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Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Activities for Municipal Operations Developing the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Presenter: Keith Noble,

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Presentation on theme: "Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Activities for Municipal Operations Developing the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Presenter: Keith Noble,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Activities for Municipal Operations Developing the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Presenter: Keith Noble, Saginaw Bay District Office

2 How to develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan

3 Who needs to develop the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan

4 Including the following municipal operations: Airports Wastewater Treatment Plants (1MGD+) Maintenance facilities for bus and waste Hauling vehicles Land fills Land Applications sites Facilities regulated by the industrial storm water regulations

5 Municipal owned or operated facilities that are not designated by the Industrial Storm Water regulations, which meet any of the following criteria, must develop and implement a SWPPP.

6 There are storm water discharges to surface waters of the state Facilities will need to develop a SWPPP if:

7 They meet the definition of a storage yard

8 There is a fleet and maintenance activities for the fleet are conducted outside

9 Maintenance is performed outside

10 There is evidence of poor housekeeping

11 Information on who needs to develop the SWPPP is in the Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Activities for Municipal Operations compliance assistance document available on the DNRE storm water web site


13  The industrial storm water certified operator training provides instruction for the development and implementation of the SWPPP  Contact District Water Bureau Staff to schedule training Certified Operator Training

14  The Industrial Storm Water Certified Operator Training Manual is located @ on the Industrial Program page. Certified Operator Training

15 The SWPPP needs to be developed and implemented by the due date for the SWPPI or SWMP  For municipalities that are permitted under the watershed general permit they must have a industrial storm water certified operator unless the SWPPP is submitted as part of the SWPPI.

16 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)


18 A lengthy plan is not necessarily an effective plan.


20 Pollution Incident Prevention Plan (PIPP) (Part 5 Rules) Liquid Polluting Materials

21 Solid Polluting Materials

22 Spill Prevention Countermeasures and Control Plan (SPCC) (40 CFR 112) Oil Pollution Prevention

23 Ethanol Plants Asphalt Plants

24 Integrated Contingency Plans  Typically include all environmental, health, and safety plans including SWPPP, PIPP, and SPCC

25 Sample plans can be obtained from the DNRE district offices.



28 SWPPP Requirements

29 SWPPP must identify Significant Materials both outside… and inside the facility

30 Goal  Prevent the contamination of the surface waters of the state Sediment

31 Remember…preventing pollution is the BEST SOLUTION

32 Developing a SWPPP  Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Source Identification Source Identification Non-Structural Controls Non-Structural Controls Structural Controls Structural Controls

33 Site Map Development Source Identification


35 Site map must show everything relevant to storm water Source Identification

36 Identifying Significant Materials Source Identification

37 Soils

38 Salt

39 Raw Materials Source Identification

40 Fuels and Lubricants Source Identification

41 Solvents and Detergents Source Identification

42 Fertilizers and Pesticides Source Identification

43 Waste Products Source Identification

44 Polluting Materials Source Identification

45 Wastewater

46 Building Materials Source Identification

47 All sources of contamination need to be identified Source Identification

48 Remember  The outside and inside of the facility must be evaluated Source Identification

49 Significant Material Inventory Source Identification



52 Pollutant Sources Source Identification

53 Loading, unloading, and other material handling operations Source Identification

54 Outdoor storage including secondary containment structures Source Identification

55 On-site waste disposal practices Source Identification

56 Maintenance and cleaning of vehicles, machines, and equipment Source Identification

57 Areas of exposed and / or erodible soils Source Identification

58 Sites of Environmental Contamination, under Part 201 Source Identification

59 Other areas where storm water may contact significant materials Source Identification

60 Inventory exposed materials and evaluate method of exposure Source Identification

61 Listing of Significant Spills Source Identification

62 Spill Report shall include:  Date  Volume  Location of release  Actions taken to clean up material Source Identification

63 If a release occurs…  It shall be managed in accordance with the SWPPP  The SWPPP shall be updated to include corrective actions within 14 calendar days Source Identification

