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Preserving for Generations while Promoting Innovation Managing Population Growth and Preserving Historical Neighborhoods.

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Presentation on theme: "Preserving for Generations while Promoting Innovation Managing Population Growth and Preserving Historical Neighborhoods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preserving for Generations while Promoting Innovation Managing Population Growth and Preserving Historical Neighborhoods

2 Research Topic My research topic is on population growth and how dense cities like Atlanta manage population growth. I will talk about how the BeltLine plans to deal with this growth and methods employed along the line. Another layer of my project seeks to focus on how modern developments like the BeltLine affect historical towns around the city. I am curious as to how architects and developers balance preservation of the town historical integrity with the implementation of the new and modern ideas

3 From Rags to Riches: Atlanta History 1837- Founded as Railroad Terminus 1843- Marthasville 1845- Renamed Atlanta Home to Hartsfield International Four Decades of Civil Rights Involvement World Headquarters to 13 of the fortune 500 companies Host of the 1996 Olympics Best Example of the “New South”

4 Population Charts

5 Ever-changing Skyline  Atlanta, 1970 Atlanta,2006  Midtown, Buckhead, and outer perimeter business districts grow

6 Complications caused by growth Traffic Congestion Overuse of Resources/Strain on Infrastructure Environmental Hazards Uneven shifts in density

7 How The BeltLine Will Help Northside BEFORE the BeltLine Northside AFTER the BeltLine

8 How the BeltLine helps (continued) Encourage Healthy eating Improve Air quality Increase access to resources previous inaccessible to certain communities The BeltLine attracts developers

9 Historical Sites Historic Downtown and Sweet Auburn Grant Park and Ansley Park Inman Park and Druid Hills AND MANY MORE!!

10 Relevance of Historical Preservation Preserving the history of a community Valuable landmarks can be lost  Loss for Atlanta is a loss to the nation Learning experiences  History comes alive Atlanta Preservation Center  Protected regions like the West End, Duid Hills and Grant Park  Currently protects 175 endangered residential and commercial structures

11 How the BeltLine will Preserve History Landmark Historic Property Tax Abatement Program Rehabilitated Historic Property Tax Abatement Program Federal Income Tax Credit Program State Income Tax Credit Program City/County Urban Enterprise Zone Tax Abatement Program Development Impact Fee Exemption Façade Easements

12 Conclusion Population growth is unstoppable, but with the right planning, it can be managed appropriatly Atlanta is has a vibrant history, but has an equally illustrious future. Both should be appreciated and respected as the city grows and modernized.


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