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Cover Spine Title Author Illustrator Copyright Publisher Dedication Table of Contents Captions Images- Maps & Diagrams Glossary Index.

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Presentation on theme: "Cover Spine Title Author Illustrator Copyright Publisher Dedication Table of Contents Captions Images- Maps & Diagrams Glossary Index."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cover Spine Title Author Illustrator Copyright Publisher Dedication Table of Contents Captions Images- Maps & Diagrams Glossary Index

2 Cover Spine Title Author Illustrator TITLE AUTHOR ILLUSTRATOR


4 Copyright Publisher

5 Main Entry: ded·i·ca·tion Pronunciation: \ ˌ de-di- ˈ kā-shən\ Function: noun Date: 14th century a name and often a message prefixed to a literary, musical, or artistic production in tribute to a person or cause

6 Name the book part that you see when the book is on the shelf: Cover Spine Author Illustrator SPINE Title Publisher Copyright Dedication

7 Name the book part that is the name of the company that manufactured the book: PUBLISHER Cover Spine Author Illustrator Title Publisher Copyright Dedication

8 Name the book part in which the author thanks or pays tribute to a person: DEDICATION Cover Spine Author Illustrator Title Publisher Copyright Dedication

9 Name the book part which is a date and tells us if an author has been granted the legal right to exclusive publication: COPYRIGHT Cover Spine Author Illustrator Title Publisher Copyright Dedication

10 Table of Contents Captions Images- Maps & Diagrams Glossary Index

11 Located in the front of the book Lists the contents (chapters)of the book by order of appearance Fiction or Nonfiction Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

12 Headings- Printed in a larger, bolder font Text under images Denote importance Nonfiction A jaguar has different kinds of spots on its body. Many spots are black, while others are light-colored with dark borders and a dark spot in the center. The Presidency Legal qualifications. The Constitution establishes only three qualifications for a president. A president must (1) be at least 35 years old, (2) have lived in the United States at least 14 years, and (3) be a natural-born citizen. Term of office. The president is elected to a four-year term. The 22nd Amendment to the Constitution provides that no one may be elected president more than twice. Nobody who has served as president for more than two years of someone else's term may be elected more than once. Before the 22nd Amendment was approved in 1951, a president could serve an unlimited number of terms. Franklin D. Roosevelt held office longest. He was elected four times and served from March 1933 until his death in April 1945. President William H. Harrison served the shortest time in office. He died a month after his inauguration in 1841. Salary and other allowances. The president receives a salary of $400,000 a year. The chief executive also gets $50,000 annually for expenses, plus allowances for staff, travel, and maintenance of the White House. Congress establishes all these amounts. World Book Online, Student

13 Visually support the text Provide additional information Located throughout book May have labels Nonfiction

14 Located at back of book Mini-dictionary (tells what words in book mean) Nonfiction Everyday Mathematics Student Reference Book

15 Located at back of book Lists the contents (topics)of the book in alphabetical order, along with the page(s) they can be found on Nonfiction Silverstein, Shel. Where the Sidewalk Ends.

16 Name the book part which lists the contents of the book by order of their appearance (in front of book): Table of Contents Captions Images- Maps & Diagrams Glossary Index TABLE OF CONTENTS

17 Name the book part which is a mini dictionary: Table of Contents Captions Images- Maps & Diagrams Glossary Index GLOSSARY

18 Name the book part which lists the contents of the book by topic, in alphabetical order (in back of book): Table of Contents Captions Images- Maps & Diagrams Glossary Index INDEX

19 Name the book part which is either text under an image or a heading: Table of Contents Captions Images- Maps & Diagrams Glossary Index CAPTIONS

20 Cover Spine Title Author Illustrator Copyright Publisher Dedication Table of Contents Captions Images Maps & Diagrams Glossary Index

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