Several gaps between traditional models and compute server farms New constraints New opportunities New metrics Bridge these gaps by developing new models and analysis techniques relevant to requirements of today’s server farms 7

8 8 ApplicationGAP Design Choice Dispatching Backend Scheduling Capacity scaling Provisioning Web server farms No analysis for PS server farms  Energy management in Data centers Setup penalties + unpredictabl e demands  Fully replicated DBs High variance in job sizes  Database servers Thrashing  VM management VM migration and departures 

9 9

10 10 ApplicationGAP Design Choice Dispatching Backend Scheduling Capacity scaling Provisioning Web server farms No analysis for PS server farms  Energy management in Data centers Setup penalties + unpredictabl e demands  Fully replicated DBs High variance in job sizes  Database servers Thrashing  VM management VM migration and departures 

11 11 Immediate dispatch

12 12 PS 12 Q: Good load balancing dispatchers? How many servers? Existing work limited to First-Come-First-Served servers or Exponential job size distribution GAP : Processor Sharing servers + high-variance job sizes PS Immediate dispatch

13 13 PS 13 PS ??? Poisson arrivals Join-Shortest-Queue (JSQ) : most popular Balances load Greedy K Homogeneous Servers Q: Is JSQ optimal for general job size distribution? Bonomi [90] : Optimal for Exponential job size distribution when job sizes unknown Q: Analysis of JSQ for general job size distribution?

14 Det Exp Bim-1 Weib-1 Weib-2 Bim-2 Mean Response Time RANDOM ??? PS Simulation Results Increasing job-size variance (same mean) 14

15 Det Exp Bim-1 Weib-1 Weib-2 Bim-2 Mean Response Time RANDOM JSQ ??? PS Increasing job-size variance (same mean) Simulation Results 15

16 Det Exp Bim-1 Weib-1 Weib-2 Bim-2 Mean Response Time RANDOM Round -Robin JSQ ??? PS Simulation Results Increasing job-size variance (same mean) 16

17 Det Exp Bim-1 Weib-1 Weib-2 Bim-2 Mean Response Time RANDOM Round -Robin JSQ OPT-0 ??? PS Simulation Results Increasing job-size variance (same mean) 17

18 18 PS 18 PS JSQ Poisson arrivals K Homogeneous Servers Conjecture: JSQ is near-optimal (even among size-aware dispatching policies) Performance of JSQ is “nearly-insensitive” to the job size distribution

19 19 Contribution 1: The Single-Queue-Approximation Goal : Approx. for mean response time under Exponential job sizes Compensate for the effect of other queues via state-dependent arrival rates λ (n) easier to approximate (only need to worry about λ (1), λ (2)) < 2% error in mean response time for up to 64 servers PS M n /M/1/PS λ (n) ≈ M/M/K-JSQ/PS JSQ PS λ (n) = state-dependent arrival rate [Performance’07]

20 Contribution 2: Many-server heavy-traffic analysis (PROPOSED) Goal 1: Quantify the “near-insensitive” behavior Goal 2: Optimal dispatching policies for heterogeneous servers Hard to prove anything in general, must resort to limiting regimes The many-server heavy-traffic scaling Shows the effect of job size variability Intuition into behavior of JSQ 20 JSQ λ = K - constant PS K → ∞

21 21 ApplicationGAP Design Choice Dispatching Backend Scheduling Capacity scaling Provisioning Web server farms No analysis for PS server farms  Energy management in Data centers Setup penalties + unpredictabl e demands  fully replicated DBs High variance in job sizes  Database servers Thrashing  VM management VM migration and departures 

22 22 Q: When to turn servers ON/OFF to adapt to demand? Existing work assumes zero setup delays, knowledge of future demand pattern GAP : setup penalties non-zero + unpredictable demand patterns

23 23 First-In-First-Out buffer Poisson arrivals ON SETUP OFF Contribution: New traffic-oblivious policy DELAYEDOFF Servers turn off after idle for t wait If arrival sees all servers busy, turn a new server ON Most-Recently-Busy (MRB) dispatching: send job to server which idled last Theorem: Under DELAYEDOFF, as the load, the number of ON servers is concentrated around DELAYEDOFF is asymptotically optimal [Performance’10]

24 24 Simulation Results for DELAYEDOFF PROPOSED: Refine DELAYEDOFF, prove performance guarantees

25 25 ApplicationGAP Design Choice Dispatching Backend Scheduling Capacity scaling Provisioning Web server farms No analysis for PS server farms  Energy management in Data centers Setup penalties + unpredictabl e demands  fully replicated DBs High variance in job sizes  Database servers Thrashing  VM management VM migration and departures 

26 26

27 27 First-In-First-Out buffer Q: How many servers, and what speed? No exact analysis, approximations good for low job size variance GAP : Job sizes have very high variance

