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MIXTURE PROBLEMS Prepared for Intermediate Algebra Mth 04 Online by Dick Gill.

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1 MIXTURE PROBLEMS Prepared for Intermediate Algebra Mth 04 Online by Dick Gill

2 The following slides give you nine mixture problems to practice. Answers to these problems follow. If some of your answers are wrong, the complete solutions will follow the answer slide.

3 Three mixture problems at the beginners level. Round your answers to the nearest tenth if necessary. 1.How many ounces of a solution that is 10% alcohol should be mixed with 12 ounces of a solution that is is 24% alcohol to create a solution that is 15% alcohol? 2.How many liters of a solution that is 20% acid should be added to 3 liters of a solution that is 30% acid to create a solution that is 24% acid? 3.How many liters of a solution that is 50% antifreeze should be added to 8 liters of a solution that is 80% antifreeze to create a solution that is 60% antifreeze?

4 Three mixture problems at the intermediate level. Round your answers to the nearest tenth if necessary. 4. How many ounces of a solution that is 10% alcohol should be added to a solution that is 28% alcohol to create 30 ounces of a solution that is 20% alcohol? 5. How many liters of a solution that is 20% acid should be added to how many liters of a solution that is 38% acid to create 8 liters of a solution that is 30% acid? 6. How many liters of a solution that is 50% antifreeze should be added to how many liters of a solution that is 72% antifreeze to create 2.4 liters of a solution that is 58% antifreeze?

5 Three mixture problems at the advanced level. Round your answers to the nearest hundredth if necessary. 7. Ten liters of a solution that is 30% alcohol is going to be diluted to 24% alcohol by adding water. How much water is needed? 8. A solution that is 30% antifreeze is going to be enriched by adding pure antifreeze. How much of each is needed to generate 2 gallons of a solution that is 50% antifreeze? 9. How many gallons should be drained from a 10 gallon tank of 24% alcohol if we are going to replace it with pure alcohol and create a solution of 35% alcohol?

6 Answers to mixture problems 1 – 9. 1.21.6 ounces 2.4.5 liters 3.16 liters 4.13.3 ounces 5.3.6 liters at 20%; 4.4 liters at 38% 6.1.5 liters at 50%; 0.9 liters at 72% 7.2.5 liters 8.1.43 gal at 30%; 0.57 gal at 100% 9.1.45 gal Complete solutions follow.

7 1. Percent Amount of solution Amount of target 1 st container.10x.10x 2 nd container.2412.24(12) Mixture.15x + 12.15(x + 12).10x +.24(12) =.15(x + 12).10x + 2.88 =.15x + 1.8 1.08 =.05x 21.6 = x 21.6 ounces @ 10%

8 2. Percent Amount of solution Amount of target 1 st container.20x.20x 2 nd container.303.30(3) Mixture.24x + 3.24(x + 3).20x +.90 =.24x +.72.18 =.04x 4.5 = x 4.5 liters at 20%

9 3. Percent Amount of solution Amount of target 1 st container.50x.50x 2 nd container.808.80(8) Mixture.60x + 8.60(x + 8).50x +.80(8) =.60(x + 8).50x + 6.40 =.60x + 4.80 1.60 =.10x 16 = x 16 liters at 50%

10 4. Percent Amount of solution Amount of target 1 st container.10x.10x 2 nd container.2830 - x.28(30 – x) Mixture.2030.20(30).10x +.28(30 – x) =.20(30).10x + 8.4 -.28x = 6 -.18x = -2.4 x = 13.3 13.3 ounces at 10%

11 5. Percent Amount of solution Amount of target 1 st container.20X.20x 2 nd container.388 - x.38(8 – x) Mixture.308.30(8).20x +.38(8 – x) =.30(8).20x + 3.04 -.38x = 2.40 -.18x = -.64 x = 3.6; 8 – x = 4.4 3.6 liters at 20%; 4.4 liters at 38%

12 6. Percent Amount of solution Amount of target 1 st container.50x.50x 2 nd container.722.4 - x.72(2.4 – x) Mixture.582.4.58(2.4).50x +.72(2.4 – x) =.58(2.4).50x + 1.728 -.72x = 1.392 -.22x = -.336 x = 1.5; 2.4 – x = 0.9 1.5 liters at 50%; 0.9 liters at 72%

13 7. Percent Amount of solution Amount of target 1 st container.3010.30(10) 2 nd container 0x0(x) Mixture.24x + 10.24(x + 10).30(10) + 0 =.24(x + 10) 3 =.24x + 2.4 0.6 =.24x 2.5 = x 2.5 liters of water

14 8. Percent Amount of solution Amount of target 1 st container.30x.30(x) 2 nd container 1.002 - x1.00(2 – x) Mixture.502.50(2).30(x) + 1.00(2 – x) =.50(2).30x + 2.00 – 1.00x = 1.00 -.70x = -1.00 x = 1.43; 2 – x = 0.57 1.43 gal at 30%; 0.57 gal at 100%

15 9. Percent Amount of solution Amount of target 1 st container.2410 - x.24(10 – x) 2 nd container 1.00x1.00x Mixture.3510.35(10).24(10 – x) + 1.00x =.35(10) 2.4 -.24x + 1.00x = 3.5.76x = 1.1 x = 1.45 Drain 1.45 gal and replace with 100% alcohol

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