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Using Hispanic Market Information Sources in SimplyMap Charles Swartz Vice President, Technology Geographic Research, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Hispanic Market Information Sources in SimplyMap Charles Swartz Vice President, Technology Geographic Research, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Hispanic Market Information Sources in SimplyMap Charles Swartz Vice President, Technology Geographic Research, Inc.

2 What is SimplyMap? –Web based mapping application designed for Academic, Public and Business Libraries –Users can create and export detailed maps and reports down to ZIP, Tract and Block- Group levels –Compared with traditional GIS applications it is very user friendly – great for non-technical Business and Marketing users –Pre-packaged with thousands of demographic, business and marketing data variables –Your data can be imported into SM –Data is updated annually

3 What Data is in SimplyMap? –Census Data (historical, 2000 census, current estimates, 5 year Projections) –Consumer Expenditure Data (Bureau of Labor Statistics) –Business Establishments by NAICS Category (U.S. Census Bureau, ZIP and County Business Patterns) – Mediamark Research, Inc. (MRI) Survey of the American Consumer –Life Stage Clusters and Market Segments –FBI, Uniform Crime Reports; National Climatic Data Center Data; Consumer Price Index

4 Additional Data Sources are identified by customer suggestions and requests as well as by our own research into available sources. We welcome any suggestions from Customers about features or data sources. Please let us know what you would like!

5 Hispanic Market Data in SM: –Count of Hispanic Population and Households and Percent Hispanic by USA, State, County, City, ZIP, Census Tract, and Block Group –Age Category by Gender for Hispanic Populations as well as Median Male and Median Female Age –Income Category by Hispanic Origin (e.g., HH’s earning $50K - $75K) –Hispanic Median HH Income, Per Capita Income, Average Income –Hispanic Ancestry Data (total, Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican) –Language Data – Spanish Speaking Population

6 The Hispanic Population in the USA

7 Percent Hispanic, 1980

8 Percent Hispanic, 1990

9 Percent Hispanic, 2000

10 Percent Hispanic, 2007 Estimate based on 2000 Data

11 Percent Hispanic, 1980 – Counties over 20% Hispanic

12 Percent Hispanic, 1990 – Counties over 20% Hispanic

13 Percent Hispanic, 2000 – Counties over 20% Hispanic

14 Percent Hispanic, 2007 Estimate – Counties over 20% Hispanic

15 Count of Hispanic Population, 2007 Estimate

16 Percent Hispanic, 2007 Estimate (repeated slide)

17 Percent Mexican Ancestry, 2007 Estimate

18 Percent Puerto Rican Ancestry, 2007 Estimate

19 Percent Cuban Ancestry, 2007 Estimate

20 A Local Analysis of the Hispanic Market in New York: Where should I Launch my Hispanic Specialty Food Delivery Service? (similar to Fresh Direct)

21 Hispanic Population Count, 2007 – by ZIP Code, NYC

22 Percent Hispanic, 2007 - by ZIP Code, NYC




26 Hispanic Median HH Income, 2007 - by ZIP Code, NYC


28 Total HH Spending on Food at Home (in $000’s), 2007 - by ZIP Code, NYC



31 Amount Spent on Catalog, Mail, Phone or Internet Orders, 2007 - by ZIP Code, NYC

32 Create Query, 2007 - by ZIP Code, NYC

33 Query Results

34 Report with Selected ZIP Codes and Key Variables

35 Chart of Hispanic Population in Selected ZIP Codes

36 Chart of Population Density in Selected ZIP Codes

37 The Future of SimplyMap –Currently adding in a million points of interest dataset from D&B as well as a 12 million record business point dataset –Launching an online forum for users to ask questions and propose new features and data –Will add in older historical data from 1960 and 1970 (in their own geographies) –Ring Studies and a Ranking feature will be available soon –An International version of SimplyMap is also in the works

38 For more information about a SimplyMap trial or demo, or to discuss today’s presentation, please feel free to visit me at booth #248 Thank You! Charles Swartz Geographic Research, Inc.

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