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5 TH GRADE LITERACY [Adjectives Galore!]. {Bell-Ringer} Directions : Grab one of the papers in the center of your table. This is a challenge. You are.

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Presentation on theme: "5 TH GRADE LITERACY [Adjectives Galore!]. {Bell-Ringer} Directions : Grab one of the papers in the center of your table. This is a challenge. You are."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 TH GRADE LITERACY [Adjectives Galore!]

2 {Bell-Ringer} Directions : Grab one of the papers in the center of your table. This is a challenge. You are asked to come up with the most imaginative sentence to describe what you see in each picture. Use the image, plus your prior knowledge about the scene to brainstorm descriptive adjectives that will make your sentence super creative!  Be prepared to share your work! You will nominate the student with the most imaginative sentences from your table Keep these things on your desk: (1) agenda, (2) effort sheet; (3) response sheets; (4) chapter 5 & 6 questions

3 {Schedule} 1. Bell-Ringer 2. Introduction Activity 3. Goal Setting 4. Adjectives Notes 5. Partner Work 6. Independent Work 7. Exit Ticket

4 {Introduction} Mystery Activity What is inside of the box? {Stop & Jot} 1. Give me at least 2 examples of words that were used to describe the objects. 2. How does the student compare/contrast the objects?

5 {Standards} I CAN...form both the comparative and superlative form of an adjective. I CAN...utilize comparative and superlative adjectives in practical situations.

6 {Goal Setting} Let’s set a goal...  Directions: On the top of your notes sheet, set 1 goal for yourself. What is one thing that you want to try to accomplish by the end of this lesson?  Be specific!  Make sure that your goal is reasonable!  We will re-visit our goals at the end of today’s lesson.

7 {Comparative Adjectives} You can use adjectives to compare two or more nouns. To compare 2 things, use the comparative form of the adjective.  Add –er to any one-syllable adjectives. Example : Ms. Luteman is faster than a cheetah.

8 {Superlative Adjectives}  We use superlative adjectives to show that they are the extreme version of an adjective - you can’t get more SUPER than how they are now.  Always comes after the word the.  Add -est to any one-syllable adjectives. (If the adjective already ends in an e, just add – st ) Example: The wolverine is the strongest of all the animals on Earth.

9 {Other Rules}

10 {Guided Practice} {Directions}: Each sentence below has adjectives written incorrectly. Cross out the incorrect adjectives and write them correctly above the words. 1.The witch costume is no silliest than a wedding dress. 2.Turtle is the nicer character in the book. 3.Sydelle is crazyer than J.J. Ford.

11 {Partner Practice} {Directions}: Write the correct comparative or superlative form of each adjective in parentheses. 1. Is the apartment or the Chinese restaurant _______________? (comparative – big) 2. What is the ___________________________ item in Sydelle Pulaski’s bag? (superlative – weird) 3. Would you feel ________________ about having a high-speed elevator or windows? (comparative - happy)

12 {Irregular Adjectives} Most adjectives with two syllables, and all with three syllables are irregular. They have different forms to show comparative and superlative.

13 {Irregular Adjectives} To compare 2 things with these irregular adjectives, add the word more in front. To compare 3 things with these irregular adjectives, add the word most in front. In either case DO NOT combine -er with the word more, OR -est with the word most.  INCORRECT: Tea is more sweeter than coffee.  INCORRECT: Dr. Wexler has the most nicest space in Sunset Towers.

14 Adjective type and changesRegularComparing 2 Comparing 3 or More Adjectives that have more than one syllable: To change beautiful correctly, add ‘more’ and ‘most beautiful talented More beautiful _____________ ____ Most beautiful ______________ ____ Irregular comparative and superlative forms Irregular adjectives change into completely separate words. Memorization required! good little far bad better less _____________ ____ best least ______________ ____

15 {Irregular Adjectives} When you compare things that are less rather than more, use less for the comparative (2 things) and least for the superlative (3 or more things).  Turtle is less well-known than Angela Wexler.  Sydelle Pulaski is the least well-known of all of them.

16 {Important Questions} IMPORTANT QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF  How many syllables is this adjective?  How many nouns am I comparing?  Is this an irregular noun?  Am I comparing these nouns as more - or less - than its counterparts?

17 {Guided Practice} Write the correct comparative or superlative form of each adjective in parentheses 1. Rubies are ________________ than diamonds. (colorful) 2. In this game, the person with the _____________amount of knowledge will be eliminated. (little) 3. Is Shin Hoo’s restaurant the __________one in Sunset Towers? (good)

18 {Partner Practice} {Directions}: Each fact below has adjectives written incorrectly. Cross out the incorrect underlined adjectives and write them correctly above the words. 1. What is the most commonest phrase in The Westing Game? 2. Who was the most bad character? 3. Which place has the most loyalest customers – the coffee shop or the Chinese restaurant? 1. Read the following sentence: The popularly item on Shin Hoo’s menu is the orange chicken. What is the correct way to write the underlined part of the sentence? A. most popular B. popularer C. more popular D. popularest

19 {Above & Beyond} Directions: There is a very strange new character in the Westing Game. Write 5 sentences that describe this new character compared to the other characters in the book. Use a combination of 5 comparative and superlative adjectives. Circle them.

20 {Independent Practice- What’s Your Opinion?} Directions: Individually use adjectives to compare FOUR out of the five sets of items listed. Then come back together with your partner, and compare your answers. Do you have similar tastes or different tastes? 1. Cheeseburger, pizza, tacos (best) 2. Soccer, football, baseball (hard) 3. Hot Cheetos, Takis (spicy) 4. Alabama, Auburn (talented) 5. Ponytail, braided hair (fashionable)

21 {Stop & Jot} How many of the above comparisons did you and your partner agree on? Did you pick the same four out of five? If not, why do you think you picked different ones?

22 {Above & Beyond} Write an imaginative sentence to persuade your partner to switch their position on one of the items that you did not agree on. Your sentence should be a creative sentence that uses adjectives to describe the item you are persuading your partner to like. Were you convinced by your partner’s argument? Why or why not?

23 {Exit Ticket} Goal Setting:  Re-visit the goal that you set for yourself at the beginning of today’s lesson.  Place a check mark next to the goal if you successfully met it. Put a “X” if you did not meet your goal today. Think about why you did not meet your goal. Post-it: Fill in the blanks using the appropriate comparative or superlative adjective. You only need to write the missing word. Then, place it on the appropriate # on the back wall. 1. Christopher is the _____________ of all of his siblings (young). 2. Which activity makes you _______________, basketball or soccer? (happy) 3. Which is ______________, forgetting your homework or doing poorly on a test? (bad) 4. Diamonds are ___________________ than rocks (expensive).

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