28 28 First-In-First-Out buffer Poisson arrivals

29 29 First-In-First-Out buffer The Holy Grail of queueing theory (model for many other applications) yet no exact analysis! Lee-Longton [1959] : Poisson arrivals squared coeff. of variation of job size dist. typically C 2 > 20

30 30 Contribution 1: Inapproximability results Goal: No accurate approx. based only on first 2 moments Pick a subclass of distributions Analytically tractable Large enough to fix 2 moments, but wiggle room to prove gap Increasing 3 rd moment → E[Delay] Lee-Longton Approximation H2H2 {G | 2 moments} [QUESTA’10]

31 Contribution 2: Tight moment-based bounds Goal: Better approximation using n moments? [QUESTA ’10] : Conjectured extremal distributions M/G/K/FCFS under light-traffic Extremality should be invariant to load Verify conjectures for n = 2,3 Also for other queueing systems with no exact analysis 31 E[Delay] {G | n moments} ? ? tight bounds | n moments, 4, 5, 6…  proposed work

32 32 ApplicationGAP Design Choice Dispatching Backend Scheduling Capacity scaling Provisioning Web server farms No analysis for PS server farms  Energy management in Data centers Setup penalties + unpredictabl e demands  Fully replicated DBs High variance in job sizes  Database servers Thrashing  VM management VM migration and departures 

33 33 500MB 1.5GB 1GB 2GB 1GB

34 34 Q: Which server to start VM on? What capacity servers to buy? Assumption of permanent items GAP : VMs depart + VM migration possible Contribution : Stochastic bin packing model with job departure/migration PROPOSED: develop packing/migration schemes for efficient packing 500M 1G 250M 500M

35 35

36 ApplicationGAPStatusProposed Work Web server farms No analysis for PS server farms 70% Completed Nov ‘10-Jan ‘11 Optimal dispatch policies for heterogeneous servers Characterizing “near- insensitivity” Energy management in Data centers Setup penalties+ unpredictable demands 80% Completed Feb-Mar ’11 Refine the proposed DELAYEDOFF policy Performance guarantees for traffic-oblivious capacity scaling Fully replicated DBs High variance in job sizes Completed Verifying conjectures on tight moment-based bounds beyond the scope of the thesis Database servers ThrashingCompleted VM management VM migration and departures 10% Completed Oct’ 10-Jan ’11 Develop and analyze heuristics for online stochastic bin packing with item departures and migrations Expected Graduation: MAY2011 # jobs at server Spee d ON SETUP OFF JSQ PS M/G/K 36 Dispatch VM

37 37 [Performance’07 ] V. Gupta, M. Harchol-Balter, K. Sigman, and W. Whitt. Analysis of join-the-shortest-queue routing for web server farms. PERFORMANCE 2007 [Performance’10 ] V. Gupta, A. Gandhi, M. Harchol-Balter, and M. Kozuch. Optimality analysis of energy-performance trade- off for server farm management. PERFORMANCE 2010. [QUESTA’10]V. Gupta, J. Dai, M. Harchol-Balter, and B. Zwart. On the inapproximability of M/G/K: why two moments of job size distribution are not enough. Queueing Systems, Vol 64, 2010. [TR’08]V. Gupta, J. Dai, M. Harchol-Balter, and B. Zwart. The effect of higher moments of job size distribution on the performance of an M/G/K queueing system. Technical Report,CMU, 2008. [Sigmetrics’09]V. Gupta and M. Harchol-Balter. Self-adaptive admission control policies for resource-sharing systems. SIGMETRICS 2009. V. Gupta and T. Osogami, On Markov-Krein characterization of mean sojourn time in M/G/K. Under submission. Time- varying systems [Sigmetrics’06] V. Gupta, M. Harchol-Balter, A. Scheller-Wolf, and U. Yechiali. Fundamental characteristics of queues with fluctuating load. Sigmetrics 2006 [MAMA’08a]V. Gupta, and P. Harrison. Fluid level in a reservoir with ON-OFF source. MAMA 2008. Single Server Scheduling [MAMA’08b] V. Gupta. Finding the optimal quantum size: Sensitivity analysis of the M/G/1 round-robin queue. MAMA 2008. [Performance’10 b] V. Gupta, M. Burroughs, and M. Harchol-Balter. Analysis of scheduling policies under correlated job sizes. Performance 2010. Distributed Data placement [INFOCOM’10] S. Borst, V. Gupta, and A. Walid. Distributed caching algorithms for Content Distribution Networks. INFOCOM 2010. [SOCC’10] H. Amur, J. Cipar, V. Gupta, M. Kozuch, G.Ganger, and K. Schwan, Robust and flexible power-proportional storage. Symposium on Cloud Computing, 2010. Epidemics[INFOCOM’08] M. Vojnovic, V. Gupta, T. Karagiannis, and C. Gkantsidis. Sampling strategies for epidemic- style information dissemination. INFOCOM 2008. Stability analysis A. Busic, V.Gupta, and J. Mairesse. Stability of the bipartite matching model. Under Submission

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