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14.,15.11.2011, Bratislava 20 Years of Integration Strategies in Vienna.

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1 14.,15.11.2011, Bratislava 20 Years of Integration Strategies in Vienna

2 14.,15.11.2011, Bratislava Migration Policy in Austria Legal Basis of Immigration: Ministry of the Interior (National Authorities) NAG 2011 (Niederlassungs- und Aufenthaltsgesetzt) National Action Plan for Integration Integration - Secretary of the State Red-White-Red Card Integration Agreement (Language, 3.States) Financing and Practical Implementation of Integration Measures (Local Authorities)

3 14.,15.11.2011, Bratislava Vienna 1.719.730 (1.4.2011) 33,4 % International Background (21,5%without Citizenship, 12,0% Foreign born, 44% with only one non-native parent) Melting Pot of Europe (20ies) Labor Migration (60+70ies) The Shrinking City (80ies) Changed Migration Patterns (1989)

4 14.,15.11.2011, Bratislava Changed Framework 1989 The Fall of the Iron Curtains 1995 Accession of Austria in EU 2004 Enlargement of EU 2007 The next step of Enlargement 80%of Migrants from Europe Internationalisation& Location More than 300 Headquarters Major international organizations: UN, UNIDO, IAEA, OPEC and OSCE Economy

5 14.,15.11.2011, Bratislava Integration Policies Vienna Integration Fund (1991-2004) From Integration to … Diversity Policy Immigrants are not a minority, but are an essential part of the Viennese population. Equal opportunities for all citizens through measures in fields of education, employment, health sectors and the property market

6 14.,15.11.2011, Bratislava Vienna´s new Attitude towards Migration Demographic Development Economic Factor ( from Production to Knowledge Economy) Creativity & Diversity Being an Attractive City with higher Living´s Standard Attracting & Retaining of the Migrants Viennese Anti-Discrimination Law Ground „Race & Ethnicity“ City Administration Diversity Management as a Cross Cutting Issue & as a part of Quality Management

7 14.,15.11.2011, Bratislava Show Attitude! The Vienna´s Integration concept Roof “ JA, zu Zuwanderung” „Nein, zu Rassismus “ Fundament Transparency of Migration Policy & Managing of Migration Columns 1. Language: accessible& affordable 2. Education& Recognition of Qualifications 3. Peaceful Cohabitation 4. Indicators for Monitoring of Integration

8 14.,15.11.2011, Bratislava Objective Contribution to the Debate on Migration /Integration Reflection to the Future Opportunities and Challenges Summing up of requirements for Vienna on the basis of expert knowledge Recommendations to politicians Migration = Mobility = Plurality/ Diversity The importance of migration in the EU will continue to grow. The importance of the 3.rd Countries Migrants will stagnate. The global mobility of high-Skilled Migrants will increase. 28 proposals, Suggestions and Recommendations Immigration Commission

9 14.,15.11.2011, Bratislava Charta of Living Together in Vienna The core values ​​of our modern and cosmopolitan society & the rules for a good co-existence should be formulated in the “Vienna Charta of living together”. Nov. 2010, Intergovernmental Agreement

10 14.,15.11.2011, Bratislava Why does Vienna need a new Charta? Diversity: is an “Opportunity” Participatory Process Recently… Respectful Coexistence & a Common Language Citizens Rights & Obligations

11 14.,15.11.2011, Bratislava Wide distribution & Acceptance Participatory process with involvment of Citizens + stakeholders Experts (Human Right, Youth Advocate…) NGO´s “ExpertInnen des Alltags”- Daily life & Neighborhood Experts (Janitors, Youth etc.) Charta of Living Together

12 14.,15.11.2011, Bratislava Contents The fundamental values of the Society (Legal System & Constitution) - 3/4 Topics Methods Online Forums Dialogue Groups Summits Events

13 14.,15.11.2011, Bratislava “What are the most important topics for you for living together in Vienna”? Participation: Online /offline (Calling +Writing) Fixing of Themes 3/4 Topics (Suggestions of the Participants ) Online-Dialogue Forum

14 14.,15.11.2011, Bratislava Charta Dialogue Groups Self-Organized Groups (NGO´s, Associations, Faith Communities, Companies) + 15 Persons, organized Moderation Summits & Events Summery of the Results Presentation of the Results - Public Summits Revision “ The Charta” Recourses

15 14.,15.11.2011, Bratislava Shams ASADI City of Vienna 0043 1 4000 38952

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