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Dependent and Independent Variables Explained Mr. Bushey.

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2 Dependent and Independent Variables Explained Mr. Bushey

3 You’re right! It Depends… 2 + ____ =__?__ What does this problem equal?

4 Did you know that if you can add 1+1 then you can learn today’s lesson about variables? Ok…here it goes! 1+1=2 So, I guess you’re ready!

5 2+2=4 2+4=6 2+50=52

6 2+2=4 2+4=6 2+50=52 In every example, we changed one number… …and it affected the answer! Therefore, the answer depended on the number we changed!

7 Simple, but try it! 10+__=__ Fill in the above problems to make 3 true math sentences.

8 Variables are used in Math and Science! A variable is… something that can be changed. In our math problems, the numbers we changed were called variables. 2+2=4 A constant is… something that does not change. In our math problems, the number we decided not to change could be called a constant.

9 In math problems we use independent and dependent variables! 2+2=4 Constant (It stayed the same) Independent variable (The one number we changed) Dependent variable (The number that depended on the independent variable)


11 Circle the right option whether if it is Constant (C) Dependent (D) or Independent (I) Variable 1. 5 + ? =___C D I 2. ? + 4=____C D I 3. 5? + ___ =__C D I 4. 6 x ___= ?C D I 5. 4 – 3?= ___C D I 6.8 + ? =___C D I 7.15 + ___=__?__C D I 8.2 + ___=__?__ C D I 9.? x 9 =____C D I 10.8? + ___=____C D I


13 Activity DEPENDENTINDEPENDENT Classify the following statements into dependent and independent variables.

14 Statements How far you can drive //The amount of gas you have The number of assignments you turned in // Your math grade How much money you earn // The hours you work How many miles you went over the speed limit // Cost of a speeding ticket How fast you drive // Time it takes to drive somewhere Who scores more points // Result of a football game Temperature //How much air conditioning you use Total calories and fat // Number of cookies How much education you have // Opportunities for high- paying jobs Time for watching TV// Homework assigned.

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