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Razorfish RachelBrandt YeMa EmilyNeal JessicaWillis.

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Presentation on theme: "Razorfish RachelBrandt YeMa EmilyNeal JessicaWillis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Razorfish RachelBrandt YeMa EmilyNeal JessicaWillis

2 overview Lay of the land Vicious cycle of worry The Digital Mom

3 this is for my people Nancy’s Vital Stats: 34 years old Mother of Brian age 6 and Joanna age 4 Proud of her mini-van and how she’s able to provide for the safety and care of her children Keeps a sharp eye on her kid’s behavior, what they watch, how well they’re developing and the amount of vegetables left on their plates

4 the battle begins

5 thank you jessica Superman that Supermom





10 bridging the gap making the web work two different paths, the same destination

11 search 1. safe kids browser 2. kids online community 3. online kids games 4. educational kids games 5. kids online video 6. internet for kids 7. kids safety online 8. stop cyberbullying 9. childrens online games 10. childrens online video

12 the social monster

13 observe first things first listening, not lurking

14 recruit follow the leader participants to buyers

15 evaluate platforms Blogs Facebook YouTube


17 engagement buzz is more than a word mi casa es su casa content is key

18 measurement

19 promote harnessing the social monster who doesn’t love a free gift?



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