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© Neeraj Suri EU-NSF ICT March 2006 Dependable Embedded Systems & SW Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 SS 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "© Neeraj Suri EU-NSF ICT March 2006 Dependable Embedded Systems & SW Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 SS 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Neeraj Suri EU-NSF ICT March 2006 Dependable Embedded Systems & SW Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 SS 2006 Lecture 0: Administration Prof. Neeraj Suri Andréas Johansson Constantin Sârbu Brahim Ayari

2 ICS-II - 2006Lecture 0: Administration2 Persons Prof. Neeraj Suri Tel: 06151/16-3513 Office hours: via email Andréas Johansson Tel: 06151/16-3121 Office hours: Thursday 13:30-15:00 Elisabeth Georgii Tel: 06151/16-5226 Office hours: Monday, 14:00 – 15:00 Dr. Jens Gallenbacher Tel: 06151/16-2573 Sprechstunde: via email Brahim Ayari Tel: 06151/16-7066 Office hours: via email Constantin Sârbu Tel: 06151/16-5359 Office hours: via email Lorenz Weizsäcker Tel: 06151/16-6651 Office hours: via email Lecture: Labs: Exercises: En De

3 ICS-II - 2006Lecture 0: Administration3 Administrative  Homepage: All news, dates and important material will be posted on the course web page  or   Mailing lists: not used  Forum: Fachschaftsforum  Course runs parallel to the German version “Grundlagen der Informatik 2”, Dr. J. Gallenbacher!  Both courses share resources  www pages  Labs  Exercises  Etc.

4 ICS-II - 2006Lecture 0: Administration4 Lectures - Rules  Lecture Tuesdays 9.50-11.30S202/C120 Wednesdays 9.50-11.30 S306/052  Please be on time!  5 minutes break?  Please turn off your cell phones!  Drinks/snacks are OK, but please throw the garbage afterwards

5 ICS-II - 2006Lecture 0: Administration5 Material  Introduction to Algorithms, by Thomas Cormen et al., 2 nd Edition, MIT Press, 2001  Additional material for special themes:  Memory and index structures, Search algorithms for graphical data, mobile data, data warehousing etc.  Will be posted on the web before the lecture

6 ICS-II - 2006Lecture 0: Administration6 Additional Material in German You can also use the German “Scripts”  Prof. Dr. T. Härder (Uni Kaiserslauten)  Prof. Dr. H. Waldschmidt (TUD)  The CORMEN book is the main source for our lecture,use the scripts carefully, as there are some incompatibilities with our lecture!

7 ICS-II - 2006Lecture 0: Administration7 Exercises  Must be passed to qualify for the exam  12 Exercise sheets, with home assignments (one per week)  10 Home assignments must be handed in, for the exam, at least 50% of the points must be achieved  Each person is requested (4 times, unannounced) to present the home assignment in class. One may fail only once!  First exercise on 02.05, exercise sheets will be handed out then and there  Office hours: TBA on the web page

8 ICS-II - 2006Lecture 0: Administration8 Exercises - Registration  Registration for the exercises only possible over the Internet! See the web page!  WebReg System  RBG Account needed  Favorites and exclusion times Assignment on exclusion times will be avoided Favorites will be considered, when possible No late registration/changes possible!  Registration is open!  Registration interval ends on April 21, 17:00!  Assignments will be available on April 21 (evening)

9 ICS-II - 2006Lecture 0: Administration9 Labs  Language: Java  Responsible: Andréas Johansson  Assistance available from tutors in Pool E003  Schedule on web page  5 tasks, from which 4 must be approved  qualification for exam!!!  Team work is possible, but every student is “tested” individually!  Tasks can be solved in teams of maximum 3 students

10 ICS-II - 2006Lecture 0: Administration10 Labs  Assistance and Testing weeks  In testing weeks no assistance, and vice versa  Testing is done by the tutors  The decision of the tutor (passed/failed) cannot be questioned. If you feel unjustly treated, contact the administrative staff.  Registration for the tests through WebReg  Solutions must be electronically handed in before the start of the testing week. See web page for details.

11 ICS-II - 2006Lecture 0: Administration11 Labs (Dates) Shared testing week July 10 -14 July 9 @ 23:59 June 124 & 5 June 19 - 23 June 18 @ 23:59 May 223 May 29 – June 2 May 28 @ 23:59 May 22 May 8 - 12 May 7 @ 23:59 April 181 Testing period DeadlineHanded outTask#

12 ICS-II - 2006Lecture 0: Administration12 Exam - Rules  Date: To be announced  Place: To be announced  Allowed tools: To be announced  Conditions for admittance:  4 of 5 approved lab assignments  10 of 12 home assignments handed in  50% of the points on the home assignments  Only failed the exercise test once

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