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Sarah Nelson’s 4 th Grade Science Class. /endanger/_tourlaunch1.htm.

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Presentation on theme: "Sarah Nelson’s 4 th Grade Science Class. /endanger/_tourlaunch1.htm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sarah Nelson’s 4 th Grade Science Class

2 /endanger/_tourlaunch1.htm

3 Lesson Objectives: What You Will Learn Causes of endangerment and extinction Animals on the endangered list Different parts of the world animals are endangered How animals get on the endangered species list The difference between endangered and extinct Why we care about endangered species Come learn about us!

4 Focus Activities **Before you begin the field trip please do these things first** Find a picture of your favorite endangered animal List any three facts that you find interesting about this animal Locate what part of the world this animal lives in

5 Here We Go! Developmental Activities First, get on internet explorer and copy and paste this link htm htm We will first begin our trip by exploring facts about how animals become endangered Then, we will visit a site called “Bagheera” that teaches us about different endangered animals After that we will learn about Koko the famous gorilla! Next, we will learn why it is important to save endangered species We then will look at an endangered species list of the United States We also will learn about the bald eagle and how animals are tracked

6 Evaluation Activities We will be getting into groups of 3 and making a poster board of an animal that is on the endangered species list On this poster board will need to include a picture of the animal, three interesting facts about the animal, and why it is on the endangered species list. After making a poster board, you will be making a plan to help the animal (it could be tracking, making a fundraiser, opening up a nature preserve etc) Be creative!

7 Summary Virtual field trips are a fun way for students to learn! It allows students to “travel” to places such as a rainforest, Egypt, NASA etc without ever having to leave the classroom! With the site I used, it allowed the students to not only learn facts about endangered species, but allowed them to “visit” different parts of the world and “see” the different animals. Virtual field trips are a fun and great way to keep students interested in the topic, learn information, and have fun!

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