64 Storm Water sampling IS NOT a requirement at most municipal facilities that develop a SWPPP Source Identification

65 Developing a SWPPP  Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Source Identification Source Identification Non-Structural Controls Non-Structural Controls Structural Controls Structural Controls

66 Non-Structural Controls

67 8 Non Structural Controls 1. Preventative Maintenance / Routine Inspections 2. Comprehensive Inspections 3. Good Housekeeping 4. Material Handling & Spill Prevention / Response Non-Structural Controls

68 5. Sedimentation & Erosion Control 6. Employee Training 7. TMDL requirements 8. Significant Materials Present Non-Structural Controls

69 1.Preventative Maintenance Non-Structural Controls

70 Identifying and Preventing Breakdowns Non-Structural Controls

71 Preventative Maintenance Program Description EquipmentTasksFrequency Silt Sacks Clean and Replace if needed After significant rain events Detention Pond Inspect outfall and remove collected debris if needed Every other month Fleet Vehicles Oil change and check over Every 3000 miles Non-Structural Controls

72 Routine Inspections  Responsibility of the Certified Operator or Storm Water Program Manager  Recommended every two weeks  Must be documented Non-Structural Controls

73 Focus on areas that have a greater potential to contaminate storm water Non-Structural Controls

74 Inspections should include: Non-Structural Controls  Housekeeping activity areas  Preventative maintenance items  Material handling areas  Fueling areas  Etc.

75 Non-Structural Controls

76 2.Comprehensive Site Inspections Non-Structural Controls

77 COMPREHENSIVE site inspection must be conducted quarterly or on an alternative schedule approved by the Department Non-Structural Controls

78 All controls should be evaluated Non-Structural Controls

79  Document comprehensive site inspections  Responsible of the Certified Operator or smp Non-Structural Controls


81 A schedule for COMPREHENSIVE site inspections must be identified in the SWPPP Non-Structural Controls

82 3.Good Housekeeping Practices Non-Structural Controls

83 Operation and Maintenance Procedures Non-Structural Controls

84 Material Storage Practices and Inventory Procedures Non-Structural Controls

85 Employee Participation Non-Structural Controls

86 Housekeeping Procedures and Schedule Area/TaskTasksFrequency Chip & Refuse Dumpster Storage Area Inspect the area for spillage or leakage At the end of each shift Loading Dock Sweep collected material At the end of each shift Pallet Storage Area Inspect for cleanliness Every Friday Rack Storage Area Inspect for cleanliness Every Friday Non-Structural Controls

87 4.Material Handling and Storage Procedures Non-Structural Controls

88 Tracking spilled materials outside Non-Structural Controls

89 Loading and Unloading Procedures Non-Structural Controls

90 Poor material storage location Non-Structural Controls

91 Material storage procedures Non-Structural Controls

92 Avoid storing liquids near drains Non-Structural Controls

93 Avoid storing leaky items near drains Non-Structural Controls

94 Avoid storing flammable materials near heat Non-Structural Controls

95 Avoid storing acids and bases near each other BOOM!!! Non-Structural Controls

96 Avoid stacking materials too high

97 Barrier posts in high risk areas Non-Structural Controls

98 Proper labeling of containers Non-Structural Controls

99 Barrels and Drums stored outside must be kept off the ground Non-Structural Controls

100 Critical Materials in secondary containment Non-Structural Controls

101 Spill Prevention & Response Non-Structural Controls

102 Identify Spilled Material Contact SupervisorProtect Storm Drain Big Spill Contain Spill Hire Contractor Write Report Small Spill Clean Spill Dispose of Material Appropriately Non-Structural Controls

103 Avoiding spills is economically preferred Non-Structural Controls

104 Identifying Potential Spill Areas Non-Structural Controls

105 Material Handling & Storage Procedures Non-Structural Controls

106 Detailed clean-up procedures  Spill kit locations  Clean-up equipment  Clean-up personal  Phone numbers Non-Structural Controls

