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Grant Proposal Project. The Santa Cruz County Water Conservation District is awarding $5,000 grants ◦ “For science and technology projects that facilitate.

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Presentation on theme: "Grant Proposal Project. The Santa Cruz County Water Conservation District is awarding $5,000 grants ◦ “For science and technology projects that facilitate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grant Proposal Project

2 The Santa Cruz County Water Conservation District is awarding $5,000 grants ◦ “For science and technology projects that facilitate local water conservation efforts or advance the understanding of relevant water conservation issues.” ◦ Only for undergraduate students in Santa Cruz County.

3 Typical length Average length tends to be 8-10 pages, including (typically):  Cover page  Title/Project Summary  Problem Statement and Project Description  This typically runs two pages  Methods  Goals and Expected Deliverables  Timeline  Itemized Budget and Justification  Biographical Sketches  References

4 Project topics You can take one of many different approaches towards your project: ◦ Examples:  Analyzing drought resistance in local biological systems  Designing filtration systems for water re-use  Collecting water consumption data Your project should make use of your engineering or lab research experience You do not need to carry out this project, but you will need to design it

5 Individual or group project? You may design projects individually or in groups of two students working together ◦ Each of you will need to write and submit your own proposal ◦ Any group-designed project must list all students involved in the project design

6 Assignment requirements Complete the grant application form and submit a printout of the forms ◦ SAVE_GrantProposalApplication.docx SAVE_GrantProposalApplication.docx Complete each section Adhere to the application format ◦ You MUST fit your text into the required format ◦ Do not remove prompts or change section headings

7 Formatting Advice Keep application as clean and clear as possible Keep sections headings attached to their corresponding prompts and text boxes

8 Special consideration: Your budget The following budget items are not allowed: ◦ Staff or student salaries ◦ Contractor expenses ◦ University overhead charges Any equipment purchased with the grant money will become property of UCSC Material costs and transportation expenses are appropriate, but your requests should be reasonable ◦ Specify these costs in your itemized budget

9 Budget example

10 Budget Justification Justify each major budget item What counts as a major budget item? ◦ If your project requires buying a dozen 29-cent LEDs, you likely don’t need to explain the choice ◦ If your project requires that you buy a 4000 watt generator, you should explain why you need a generator of this size ◦ Simply put, any part of your budget that might appear overpriced or unnecessary requires explanation

11 Timeline example

12 Biographical Sketch Briefly explain your qualifications to carry out this project ◦ Programming experience, lab experience, etc. ◦ Relevant job experience ◦ Relevant course projects and general coursework

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