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Strategic Planning Workshop Facilitated by Jan Thorpe and Kelly Harding 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Planning Workshop Facilitated by Jan Thorpe and Kelly Harding 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Planning Workshop Facilitated by Jan Thorpe and Kelly Harding 2010

2 Introduction to Workshop Agenda: Introduction to workshop Discussion groups Reason for a strategic plan Process of developing a strategic plan Question Time Handout of information packs

3 Why develop a Strategic Plan? 1.determine need - action plans 2.transparency of what we are providing the community 3.demonstrate clearly your strategic resource responsibility in order to give clear indications of your direction for your stakeholders Strategic planning achievements 1.action plan for where the organisation is going 2.what you need to do to get there the plan is progressing along the way (with annual strategic review in place) 4.knowledge for stakeholders on the direction or the organisation 5.accountability that the full account of results achieved will be delivered at the appropriate time 6.three year financial plan 7.annual review of the organisations financial status Reference: Created Equal – Kirsten Bartlett Reasons for a Strategic Plan

4 Skills Reform Presentation of Skills Reform What changes will Skills Reform bring to your organisation? How could this change the direction of your centre? How could it jeopardise your future?

5 Phase 4 – Implementing Strategies - evaluation - monitoring - implementation Phase 3 – Developing Strategies and Actions Plans - budgets - action plans - strategies Phase 2 – Identifying and analysing strategic issues - strategic issues - goals and objectives - vision, mission, values Phase 1 – Organising the process and analysing the environment - readiness assessment - plan the plan - stakeholder assessment - mandate analysis - SWOC and environmental scan Reference: Created Equal – Kirsten Bartlett Process of developing a Strategic Plan

6 Phase one: Readiness Assessment: Do you have the staff, resources and time to implement the strategic plan, what to you need to get ready. Plan the plan: Who is going to facilitate the day, who are you going to invite? Stakeholder Analysis: Who are you stakeholders? Mandate Analysis: Regulatory bodies, funding bodies, relevant legislation compliances (e.g. childcare, skills reform), what do people need to know to make informed decisions SWOC and environmental scan: Strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities and Constraints

7 Process of developing a Strategic Plan Phase two: Strategic Plan workshop Strategic issues Goals and objectives Vision, mission and values

8 Process of developing a strategic plan Phase three and four: Ongoing review process of Strategic Plan: Evaluation Monitoring Implementation Action Plan and Implementation: Establish working group to draft plan Draft strategic plan including action plan, timelines and responsibilities Finalise draft plan Set up annual review working group Budgets: Develop a budget for your strategic plan

9 Resources Oxfam Skillshare Our Community Skills Victoria Flexible business development grants ACFE ACFE capacity initiatives workshops: Current challenges for ACE providers Information packs

10 Questions?

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