107 Area Materials Present Response Plan Location Fuel Bay Absorbent Material, Absorbent Pads, Absorbent Booms Shift Supervisor’s Office Loading Dock Absorbent Material, Absorbent Pads, Absorbent Booms Shift Supervisor’s Office Chemical Storage Area Absorbent Material, Absorbent Pads, Absorbent Booms Shift Supervisor’s Office Non-Structural Controls

108 In the event of a spill Non-Structural Controls

109 DNRE Pollution Emergency Alert System (PEAS)  1-800-292-4706 Non-business hours Non-business hours  Call the District Office During business hours During business hours Make sure a message is left with a person not an answering machine. Make sure a message is left with a person not an answering machine. Non-Structural Controls

110 Spill report form is available on the DNRE website Non-Structural Controls

111 5.Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Non-Structural Controls

112 Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures Area Of Concern Control Measures Gravel Parking Lot Catch Basin Inserts Detention Pond Outfall Rip Rap around the culvert and in the spill way Access Road Over Roadside Ditch Stone Filter Berm Non-Structural Controls

113 Outlet pipes to ditches and streams Non-Structural Controls

114 Culverts and Stream Crossings Non-Structural Controls

115 Areas with exposed soils Non-Structural Controls

116 Gravel / Dirt lots Non-Structural Controls

117 DNRE Construction Storm Water Manual Non-Structural Controls The is available to download on the DNRE Storm Water Website on the Construction Site Program page. The Construction Site Certified Operator and SESC Training Manual is available to download on the DNRE Storm Water Website on the Construction Site Program page.

118 6.Employee Training Non-Structural Controls






124 Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Non-Structural Controls

125 Spill prevention and response Non-Structural Controls

126 Internal spill reporting procedures Non-Structural Controls

127 Employee Training Schedule Topic Employees Included Frequency Good Housekeeping Practices All Employees Time of Hire & Annually Spill Prevention & Response 1) All Employees 2) Response Team 1) Time of Hire & Annually 2) 6 Months Internal Spill Reporting Procedures All Employees Time of Hire & Annually Non-Structural Controls

128 Training events need to be documented Non-Structural Controls



131 7.Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) Non-Structural Controls

132 TMDL is the process used to determine how much pollutant load a lake or stream can handle from point and nonpoint sources. Non-Structural Controls

133  Contact your district staff for specific TMDL information  If the TMDL is listed in the Certificate of Coverage issued to the Municipality  If a TMDL applies to your receiving waters, controls to meet the TMDL are required in your SWPPP Non-Structural Controls

134 8. Significant Materials still present Non-Structural Controls

135 Unnatural turbidity Non-Structural Controls

136 Sediment deposit

137 Unnatural oil film Non-Structural Controls

138 Unnatural foam Non-Structural Controls

139 If pollutants still remain after non-structural controls, structural controls will have to be installed. Non-Structural Controls

140 Industrial Storm Water Certified Operator Class Provides Training On Specific Pollution Prevention Measures

141 Fueling Stations Activity Specific Controls

142 Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Activity Specific Controls

143 Controls for Painting Operations Activity Specific Controls

144 Controls for washing:  Equipment  Vehicles Activity Specific Controls

145 Equipment and vehicle wash water is not authorized

146 Storm sewer inlet Vehicle wash water

147 Controls for Loading and Unloading Operations Activity Specific Controls

148 Controls for liquid storage in above ground tanks


150 Controls for outside storage of materials

151 Controls For Outside Waste Disposal Areas Activity Specific Controls

152 Controls For Dewatering Activity Specific Controls

153 Cease the discharge

154 For dewatering on emergency repair jobs Do not discharge directly into: Storm Sewers Surface Waters Discharge into: Stone Dense growth of vegetation

155 Catch Basin Protection Catch Basin Insert Activity Specific Controls

156 Straw bales are not effective


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