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Presented to presented by Increase Efficiency of Highway Freight Wisconsin’s Initiatives AASHTO BOD Workshop 9:30am to 11:30am Nov 2012 Mark Gottlieb,

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Presentation on theme: "Presented to presented by Increase Efficiency of Highway Freight Wisconsin’s Initiatives AASHTO BOD Workshop 9:30am to 11:30am Nov 2012 Mark Gottlieb,"— Presentation transcript:

1 presented to presented by Increase Efficiency of Highway Freight Wisconsin’s Initiatives AASHTO BOD Workshop 9:30am to 11:30am Nov 2012 Mark Gottlieb, P. E. Secretary, Wisconsin Department of Transportation Chair AASHTO Subcommittee on Highway Transport

2 Wisconsin DOT Today Overview Freight Operations and Safety GLRTOC Wisconsin Truck Parking Grant Safety and Design Support TS&W Study & Recommendations OSOW FN Configuration focused MOU – Minnesota/Wisconsin Permits Freight Reform Initiative AASHTO SCOHT Resolution 2 *Source: Wisconsin Connections 2030 Plan; WisDOT Strategy 2010-2011

3 Freight Operations and Safety GLRTOC Partners & Mission Founded 2009 Eight Member Agencies Mission: Improve cross- regional transportation operations in support of regional economic competitiveness and improved quality of life. The Great Lakes Regional Transportation Operations Coalition (GLRTOC)

4 Freight Operations and Safety GLRTOC Strategies & MCOM Award Three Strategic Focus Areas Efficient freight operations Reliable mobility TIM / ETO Multistate Corridor Operations and Management (MCOM) Award (2013-2015) Connected Centers and Gateway System Expansion Smart Work Zone Collaboration and Performance

5 Freight Operations and Safety Truck Parking FHWA Discretionary Truck Parking Grant. Received $1.0 million (Requested $1.8 Million). Revising work plan based on new budget. Plan will include both public rest stops and private truck stops along I-94. Building from lessons learned from the experiences of Minnesota, Michigan, and others gaining efficiencies. Goals: Provide real time information about available parking space upstream and online. Support integrated multi-state regional transportation operations and services for our freight stakeholders. 5

6 Freight Operations and Safety Safety and Design Support ICE – Intersection control evaluation » Review new designs to balance freight mobility and safety. » Ensure new impediments are not created. Infrastructure design support » Work with designers as freight equipment and infrastructure design continue to evolve and improve to ensure changes to the system adapted to these changes. Work Zone Mitigation » Balance repairs and modifications with freight mobility and safety. 6

7 Truck Size & Weight Study & Recommendations 2005 Wisconsin Act 167 mandated creation of a Joint Legislative Council study committee on highway weight limits. That committee’s recommendation: require WisDOT to contract for a comprehensive TS&W study, focusing on economic benefits, infrastructure protection, and safety. Comprehensive TS&W study requirement included in 2007 state budget. Study was completed in 2010 and performed with no predetermined outcomes or expectations. Study laid the groundwork for the Freight Reform Initiative. 7

8 Truck Size & Weight Study & Recommendations Oversize Overweight Freight Network Permitted loads growing exponentially Designate routes for majority of OSOW vehicles » Include redundancy for detours! Concept has allowed: » Designers to know what needs to be accommodated on which routes. » Planners to shape project priorities/project scheduling. » Construction crews to balance system repairs and maintenance with Freight Mobility. » Permit, Operations, and Enforcement staff to have a reliable routing and incident alert notification. 8

9 Truck Size & Weight Study & Recommendations Configuration Based Wisconsin has 36 permit or statutory exemptions for commercial oversize or overweight loads (5 more if Implements are included) Permits for Non-divisible Loads: 12 Permit Types Permits for Divisible Loads: 14 Permit Types Statutory Exemptions: 10 (15 with IoH) Most recently enacted permits follow federal bridge formula and are consistent with the WI Truck Size/Weight Study TS&W study looked at a cross section of vehicle configurations. Like recent regulatory changes and the goal moving forward is to focus on the physics of the load configuration not commodity. 9

10 Truck Size & Weight Study & Recommendations MOU with Minnesota Harmonize permit conditions and size/weight law between states. Work together on development of an electronic interface between MN and WI permit systems. » This Portal will eliminate having to enter duplicative application data. » Both states will review their portions of the route and issue permits according to existing state law. Have regular operational contact to keep the sister state informed on near border restrictions and head off cross-border re-routes. 10

11 Truck Size & Weight Study & Recommendations Freight Reform Initiative Aligning DOT actions to industry needs and Wisconsin’s economic engine. Empowering DOT to respond to and create growth opportunities for Wisconsin. Proactive approach to enacting transportation legislation and regulations that impact business. Forging strategic partnerships with industry. 11

12 Truck Size & Weight Study & Recommendations Freight Reform Initiative 1. Invite Industry to Participate in annual Freight Summits 2. “Freight Friendly” regulations 3. Develop Multimodal Freight Network 12

13 Truck Size & Weight Study & Recommendations Freight Reform Initiative Regulations should: » Preserve or improve safety » Ensure competitive and efficient freight regulation and infrastructure » Balance economic benefits and rate of infrastructure degradation » Streamline and minimize procedures » Strive to maintain a level playing field » Address energy and environmental needs through efficiency and innovation 13 “Freight Friendly Wisconsin”

14 AASHTO SCOHT Resolution Background SCOHT Committee and Specialized Carriers met in Milwaukee July 2012. Two charges of the Committee and themes coming out of the meeting: » Size and Weight Study requirements in MAP 21 » Permit condition harmonization Resolution does not speak to Size and Weight. Only permit operational conditions. 14

15 AASHTO SCOHT Resolution Background Manufacturing and production has shifted for ship and build to build and ship even across state lines. These shipments are most often carried by specialized trucks with state issued permits. Permitted loads are increasingly being delayed at borders between states. These delays cost shippers and carriers significant lose or revenue. 15

16 AASHTO SCOHT Resolution Background Goal is to focus on initial operational issues as opposed to all issues at once. Resolution has been sent to SCOH and BOD for adoption. At the same time Resolution has been adopted by AASHTO Regional SCOHT committees and work to harmonize within each region is underway. 16

17 Questions? 17

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