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Junamil C. Zamora. Four features: 1. A verbal and/ or visual message 2. A sponsor who is identified 3. Delivery through one or more media 4. Payment by.

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Presentation on theme: "Junamil C. Zamora. Four features: 1. A verbal and/ or visual message 2. A sponsor who is identified 3. Delivery through one or more media 4. Payment by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Junamil C. Zamora

2 Four features: 1. A verbal and/ or visual message 2. A sponsor who is identified 3. Delivery through one or more media 4. Payment by sponsor to the media carrying the message.

3  According to target audience:  Consumer advertising  Business-to-business advertising  According to what is being advertised  Product (or service) Direct action – seeks quick response Indirect action advertising –longer period of time  Institutional (or corporate) Customer service advertising – personal service available Public service advertising – improve the quality of life

4  According to objective sought  Primary-demand advertising Designed to stimulate demand for generic category such as parmesan cheese, Brazilian coffee, or cotton garments  Selective-demand advertising Intended for individual brands such as Kraft cheese, Nescafe coffee, and Bench clothing

5 Before designing an advertising campaign, management must undertake the ff.: 1. Identify the target audience 2. Establish over-all promotional objectives 3. Determine an overall promotional theme

6  Steps: 1. Defining objectives 2. Establishing a budget 3. Creating a message 4. Selecting a media 5. Evaluating effectiveness

7 In general, advertisers expect to accomplish four broad communication goals. 1. to generate attention 2. be understood 3. believed 4. remembered

8  Once a marketing communications budget has been established, it is allocated among the various activities making up the overall marketing communications program.

9 Types of major advertising formats:  Storyline  Product uses and solutions  Slice of life  Demonstration  Testimonials  lifestyles  Still life – portrays the product in a visually attractive setting  Association  Montage  Jingles

10 There are general factors that influence media choice: a. Objectives of the advertisement – the purpose of a particular advertisement and the goals of the entire campaign influence the choice of media to use. b. Audience coverage – the audience reach by the medium should match the desired geographic area in which the product is distributed. c. Requirements of the message – the medium should fit the message d. Time and location of the buying decision e. Media cost

11 Major Media  Newspaper  TV  Direct mail  Radio  Magazines  Out-of-Home Advertising  Specialty Advertising  Yellow pages  Infomercials – information with entertainment and product promotion  WWW

12  Management tool designed to favorably influence attitude towards an organization, its products, and its policies.  Publicity is any communication about an organization, its products or policies through a medium that is not paid for by the organization.

13  Appearances - talk shows  Event sponsorships - charitable institutions

14  The media schedule or media plan is a time schedule identifying the exact media to be used and the dates when the advertisements are to appear.  There are some specific media vehicles that requires reach and frequency:  Reach is the number of people exposed to an advertisement in a given medium.  Frequency is the number of times an individual is expected to be exposed to an advertiser’s message.

15  Reference:  Marketing: A Simplified Approach Zenaida S. Diola Edgar M. Tichepco


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